blob: 45cdc279edcfb9fe20216c35e90a7280683a2cfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/memory.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
struct arrow {
struct inner {
} value;
const inner* operator->() const { return &value; }
template <typename T>
struct weird_ptr {
const T& operator->() const { return value; }
T value;
namespace std {
template <>
struct pointer_traits<arrow> {
using element_type = const typename arrow::inner;
template <typename T>
struct pointer_traits<weird_ptr<T>> {
using element_type = const T;
} // namespace std
namespace {
constexpr bool IsAddressOfConstexpr() {
int a = 1;
return cpp17::addressof(a) == &a;
TEST(MemoryTest, AddressOfReturnsCorrectPointer) {
static_assert(IsAddressOfConstexpr() == true,
"cpp17::addressof should be evaluated in constexpr.");
TEST(MemoryTest, AddressOfReturnsAddressNotOverridenOperator) {
struct Misleading {
constexpr Misleading* operator&() const { return nullptr; }
alignas(Misleading) std::array<char, sizeof(Misleading)> buffer;
const Misleading* ptr = new (static_cast<void*>( Misleading();
const Misleading& misleading = *ptr;
ASSERT_EQ(&misleading, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(cpp17::addressof(misleading), ptr);
// TODO( Disable these tests until we can avoid taking the address of std::
// functions #if __cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr >= 201603L && !defined(LIB_STDCOMPAT_USE_POLYFILLS)
// template <typename T>
// constexpr void check_addressof_alias() {
//// Need so the compiler picks the right overload.
// constexpr T* (*cpp17_addressof)(T&) = &cpp17::addressof<T>;
// constexpr T* (*std_addressof)(T&) = &std::addressof<T>;
// static_assert(cpp17_addressof == std_addressof);
// struct UserType {
// int var;
// TEST(MemoryTest, AddressOfIsAliasForStdWhenAvailable) {
// check_addressof_alias<int>();
// check_addressof_alias<UserType>();
// #endif
TEST(MemoryTest, ToAddressWithRawReturnsRightPointer) {
constexpr int* a = nullptr;
static_assert(cpp20::to_address(a) == nullptr, "To Address returns right raw ptr.");
TEST(MemoryTest, ToAddressWithFancyReturnsRightPointer) {
std::unique_ptr<int> a = std::make_unique<int>(1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.get(), cpp20::to_address(a));
TEST(MemoryTest, ToAddressWithArrowReturnsRightPointer) {
cpp17::optional<const int> a(13);
EXPECT_EQ(&*a, cpp20::to_address(a));
arrow b;
EXPECT_EQ(&b.value, cpp20::to_address(b));
// We only go one level because cpp17::optional<T>::operator->() returns T*, which goes to the
// first overload of cpp20::to_address and there is no recursion.
cpp17::optional<const arrow> c;
EXPECT_EQ(&*c, cpp20::to_address(c));
// TODO( libc++ and libstdc++ currently both have broken implementations of
// std::to_address that require specializing std::pointer_traits and don't allow operator-> to
// return non-raw-pointers, so the chaining in this test case (which seems to be intentionally
// allowed by the standard, given that there is a recursive path through the function) is
// impossible.
// Here we do go two levels because weird_ptr<T>::operator->() returns const T&, which goes back
// to the overload for operator->() and then we get a raw pointer.
// weird_ptr<cpp17::optional<const int>> e;
// EXPECT_EQ(&*e.value, cpp20::to_address(e));
// TODO( This is only to be bug-compatible with the standard library
// implementations; change asserts when the linked bug is resolved.
TEST(MemoryTest, BannedUses) {
struct banned {
const int* operator->() const { return &value; }
int value;
// These tests must *not* compile to keep compatibility with the curent standard library
// implementations. Uncomment them to verify that they error out both for the polyfill and the
// standard version.
// No std::pointer_traits specialization
// banned a;
// EXPECT_EQ(&a.value, cpp20::to_address(a));
// Doesn't ever get to a raw pointer
// weird_ptr<const int> b;
// EXPECT_EQ(&b.value, cpp20::to_address(b));
// Incorrect attempt at chaining
// cpp17::optional<const cpp17::optional<int>> c(13);
// EXPECT_EQ(&**c, cpp20::to_address(c));
// No chaining
// weird_ptr<cpp17::optional<const int>> d;
// EXPECT_EQ(&*d.value, cpp20::to_address(d));
// TODO( Disable these tests until we can avoid taking the address of std::
// functions #if __cpp_lib_to_address >= 201711L && !defined(LIB_STDCOMPAT_USE_POLYFILLS)
// template <typename T>
// constexpr void check_to_address_alias() {
//// Need so the compiler picks the right overload.
// constexpr auto (*cpp20_to_address)(const T&) = &cpp20::to_address<T>;
// constexpr auto (*std_to_address)(const T&) = &std::to_address<T>;
// static_assert(cpp20_to_address == std_to_address);
// TEST(MemoryTest, ToAddressIsAliasForStdWhenAvailable) {
// check_to_address_alias<int*>();
// check_to_address_alias<std::unique_ptr<int>>();
// #endif
} // namespace