blob: 0857f731394fc26fee25a28ac4dfb40d039b64a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/dispatcher.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Usage Notes:
// Usage of this API is restricted to the Driver Framework's V1 driver host.
// This is used to update the driver runtime of the current driver context
// that the driver host thread is in.
// Example:
// void some_op(zx_driver_t* driver) {
// fdf_runtime_push_driver(driver);
// // Dispatch driver operation.
// ...
// fdf_runtime_pop_driver();
// }
typedef struct fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_observer fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_observer_t;
// Called when the asynchronous shutdown for all dispatchers owned by |driver| has completed.
typedef void(fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_handler_t)(
const void* driver, fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_observer_t* observer);
// Holds context for the observer which will be called when the asynchronous shutdown
// for all dispatchers owned by a driver has completed.
// The client is responsible for retaining this structure in memory (and unmodified) until the
// handler runs.
struct fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_observer {
fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_handler_t* handler;
// Adds |driver| to the thread's current call stack.
void fdf_internal_push_driver(const void* driver);
// Removes the driver at the top of the thread's current call stack.
void fdf_internal_pop_driver();
// Returns the driver on top of the the thread's current call stack.
// Returns NULL if no drivers are on the stack.
const void* fdf_internal_get_current_driver();
// Destroys all dispatchers in the process.
// This should only be used by the driver host after it has successfully shutdown
// all dispatchers and stopped all drivers.
void fdf_internal_destroy_all_dispatchers();
// Blocks the current thread until |dispatcher| is idle.
// This does not wait for registered waits that have not yet been signaled,
// or delayed tasks which have been scheduled for a future deadline
// This is useful for testing.
// This should not be called from a thread managed by the driver runtime,
// such as from tasks or ChannelRead callbacks.
void fdf_internal_wait_until_dispatcher_idle(fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// Returns whether the dispatcher has any queued tasks.
bool fdf_internal_dispatcher_has_queued_tasks(fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// Blocks the current thread until each runtime dispatcher in the process
// is observed to enter an idle state. This does not guarantee that all the
// dispatchers will be idle when this function returns. This will only wait
// on dispatchers that existed when this function was called. This does not
// include any new dispatchers that might have been created while the waiting
// was happening.
// This does not wait for registered waits that have not yet been signaled,
// or delayed tasks which have been scheduled for a future deadline.
// This is useful for testing.
// This should not be called from a thread managed by the driver runtime,
// such as from tasks or ChannelRead callbacks.
void fdf_internal_wait_until_all_dispatchers_idle();
// Blocks the current thread until each runtime dispatcher in the process
// is observed to have been destroyed.
// This is useful for testing.
// This should not be called from a thread managed by the driver runtime,
// such as from tasks or ChannelRead callbacks.
void fdf_internal_wait_until_all_dispatchers_destroyed();
// Asynchronously shuts down all dispatchers owned by |driver|.
// |observer| will be notified once shutdown completes. This is guaranteed to be
// after all the dispatcher's shutdown observers have been called, and will be running
// on the thread of the final dispatcher which has been shutdown.
// after all dispatcher's shutdown observers have had their handlers called.
// While a driver is shutting down, no new dispatchers can be created by the driver.
// If this succeeds, you must keep the |observer| object alive until the
// |observer| is notified.
// Returns ZX_OK if successful and |observer| will be notified.
// Returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS if no driver matching |driver| was found.
// Returns ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if a driver shutdown observer was already registered.
fdf_status_t fdf_internal_shutdown_dispatchers_async(
const void* driver, fdf_internal_driver_shutdown_observer_t* observer);