blob: c610482fc0b3ad9ded9392798e371ccd449e487a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <algorithm>
#import <iterator>
#import "generator.h"
using std::ofstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
static const string in = " ";
static const string inin = in + in;
static void write_syscall_signature_line(ofstream& os, const Syscall& sc, string name_prefix) {
auto syscall_name = name_prefix +;
os << "syscall_result " << syscall_name << "(";
// Writes all arguments.
sc.for_each_kernel_arg([&](const TypeSpec& arg) { os << arg.as_cpp_declaration(false) << ", "; });
os << "uint64_t pc) {\n";
bool KernelWrapperGenerator::header(ofstream& os) {
if (!Generator::header(os))
return false;
os << "extern \"C\" {\n";
return os.good();
bool KernelWrapperGenerator::syscall(ofstream& os, const Syscall& sc) {
if (sc.is_vdso())
return true;
auto syscall_name = syscall_prefix_ +;
write_syscall_signature_line(os, sc, wrapper_prefix_);
os << in << "return do_syscall(" << define_prefix_ << << ", "
<< "pc, "
<< "&VDso::ValidSyscallPC::" << << ", "
<< "[&](ProcessDispatcher* current_process) -> uint64_t {\n";
string args;
for (const TypeSpec& arg : sc.arg_spec) {
if (!args.empty())
args += ", ";
if (arg.arr_spec) {
args += "make_user_";
args += arg.arr_spec->kind_lowercase_str();
args += "_ptr(";
args +=;
args += ")";
} else {
args +=;
vector<string> out_handles;
sc.for_each_return([&](const TypeSpec& arg) {
if (!args.empty())
args += ", ";
if (arg.arr_spec) {
assert(arg.arr_spec->kind == ArraySpec::OUT);
assert(arg.arr_spec->count == 1);
if (arg.type == "zx_handle_t") {
os << inin << "user_out_handle out_handle_" << << ";\n";
args += "&out_handle_";
args +=;
} else {
args += "make_user_out_ptr(";
args +=;
args += ")";
} else {
args +=;
os << inin << (sc.is_noreturn() ? "/*noreturn*/ " : "auto result = ") << syscall_name << "("
<< args << ");\n";
if (sc.is_noreturn()) {
os << inin << "/* NOTREACHED */\n";
os << inin << "return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;\n";
} else {
if (!out_handles.empty()) {
// Don't try to copy handles to userspace on syscall error to avoid
// leaking any handles that might have been set before failing.
os << inin << "if (result != ZX_OK)\n";
os << inin << in << "return result;\n";
for (const auto& arg : out_handles) {
os << inin << "if (out_handle_" << arg
<< ".begin_copyout(current_process, make_user_out_ptr(" << arg << ")))\n"
<< inin << in << "return ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS;\n";
for (const auto& arg : out_handles) {
os << inin << "out_handle_" << arg << ".finish_copyout(current_process);\n";
os << inin << "return result;\n";
os << in << "});\n"
<< "}\n";
return os.good();
bool KernelWrapperGenerator::footer(ofstream& os) {
os << "}\n";
return os.good();