blob: 9f57b8457e21db80a1ac0d788a33cafa9e5036e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <crypto/bytes.h>
#include <crypto/secret.h>
#include <crypto/cipher.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// |crypto::AEAD| is an authenticated encryption and decryption cipher. It differs from |Cipher| in
// that it incurs additional overhead to store its authentication tag, but can verify data integrity
// as a result. The ciphertext produced by an AEAD is the same length as its plaintext, excluding
// the IV and tag. A 64 bit nonce is used to seal plain texts, meaning a given key and IV can be
// used for at most 2^64 - 1 operations.
namespace crypto {
class AEAD final {
// Algorithm enumerates the supported secret key ciphers.
enum Algorithm {
kUninitialized = 0,
// Gets the number of bytes needed for the symmetric key used by the given |aead|.
static zx_status_t GetKeyLen(Algorithm aead, size_t* out);
// Gets the number of bytes needed for the initialization vector (IV) used by the given
// |aead|.
static zx_status_t GetIVLen(Algorithm aead, size_t* out);
// Gets the length of an authentication tag created by the given |aead|.
static zx_status_t GetTagLen(Algorithm aead, size_t* out);
// Sets up the AEAD to use the algorithm indicated by |aead| to encrypt data using the given
// |key| and |iv|.
zx_status_t InitSeal(Algorithm aead, const Secret& key, const Bytes& iv) {
return Init(aead, key, iv, Cipher::kEncrypt);
// Sets up the AEAD to use the algorithm indicated by |aead| to decrypt data using the given
// |key| and |iv|.
zx_status_t InitOpen(Algorithm aead, const Secret& key, const Bytes& iv) {
return Init(aead, key, iv, Cipher::kDecrypt);
// Encrypts data from |ptext| to |ctext|, based on the parameters set in |InitSeal|. Saves the
// |iv| used; |iv| will be resized and filled automatically. The AEAD tag is stored at the end
// of |ctext| This method will fail if called 2^64 or more times with the same key and IV. The
// second variant includes additional authenticated data in the tag calculation.
zx_status_t Seal(const Bytes& ptext, uint64_t* out_nonce, Bytes* out_ctext) {
return Seal(ptext, nullptr, 0, out_nonce, out_ctext);
zx_status_t Seal(const Bytes& ptext, const Bytes& aad, uint64_t* out_nonce, Bytes* out_ctext) {
return Seal(ptext, aad.get(), aad.len(), out_nonce, out_ctext);
// Decrypts data from |ctext| to |ptext|, based on the parameters set in |InitOpen|.
// Decryption can only succeed if the |iv| matches those produced by |Seal| and the AEAD tag is
// included in |ctext|. The second variant includes additional authenticated data in the tag
// calculation.
zx_status_t Open(uint64_t nonce, const Bytes& ctext, Bytes* out_ptext) {
return Open(nonce, ctext, nullptr, 0, out_ptext);
zx_status_t Open(uint64_t nonce, const Bytes& ctext, const Bytes& aad, Bytes* out_ptext) {
return Open(nonce, ctext, aad.get(), aad.len(), out_ptext);
// Clears all state from this instance.
void Reset();
// Sets up the aead to encrypt or decrypt data using the given |key| based on the
// given |direction|.
zx_status_t Init(Algorithm aead, const Secret& key, const Bytes& iv, Cipher::Direction direction);
zx_status_t Seal(const Bytes& ptext, const uint8_t* aad, size_t aad_len, uint64_t* out_nonce,
Bytes* out_ctext);
zx_status_t Open(uint64_t nonce, const Bytes& ctext, const uint8_t* aad, size_t aad_len,
Bytes* out_ptext);
// Opaque crypto implementation context.
struct Context;
// Opaque pointer to the crypto implementation context.
fbl::unique_ptr<Context> ctx_;
// Indicates whether configured to encrypt or decrypt.
Cipher::Direction direction_;
// Buffer holding initial vector. The IV is expanded to be |uint64_t|-aligned.
fbl::unique_ptr<uint64_t[]> iv_;
// Original value of |iv_[0]|. |Seal| will fail if |iv_[0]| wraps around to this value.
uint64_t iv0_;
// Size of the actual IV.
size_t iv_len_;
// Length of authentication tag.
size_t tag_len_;
} // namespace crypto