blob: 3851fed0c6dd19b657aa8de31ccd86e9a212bcb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod h264;
use crate::h264::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::{rc::Rc, sync::Arc};
use stream_processor_decoder_factory::*;
use stream_processor_test::*;
use video_frame_hasher::*;
lazy_static! {
// We use a test lock to prevent any tests from running in parallel.
// Running in parallel is something we want to control for specific tests cases especially
// when testing hardware stream processors.
// This can be removed in the future if we get a static way to specify environment variables
// for a component, so we can set `RUST_TEST_THREADS=1` for this component.
static ref TEST_LOCK: Arc<Mutex<()>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(()));
static ref LOGGER: () = ::fuchsia_syslog::init().expect("Initializing syslog");
static ref BEAR_DIGEST: ExpectedDigest = ExpectedDigest::new(
"bear.h264 decoded digest",
// TODO(turnage): Add test spec for buffers released between streams.
// TODO(turnage): Add hash validator for NV12 and YV12.
async fn serial_bear_on_same_codec() -> std::result::Result<(), ::failure::Error> {
let _lock = TEST_LOCK.lock();
let stream = Rc::new(TimestampedStream {
source: H264Stream::from_file(BEAR_TEST_FILE)?,
timestamps: 0..,
let frame_count_validator = Rc::new(OutputPacketCountValidator {
expected_output_packet_count: stream.video_frame_count(),
let hash_validator = Rc::new(VideoFrameHasher { expected_digest: *BEAR_DIGEST });
let spec = TestSpec {
cases: vec![
TestCase {
name: "Simple bear test run 1 on same channel",
stream: stream.clone(),
validators: vec![
Rc::new(TerminatesWithValidator {
expected_terminal_output: Output::Eos { stream_lifetime_ordinal: 1 },
stream_options: None,
TestCase {
name: "Simple bear test run 2 on same channel",
validators: vec![
Rc::new(TerminatesWithValidator {
expected_terminal_output: Output::Eos { stream_lifetime_ordinal: 3 },
stream_options: Some(StreamOptions {
queue_format_details: false,
relation: CaseRelation::Serial,
stream_processor_factory: Rc::new(DecoderFactory),