blob: 005663e5d0334c7010418f4076cb381662ca6380 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("bin") {
testonly = true
deps = [
test_package("cobalt_tests") {
deps = [
binaries = [
name = "cobalt_testapp"
tests = [
name = "cobalt_app_unittests"
environments = basic_envs
name = "cobalt_system_metrics_unittests"
environments = basic_envs
name = "cobalt_utils_unittests"
environments = basic_envs
name = "cobalt_testapp"
dest = "cobalt_testapp_no_network"
environments = basic_envs
name = "cobalt_testapp"
dest = "cobalt_testapp_no_environment"
# We don't want to run this version of cobalt_testapp in the Garnet
# CI/CQ because it uses the real network. We run cobalt_testapp_no_network
# instead. This version is run in the stand-alone cobalt_client CQ.
disabled = true
environments = basic_envs
name =
dest = "cobalt_testapp_for_prober_do_not_run_manually"
# We don't want to run this version of cobalt_testapp in the Garnet
# CI/CQ because it uses the real network. We run cobalt_testapp_no_network
# instead. This version is run in the stand-alone cobalt_client CI.
# It should not be run outside of CI, since it populates a test pipeline
# whose output is inspected.
disabled = true
environments = basic_envs