blob: 507a7d202cdfb86af76334fa1dd7d099507c12e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arm-isp-test.h"
#include <fuchsia/camera/test/c/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include "arm-isp.h"
#include "src/camera/drivers/test_utils/fake-buffer-collection.h"
namespace camera {
zx_status_t ArmIspDeviceTester::Create(ArmIspDevice* isp, fit::callback<void()>* on_isp_unbind) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto isp_test_device = fbl::make_unique_checked<ArmIspDeviceTester>(&ac, isp, isp->zxdev());
if (!ac.check()) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Unable to start ArmIspDeviceTester \n", __func__);
*on_isp_unbind = fit::bind_member(isp_test_device.get(), &ArmIspDeviceTester::Disconnect);
zx_status_t status = isp_test_device->DdkAdd("arm-isp-tester");
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "Could not create arm-isp-tester device: %d\n", status);
return status;
} else {
zxlogf(INFO, "arm-isp: Added arm-isp-tester device\n");
// isp_test_device intentionally leaked as it is now held by DevMgr.
__UNUSED auto ptr = isp_test_device.release();
return status;
// Methods required by the ddk.
void ArmIspDeviceTester::DdkRelease() { delete this; }
void ArmIspDeviceTester::DdkUnbind() { DdkRemove(); }
void ArmIspDeviceTester::Disconnect() {
fbl::AutoLock guard(&isp_lock_);
isp_ = nullptr;
zx_status_t ArmIspDeviceTester::DdkMessage(fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn) {
return fuchsia_camera_test_IspTester_dispatch(this, txn, msg, &isp_tester_ops);
struct FrameReadyReceiver {
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> ready_ids;
void FrameReady(uint32_t buffer_id) { ready_ids.push_back(buffer_id); }
output_stream_callback GetCallback() {
output_stream_callback cb;
cb.ctx = this;
cb.frame_ready = [](void* ctx, uint32_t buffer_id) {
return cb;
// These macros provide a similar style to our normal zxtest/gtests,
// but it actually do something much different under the hood.
// Instead of registering with a gtest framework, the results are summed
// by a local variable called |reports|, which is later passed back over
// a fidl interface to the test binary.
// TODO(CAM-82): Use these macros more widely in this class, and add a
// TEST() macro to deal with the report management.
#define ISP_TEST_ASSERT_OK(expr, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr) == ZX_OK) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
return; \
#define ISP_TEST_EXPECT_OK(expr, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr) == ZX_OK) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
#define ISP_TEST_EXPECT_NOT_OK(expr, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr) != ZX_OK) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
#define ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(expr1, expr2, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr1) == (expr2)) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
#define ISP_TEST_EXPECT_GT(expr1, expr2, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr1) > (expr2)) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
#define ISP_TEST_ASSERT_EQ(expr1, expr2, msg) \
report->test_count++; \
if ((expr1) == (expr2)) { \
report->success_count++; \
} else { \
report->failure_count++; \
zxlogf(ERROR, "[FAILURE] %s\n", msg); \
return; \
void ArmIspDeviceTester::TestWriteRegister(fuchsia_camera_test_TestReport* report) {
// We'll enable then disable the global debug register:
fbl::AutoLock guard(&isp_lock_);
uint32_t offset = IspGlobalDbg::Get().addr() / 4; // divide by 4 to get the word address.
ArmIspRegisterDump after_enable = isp_->DumpRegisters();
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(after_enable.global_config[offset], 1, "Global debug was not enabled!");
ArmIspRegisterDump after_disable = isp_->DumpRegisters();
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(after_disable.global_config[offset], 0, "Global debug was not disabled!");
void ArmIspDeviceTester::TestConnectStream(fuchsia_camera_test_TestReport* report) {
constexpr uint32_t kWidth = 1080;
constexpr uint32_t kHeight = 764;
constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfBuffers = 8;
fuchsia_camera_common_FrameRate rate = {.frames_per_sec_numerator = 30,
.frames_per_sec_denominator = 1};
FrameReadyReceiver receiver;
output_stream_callback cb = receiver.GetCallback();
output_stream_protocol output_stream;
output_stream_protocol_ops_t ops;
output_stream.ops = &ops;
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfo buffer_collection;
fbl::AutoLock guard(&isp_lock_);
&buffer_collection, isp_->bti_.get(), kWidth, kHeight, kNumberOfBuffers),
"Failed to create contiguous buffers");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_OK(isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate,
STREAM_TYPE_FULL_RESOLUTION, &cb, &output_stream),
"Failed to create full resolution input stream");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_OK(isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate, STREAM_TYPE_DOWNSCALED,
&cb, &output_stream),
"Failed to create downscaled input stream");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate, STREAM_TYPE_SCALAR, &cb,
"Failed to return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED for scalar stream");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate, STREAM_TYPE_INVALID,
&cb, &output_stream),
"Failed to return ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS for invalid stream");
void ArmIspDeviceTester::TestCallbacks(fuchsia_camera_test_TestReport* report) {
constexpr uint32_t kWidth = 1920;
constexpr uint32_t kHeight = 1080;
constexpr uint32_t kFramesToSleep = 5;
constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfBuffers = 8;
fuchsia_camera_common_FrameRate rate = {.frames_per_sec_numerator = 30,
.frames_per_sec_denominator = 1};
FrameReadyReceiver full_res_receiver;
FrameReadyReceiver downscaled_receiver;
output_stream_callback full_res_cb = full_res_receiver.GetCallback();
output_stream_protocol full_res_output_stream, downscaled_output_stream;
output_stream_protocol_ops_t full_res_ops, downscaled_ops;
full_res_output_stream.ops = &full_res_ops;
downscaled_output_stream.ops = &downscaled_ops;
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfo buffer_collection;
fbl::AutoLock guard(&isp_lock_);
&buffer_collection, isp_->bti_.get(), kWidth, kHeight, kNumberOfBuffers),
"Failed to create contiguous buffers.");
isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate, STREAM_TYPE_FULL_RESOLUTION,
&full_res_cb, &full_res_output_stream),
"Failed to create full resolution input stream.");
output_stream_callback downscaled_cb = downscaled_receiver.GetCallback();
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_OK(isp_->IspCreateOutputStream(&buffer_collection, &rate, STREAM_TYPE_DOWNSCALED,
&downscaled_cb, &downscaled_output_stream),
"Failed to create downscaled input stream.");
// Try to release a frame before things are started. Should fail.
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_NOT_OK(full_res_output_stream.ops->release_frame(full_res_output_stream.ctx, 0),
"Unexpected success from releasing un-started full resolution stream.");
downscaled_output_stream.ops->release_frame(downscaled_output_stream.ctx, 0),
"Unexpected success from releasing un-started downscaled stream.");
// Manually cycle dma through one frame, see that callbacks are called
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(full_res_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 1,
"Full resolution callbacks not equal to 1.");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(downscaled_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 0,
"Downscaled callbacks not equal to 0.");
ISP_TEST_ASSERT_EQ(full_res_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 1,
"Full resolution callbacks not equal to 1.");
ISP_TEST_ASSERT_EQ(downscaled_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 1,
"Downscaled callbacks not equal to 1.");
// Release frame should now work
"Failed to release frame from full resolution stream.");
"Failed to release frame from downscaled stream.");
// Now call start. The ISP should start processing frames, and we should
// start getting callbacks. This tests the whole pipeline!
// TODO(CAM-91): Enable the test patterns so we can limit testing here to just
// the ISP.
"Failed to start streaming.");
// sleep for kFramesToSleep frame periods.
auto frame_period_ms = 1000 * rate.frames_per_sec_denominator / rate.frames_per_sec_numerator;
zx_nanosleep(zx_deadline_after(ZX_MSEC(kFramesToSleep * frame_period_ms)));
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_GT(full_res_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 1,
"Full res callbacks not increasing past 1. Additional callbacks "
"have not been received.");
ISP_TEST_EXPECT_EQ(downscaled_receiver.ready_ids.size(), 1,
"Downscaled callbacks have not remained equal to 1.");
// When we stop the stream, no further callbacks should be received.
"Failed to stop streaming.");
auto callback_count_at_stop = full_res_receiver.ready_ids.size();
// now sleep for a while to make sure we did not get any more callbacks after
// stopping the stream:
ISP_TEST_ASSERT_EQ(full_res_receiver.ready_ids.size(), callback_count_at_stop,
"Full res callbacks increased after stop was called");
// DDKMessage Helper Functions.
zx_status_t ArmIspDeviceTester::RunTests(fidl_txn_t* txn) {
fuchsia_camera_test_TestReport report = {1, 0, 0};
fbl::AutoLock guard(&isp_lock_);
if (!isp_) {
if (isp_->RunTests() == ZX_OK) {
} else {
return fuchsia_camera_test_IspTesterRunTests_reply(txn, ZX_OK, &report);
} // namespace camera