blob: 36e2d486c03eec711c0e673eabc75d85270c13f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Describes the target device environment in which a test should run. This
# specification is written in JSON to the build directory, to be aggregated
# at test-time.
# Parameters
# name (required)
# [string] The test's target name.
# location (required)
# [string]: Unique reference to a test, e.g., a filesystem path or a
# fuchsia URI.
# command (optional)
# [list of strings]: Command to invoke to run the test. If unset, location
# will be invoked upon execution.
# deps (optional)
# [list of labels]: List of labels that the test depends on.
# environments (optional, default: QEMU for fuchsia; else a VM)
# [list of scopes] Device environments in which the test should run.
# Each scope in $environments contains:
# dimensions (required)
# [scope] Dimensions of bots to target. Valid dimensions are
# element-wise subsets of the test platform entries defined in
# //build/testing/platforms.gni.
# tags (optional)
# [list of strings] keys on which tests may be grouped. Tests with
# given tags will be run (1) together, and (2) only with support from
# the Infrastructure team. Labels are used as an escape hatch from the
# default testing pipeline for special tests or environments.
template("test_spec") {
assert(defined(, "name must be defined.")
assert(defined(invoker.location), "location must be defined.")
# Not all test-defining targets have testonly = true
# (e.g., rust library targets with unit tests)
# Set default environments: QEMU for a fuchsia test, and VMs for linux and mac
# tests.
if (is_fuchsia) {
envs_specified = defined(environments)
if (!envs_specified) {
environments = [ qemu_env ]
} else if (is_linux || is_mac) {
if (!defined(environments)) {
if (is_linux) {
environments = [ linux_env ]
} else if (is_mac) {
environments = [ mac_env ]
} else {
assert(false, "$current_os not supported")
foreach(env, environments) {
empty_scope = { # Clear from previous iteration
assert(defined(env.dimensions) && env.dimensions != empty_scope,
"each environment must specify dimensions")
# Call "expanding" the operation that takes a scope
# {
# x = a
# y = b
# z = c
# ...
# }
# and converts it to a list [{x=a}, {y=b}, {z=c},...].
# Expand each scope of test platform dimensions and group them by architecture
# (i.e., cpu). The same thing is done below with each environment's dimensions
# scope to more easily compare.
target_platform_dims = []
other_platform_dims = []
foreach(platform, test_platforms) {
platform_dims = [] # Clear from previous iteration.
foreach(key, all_dimension_keys) {
platform_dims += [
forward_variables_from(platform, [ key ])
# Empty scopes may have been introduced to platform_dims, corresponding to
# non-existent keys;
# Add and then subtract an empty scope to remove them.
empty_dim = { # Clear from previous iteration.
platform_dims += [ empty_dim ]
platform_dims -= [ empty_dim ]
if (!defined(platform.cpu) || platform.cpu == target_cpu) {
target_platform_dims += [ platform_dims ]
} else {
other_platform_dims += [ platform_dims ]
target_envs = []
foreach(env, environments) {
dims = [] # Clear from previous iteration.
if (defined(env.dimensions)) {
foreach(key, all_dimension_keys) {
dims += [
forward_variables_from(env.dimensions, [ key ])
empty_dim = { # Clear from previous iteration.
dims += [ empty_dim ]
dims -= [ empty_dim ]
# Check if the environment's dimensions match those of a platform of the
# target architecture; if a match, include the environment among the
# test spec's.
# Note that in GN "A is a subset of B" is equivalent to `A + B - B == []`.
match = false
foreach(platform_dims, target_platform_dims) {
if (dims + platform_dims - platform_dims == []) {
match = true
target_envs += [ env ]
# If the environment's dimensions do not match a target architecture, ensure
# that they match those of a platform of another architecture.
if (!match) {
foreach(platform_dims, other_platform_dims) {
match = match || dims + platform_dims - platform_dims == []
if (!match) {
print("Could not match environment specifications for '$target_name':")
"Consult //build/testing/platforms.gni for all allowable specifications")
target_name_deps = []
# Rely on metadata reachable through deps to determine any runtime
# dependencies of the test; record them to a file.
runtime_deps_file = ""
if (defined(invoker.deps) && invoker.deps != []) {
test_name = get_path_info(, "name")
runtime_deps_file = "$target_gen_dir/${test_name}.deps.json"
runtime_deps_target_name = "${target_name}_deps"
generated_file(runtime_deps_target_name) {
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "test_runtime_deps" ]
deps = invoker.deps
rebase = root_build_dir
output_conversion = "json"
target_name_deps += [ ":$runtime_deps_target_name" ]
# A given board, by definition, restrict which devices it meant for.
# We constrain the allowed device types and the dimensions considered as
# a function of this.
# TODO(joshuaseaton): Use board_name instead of cpu in the reasoning above.
allowed_device_types = []
if (board_name == "pc") { # x64.gni
allowed_device_types = [
"Intel NUC Kit NUC7i5DNHE",
} else if (board_name == "qemu-arm64" || board_name == "qemu-x64") { # arm64.gni and qemu-x64.gni
allowed_device_types = [ "QEMU" ]
} else if (board_name == "vim2") {
allowed_device_types = [ "Khadas Vim2 Max" ]
} else if (board_name == "astro") {
allowed_device_types = [ "Astro" ]
} else if (board_name == "sherlock") {
allowed_device_types = [ "Sherlock" ]
_environments = []
foreach(env, target_envs) {
dims = [] # Clear from previous iteration.
dims = env.dimensions
if (defined(dims.os) && dims.os == "mac") {
# When running tests for a mac build, we only wish to run mac tests; we
# enforce the "mac" tag in that case to filter out other tests.
assert(defined(env.tags) && [ "mac" ] + env.tags - env.tags == [],
"Mac environments must have a tag of \"mac\"")
has_allowed_device_type = defined(dims.device_type) &&
allowed_device_types + [ dims.device_type ] -
[ dims.device_type ] != allowed_device_types
if (has_allowed_device_type || !defined(dims.device_type)) {
_environments += [ env ]
test_spec = {
test = {
name = get_label_info(":${}", "label_no_toolchain")
location = invoker.location
if (is_linux || is_mac) {
# Trim leading //.
location = rebase_path(location, root_build_dir)
os = current_os
cpu = current_cpu
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "command" ])
if (runtime_deps_file != "") {
deps_file = rebase_path(runtime_deps_file, root_build_dir)
environments = [] # Clear from previous iteration.
environments = _environments
group(target_name) {
metadata = {
test_spec = [ test_spec ]
deps = target_name_deps
# When an unreferenced board_name is used, the allowed_device_types
# assignment will have no effect.
not_needed([ "allowed_device_types" ])