blob: 3f235237ebfa105b370d2f04f37d4fd74b1c10e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/examples/escher/waterfall/waterfall_demo.h"
#include "garnet/examples/escher/waterfall/scenes/paper_demo_scene1.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/defaults/default_shader_program_factory.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/geometry/tessellation.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_scene.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_shader_structs.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/scene/camera.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/scene/viewing_volume.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/shape/mesh.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/enum_utils.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/trace_macros.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_module_template.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/shader_program.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/texture.h"
using namespace escher;
static constexpr float kNear = 1.f;
static constexpr float kFar = -200.f;
WaterfallDemo::WaterfallDemo(DemoHarness* harness, int argc, char** argv)
: Demo(harness, "Waterfall Demo") {
ProcessCommandLineArgs(argc, argv);
// Initialize filesystem with files before creating renderer; it will use them
// to generate the necessary ShaderPrograms.
{"shaders/model_renderer/main.frag", "shaders/model_renderer/main.vert",
renderer_ = escher::PaperRenderer::New(GetEscherWeakPtr());
renderer_config_.shadow_type = PaperRendererShadowType::kShadowVolume;
renderer_config_.msaa_sample_count = 2;
renderer_config_.num_depth_buffers =
WaterfallDemo::~WaterfallDemo() {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Average frame rate: " << ComputeFps();
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "First frame took: " << first_frame_microseconds_ / 1000.0
<< " milliseconds";
void WaterfallDemo::InitializePaperScene(
const DemoHarness::WindowParams& window_params) {
paper_scene_ = fxl::MakeRefCounted<PaperScene>();
// Number of lights can be cycled via keyboard event. Light positions and
// colors are animated by UpdateLighting().
paper_scene_->bounding_box = escher::BoundingBox(
vec3(0.f, 0.f, kFar),
vec3(window_params.width, window_params.height, kNear));
void WaterfallDemo::InitializeDemoScenes() {
demo_scenes_.emplace_back(new PaperDemoScene1(this));
for (auto& scene : demo_scenes_) {
void WaterfallDemo::ProcessCommandLineArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (!strcmp("--debug", argv[i])) {
show_debug_info_ = true;
} else if (!strcmp("--no-debug", argv[i])) {
show_debug_info_ = false;
bool WaterfallDemo::HandleKeyPress(std::string key) {
if (key.size() > 1) {
if (key == "SPACE") {
// Start/stop the animation stopwatch.
return true;
return Demo::HandleKeyPress(key);
} else {
char key_char = key[0];
switch (key_char) {
// Cycle through camera projection modes.
case 'C': {
camera_projection_mode_ = (camera_projection_mode_ + 1) % 5;
const char* kCameraModeStrings[5] = {
"tilted perspective",
"tilted perspective from corner",
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Camera projection mode: "
<< kCameraModeStrings[camera_projection_mode_];
return true;
// Toggle display of debug information.
case 'D': {
show_debug_info_ = !show_debug_info_;
renderer_config_.debug = show_debug_info_;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "WaterfallDemo "
<< (show_debug_info_ ? "enabled" : "disabled")
<< " debugging.";
return true;
case 'L': {
uint32_t num_point_lights = (paper_scene_->num_point_lights() + 1) % 3;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "WaterfallDemo number of point lights: "
<< paper_scene_->num_point_lights();
return true;
// Cycle through MSAA sample counts.
case 'M': {
auto sample_count = renderer_config_.msaa_sample_count;
if (sample_count == 1) {
sample_count = 2;
} else if (sample_count == 2) {
// TODO(ES-156): there seems to be a RenderPass-caching bug where if
// we change the RenderPassInfo's images to have a different sample
// count, then the old cached RenderPass is not flushed from the
// cache. For now, just toggle between two values.
sample_count = 1;
// sample_count = 4;
} else {
sample_count = 1;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "MSAA sample count: " << sample_count;
renderer_config_.msaa_sample_count = sample_count;
return true;
// Cycle through shadow algorithms..
case 'S': {
auto& shadow_type = renderer_config_.shadow_type;
shadow_type = EnumCycle(shadow_type);
while (!renderer_->SupportsShadowType(shadow_type)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "WaterfallDemo skipping unsupported shadow type: "
<< shadow_type;
shadow_type = EnumCycle(shadow_type);
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "WaterfallDemo changed shadow type: "
<< renderer_config_;
return true;
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case '0':
current_scene_ =
(demo_scenes_.size() + (key_char - '0') - 1) % demo_scenes_.size();
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Current scene index: " << current_scene_;
return true;
return Demo::HandleKeyPress(key);
// Helper function for DrawFrame().
static std::vector<escher::Camera> GenerateCameras(
int camera_projection_mode, const escher::ViewingVolume& volume,
const escher::FramePtr& frame) {
switch (camera_projection_mode) {
// Orthographic full-screen.
case 0: {
return {escher::Camera::NewOrtho(volume)};
// Perspective where floor plane is full-screen, and parallel to screen.
case 1: {
vec3 eye(volume.width() / 2, volume.height() / 2, -10000);
vec3 target(volume.width() / 2, volume.height() / 2, 0);
vec3 up(0, -1, 0);
return {escher::Camera::NewPerspective(
volume, glm::lookAt(eye, target, up), glm::radians(8.f))};
// Perspective from tilted viewpoint (from x-center of stage).
case 2: {
vec3 eye(volume.width() / 2, 6000, -2000);
vec3 target(volume.width() / 2, volume.height() / 2, 0);
vec3 up(0, -1, 0);
return {escher::Camera::NewPerspective(
volume, glm::lookAt(eye, target, up), glm::radians(15.f))};
} break;
// Perspective from tilted viewpoint (from corner).
case 3: {
vec3 eye(volume.width() / 3, 6000, -3000);
vec3 target(volume.width() / 2, volume.height() / 3, 0);
vec3 up(0, -1, 0);
return {escher::Camera::NewPerspective(
volume, glm::lookAt(eye, target, up), glm::radians(15.f))};
} break;
// Stereo/Perspective from tilted viewpoint (from corner). This also
// demonstrates the ability to provide the view-projection matrix in a
// buffer instead of having the PaperRenderer upload the vp-matrix itself.
// This is typically used with a "pose buffer" in HMD applications.
// NOTE: the camera's transform must be fairly close to what will be read
// from the pose buffer, because the camera's position is used for z-sorting
// etc.
case 4: {
vec3 eye(volume.width() / 2, 6000, -3500);
vec3 eye_offset(40.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3 target(volume.width() / 2, volume.height() / 2, 0);
vec3 up(0, -1, 0);
float fov = glm::radians(15.f);
auto left_camera = escher::Camera::NewPerspective(
volume, glm::lookAt(eye - eye_offset, target, up), fov);
auto right_camera = escher::Camera::NewPerspective(
volume, glm::lookAt(eye + eye_offset, target, up), fov);
// Obtain a buffer and populate it as though it were obtained by invoking
// PoseBufferLatchingShader.
auto binding = escher::NewPaperShaderUniformBinding<
binding.first->vp_matrix[0] =
left_camera.projection() * left_camera.transform();
binding.first->vp_matrix[1] =
right_camera.projection() * right_camera.transform();
escher::BufferPtr latched_pose_buffer(binding.second.buffer);
// Both cameras use the same buffer, but index into it using a different
// eye index. NOTE: if you comment these lines out, there will be no
// visible difference, because PaperRenderer will compute/upload the same
// project * transform matrix. What would happen if you swap the kLeft
// and kRight?
left_camera.SetViewport({0.f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f});
right_camera.SetViewport({0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f});
return {left_camera, right_camera};
} break;
// Should not happen.
return {escher::Camera::NewOrtho(volume)};
static void UpdateLighting(PaperScene* paper_scene,
const escher::Stopwatch& stopwatch,
PaperRendererShadowType shadow_type) {
const size_t num_point_lights = paper_scene->num_point_lights();
if (num_point_lights == 0 || shadow_type == PaperRendererShadowType::kNone) {
paper_scene->ambient_light.color = vec3(1, 1, 1);
// Set the ambient light to an arbitrary value that looks OK. The intensities
// of the point lights will be chosen so that the total light intensity on an
// unshadowed fragment is vec3(1,1,1).
const vec3 kAmbientLightColor(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
paper_scene->ambient_light.color = kAmbientLightColor;
for (auto& pl : paper_scene->point_lights) {
pl.color =
(vec3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f) - kAmbientLightColor) / float(num_point_lights);
// Choose a light intensity that looks good with the falloff. If an object
// is too close to the light it will appear washed out.
// TODO(ES-170): add HDR support to address this.
pl.color *= 2.5f;
pl.falloff = 0.001f;
// Simple animation of point light.
const float width = paper_scene->width();
const float height = paper_scene->height();
if (num_point_lights == 1) {
paper_scene->point_lights[0].position =
vec3(width * .3f, height * .3f,
-(800.f + 200.f * sin(stopwatch.GetElapsedSeconds() * 1.2f)));
} else {
FXL_DCHECK(num_point_lights == 2);
paper_scene->point_lights[0].position =
vec3(width * .3f, height * .3f,
-(800.f + 300.f * sin(stopwatch.GetElapsedSeconds() * 1.2f)));
paper_scene->point_lights[1].position =
vec3(width * (0.6f + 0.3f * sin(stopwatch.GetElapsedSeconds() * 0.7f)),
height * (0.4f + 0.2f * sin(stopwatch.GetElapsedSeconds() * 0.6f)),
// Make the light colors subtly different.
vec3 color_diff =
vec3(.02f, -.01f, .04f) * paper_scene->point_lights[0].color;
paper_scene->point_lights[0].color += color_diff;
paper_scene->point_lights[1].color -= color_diff;
double WaterfallDemo::ComputeFps() {
// Omit the first frame when computing the average, because it is generating
// pipelines. We subtract 2 instead of 1 because we just incremented it in
// DrawFrame().
// TODO(ES-157): This could be improved. For example, when called from the
// destructor we don't know how much time has elapsed since the last
// DrawFrame(); it might be more accurate to subtract 1 instead of 2. Also,
// on Linux the swapchain allows us to queue up many DrawFrame() calls so if
// we quit after a short time then the FPS will be artificially high.
auto microseconds = stopwatch_.GetElapsedMicroseconds();
return (frame_count_ - 2) * 1000000.0 /
(microseconds - first_frame_microseconds_);
void WaterfallDemo::DrawFrame(const FramePtr& frame,
const ImagePtr& output_image) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "WaterfallDemo::DrawFrame");
std::vector<Camera> cameras =
ViewingVolume(paper_scene_->bounding_box), frame);
// Animate light positions and intensities.
UpdateLighting(paper_scene_.get(), stopwatch_, renderer_config_.shadow_type);
renderer_->BeginFrame(frame, paper_scene_, std::move(cameras), output_image);
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "WaterfallDemo::DrawFrame[scene]");
demo_scenes_[current_scene_]->Update(animation_stopwatch_, frame_count(),
paper_scene_.get(), renderer_.get());
if (++frame_count_ == 1) {
first_frame_microseconds_ = stopwatch_.GetElapsedMicroseconds();
} else if (frame_count_ % 200 == 0) {
// Print out FPS and memory stats.
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "---- Average frame rate: " << ComputeFps();
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "---- Total GPU memory: "
<< (escher()->GetNumGpuBytesAllocated() / 1024) << "kB";
} else {