blob: a5f75a0455040de4adde87d16954ce950b1b2813 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/examples/escher/common/demo_harness.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/escher.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/tracer.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/vulkan_context.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/vulkan_swapchain_helper.h"
// Base class for Escher demos.
class Demo {
explicit Demo(DemoHarness* harness, const char* name);
virtual ~Demo();
// |key| must contain either a single alpha-numeric character (uppercase
// only), or one of the special values "ESCAPE", "SPACE", and "RETURN".
// Return true if the key-press was handled, and false otherwise.
virtual bool HandleKeyPress(std::string key);
// Begin a touch. Only one touch can have the specified |touch_id| at any
// given time (it is guaranteed to not be reused until EndTouch() is called).
virtual void BeginTouch(uint64_t touch_id, double x_position,
double y_position) {}
// Continue a touch. Multiple positions may be aggregated since the last time
// that BeginTouch()/ContinueTouch() were called; the number of positions is
// provided by |position_count| which is guaranteed to be >= 1. If multiple
// positions are aggregated, they are provided in order of occurrence.
virtual void ContinueTouch(uint64_t touch_id, const double* x_positions,
const double* y_positions, size_t position_count) {
// End a touch. Afterward, |touch_id| may appear in a subsequent call of
// BeginTouch().
virtual void EndTouch(uint64_t touch_id, double x_position,
double y_position) {}
virtual void DrawFrame(const escher::FramePtr& frame,
const escher::ImagePtr& output_image) = 0;
DemoHarness* harness() const { return harness_; }
const char* name() const { return name_; }
uint64_t frame_count() const { return frame_count_; }
escher::Escher* escher() { return &escher_; }
const escher::VulkanContext& vulkan_context() const {
return vulkan_context_;
escher::EscherWeakPtr GetEscherWeakPtr() { return escher_.GetWeakPtr(); }
// When enabled, use Vulkan timer queries to profile how long each part of the
// frame takes to render on the GPU.
void set_enable_gpu_logging(bool enable) { enable_gpu_logging_ = enable; }
void set_run_offscreen_benchmark() { run_offscreen_benchmark_ = true; }
// Called by Harness. Returns true if frame was drawn, and false if there
// were too many unfinished frames already in flight.
bool MaybeDrawFrame();
void ToggleTracing();
void RunOffscreenBenchmark(uint32_t framebuffer_width,
uint32_t framebuffer_height,
vk::Format framebuffer_format, size_t frame_count);
DemoHarness* const harness_;
const char* name_;
uint64_t frame_count_ = 0;
escher::VulkanContext vulkan_context_;
escher::Escher escher_;
escher::VulkanSwapchainHelper swapchain_helper_;
std::unique_ptr<escher::Tracer> tracer_;
bool enable_gpu_logging_ = false;
bool run_offscreen_benchmark_ = false;