blob: 365e1a9bb738fb3aa2ad9ed3ff858260b92ea328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/relaxed_atomic.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <kernel/mp.h>
#include <kernel/percpu.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler.h>
#include <kernel/thread_lock.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
// TODO(edcoyne): delete this override and default these on.
namespace load_balancer {
constexpr zx_duration_t kAllowedRuntimeDeviation = Scheduler::kDefaultTargetLatency.raw_value() / 4;
// State stored on a per-cpu basis for the load balancer system.
class CpuState {
struct alignas(16) CpuSet {
// This needs to be limited to 15 cpus to fit in a 128bit atomic.
// This does not limit the total system cpus to 15 it simply limits the
// choices of other processors a particular processor will evaluate when it
// is overloaded and needs to send a thread elsewhere.
ktl::array<uint8_t, 15> cpus;
uint8_t cpu_count;
bool AllValid() const {
for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) {
if (!is_valid_cpu_num(cpus[i]))
return false;
return true;
// We need to stuff this in an atomic, 128bit is the largest we have.
static_assert(alignof(CpuSet) == 16 && sizeof(CpuSet) == 16);
void Update(const CpuSet& cpus, zx_duration_t threshold) {
queue_time_threshold_ = threshold;
target_cpus_ = cpus;
zx_duration_t queue_time_threshold() const { return queue_time_threshold_.load(); }
CpuSet target_cpus() const { return target_cpus_.load(); }
// If our total_duration_ns_ exceeds this amount we will try to load shed.
// We expect this to be managed by the global load balancer.
RelaxedAtomic<zx_duration_t> queue_time_threshold_{ZX_TIME_INFINITE};
// If we start shedding load this is an ordered list of other cpus we will
// consider.
// We expect this to be set by the global load balancer.
RelaxedAtomic<CpuSet> target_cpus_{{.cpus = {}, .cpu_count = 0}};
// Determines where a newly unblocked thread should run given its last cpu, the
// current cpu and the state of the system.
// This version is unsafe in that it doesn't require the thread_lock. As long as
// the PerCpuProvider it is using is providing isolated thread-safe percpus
// this is safe. If you are using "percpu" as the PerCpuProvider (it is
// confusingly its own container) then you should use the FindTargetCpu()
// function below that requires the thread_lock.
template <typename PerCpuProvider, cpu_num_t curr_cpu_num() = arch_curr_cpu_num>
static cpu_num_t FindTargetCpuLocked(Thread* thread) {
// Like cpu_num_to_mask but skips validation branching, assumes validated cpu
// numbers. We validate when we accept the data.
constexpr auto ToMask = [](cpu_num_t num) { return ((cpu_mask_t)1u << num); };
constexpr auto GetScheduler = [](cpu_num_t cpu) -> const Scheduler& {
return PerCpuProvider::Get(cpu).scheduler;
constexpr auto Get = [](cpu_num_t cpu) -> const CpuState& {
return PerCpuProvider::Get(cpu).load_balancer;
// Start on either the last cpu for the thread or the primary load-shed target
// for the CPU running this logic, it wasn't heavily loaded during the last
// rebalance.
const cpu_num_t last_cpu = thread->scheduler_state().last_cpu();
DEBUG_ASSERT(last_cpu != INVALID_CPU || Get(curr_cpu_num()).target_cpus().cpu_count > 0 ||
curr_cpu_num() == 0);
// It is possible the target_cpus is unset in early boot, in this case
// the cpus[] is initialized to 0, and the initial_cpu is the boot cpu
// "0", this is a reasonable choice.
const cpu_num_t initial_cpu =
last_cpu != INVALID_CPU ? last_cpu : Get(curr_cpu_num()).target_cpus().cpus[0];
const auto& initial = Get(initial_cpu);
const CpuState::CpuSet cpus = initial.target_cpus();
// We lower the threshold by the new thread's expected runtime, this takes into
// account the new thread's contribution to any core it ends up on and helps
// keep interactive threads from being excessively moved in the face of cpu-bound
// threads.
const zx_duration_t new_thread_runtime = thread->scheduler_state().expected_runtime_ns();
const zx_duration_t load_shed_threshold =
zx_duration_sub_duration(initial.queue_time_threshold(), new_thread_runtime);
const cpu_mask_t available_mask =
const bool initial_cpu_available = ToMask(initial_cpu) & available_mask;
const zx_duration_t initial_runtime = GetScheduler(initial_cpu).predicted_queue_time_ns();
// See if we are ready to shed load.
if (initial_cpu_available && initial_runtime <= load_shed_threshold) {
// If we are under the load-shed threshold then stick with this cpu.
return initial_cpu;
cpu_num_t lowest_cpu = INVALID_CPU;
zx_duration_t lowest_runtime = ZX_TIME_INFINITE;
// Otherwise search the cpu list, in order, to find one that is underloaded.
// Keep track of least loaded so we can return that if everything is over.
for (int i = 0; i < cpus.cpu_count && lowest_runtime > load_shed_threshold; ++i) {
// Skip cpus not available to this task.
if (unlikely((ToMask(cpus.cpus[i]) & available_mask) == 0))
const zx_duration_t candidate_runtime = GetScheduler(cpus.cpus[i]).predicted_queue_time_ns();
if (candidate_runtime < lowest_runtime) {
lowest_cpu = cpus.cpus[i];
lowest_runtime = candidate_runtime;
// If no target cpus are available fallback.
if (unlikely(lowest_cpu == INVALID_CPU)) {
if (available_mask != 0) {
// Fallback to any available cpu.
lowest_cpu = lowest_cpu_set(available_mask);
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT(mp_get_active_mask() == 0);
// There are no available cpus we can use, fall back to the cpu this logic
// is running on, it is clearly up. This violates the threads affinity,
// but that is inevitable at this point.
lowest_cpu = arch_curr_cpu_num();
if (initial_cpu_available &&
(zx_duration_sub_duration(initial_runtime, lowest_runtime) < kAllowedRuntimeDeviation)) {
// If the difference between the current cpu and the selected cpu's runtimes
// is so low that there won't be a significant impact on the system's
// balance by placing it on that cpu don't move it.
return initial_cpu;
if (unlikely(last_cpu != INVALID_CPU && last_cpu != lowest_cpu &&
thread->has_migrate_fn() && (mp_get_active_mask() & ToMask(last_cpu)))) {
// Stay where we are, the migrate_fn_ will migrate us later.
return last_cpu;
return lowest_cpu;
// Determines where a newly unblocked thread should run given it's last cpu, the
// current cpu and the state of the system.
static inline cpu_num_t FindTargetCpu(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(thread_lock) {
return FindTargetCpuLocked<percpu>(thread);
} // namespace load_balancer