blob: e8472187e9c2f930ce0aa1db2ec5fb7460ed505b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/empty-protocol.h>
#include <fuchsia/camera/test/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl-utils/bind.h>
#include <memory>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
namespace camera {
// |ArmIspDeviceTester| is spawned by the driver in |arm-isp.cpp|
// This provides the interface provided in fuchsia-camera-test/isp.fidl in Zircon.
class ArmIspDevice;
class ArmIspDeviceTester;
using IspDeviceTesterType = ddk::Device<ArmIspDeviceTester, ddk::Unbindable, ddk::Messageable>;
class ArmIspDeviceTester : public IspDeviceTesterType,
public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_ISP_TEST> {
explicit ArmIspDeviceTester(ArmIspDevice* isp, zx_device_t* parent)
: IspDeviceTesterType(parent), isp_(isp) {}
static zx_status_t Create(ArmIspDevice* isp);
// Methods required by the ddk.
void DdkRelease();
void DdkUnbind();
zx_status_t DdkMessage(fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn);
// DDKMessage Helper Functions.
zx_status_t RunTests(fidl_txn_t* txn);
static constexpr fuchsia_camera_test_IspTester_ops isp_tester_ops = {
.RunTests = fidl::Binder<ArmIspDeviceTester>::BindMember<&ArmIspDeviceTester::RunTests>,
// The ArmIspDevice is a parent of the ArmIspDeviceTester, so it is guarenteed to exist as
// long as the ArmIspDeviceTester is bound.
ArmIspDevice* isp_;
} // namespace camera