blob: 05c56288e04d17083b7342a8d8e217f6679b8e2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/modular/testing/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/test_with_environment.h>
namespace modular {
namespace testing {
// A gtest fixture and utility classes for tests that require an instance of
// the modular runtime. Depends on the `modular_test_harness` fuchsia package.
// #include <lib/modular_test_harness/cpp/test_harness_fixture.h>
// #include <lib/modular_test_harness/cpp/fake_component.h>
// class MyTest : public modular::testing::TestHarnessFixture {};
// TEST_F(MyTest, TestOne) {
// modular::testing::TestHarnessBuilder builder;
// // Instruct the test harness to intercept the launch of a new component
// // within the test environment. Specify that the component should include
// // foo.Service within its component manifest.
// auto component_url = GenerateFakeUrl();
// modular::testing::FakeComponent component;
// builder.InterceptComponent(
// component.GetOnCreateHandler(),
// {.url = component_url,
// .sandbox_services = {"foo.Service"}});
// // Start an instance of the modular runtime in the test harness's
// // hermetic environment. As soon as |component_url| is created in
// // this environment |component.on_create| is triggered.
// test_harness().events().OnNewComponent =
// builder.BuildOnNewComponentHandler();
// test_harness()->Run(builder.BuildSpec());
// // ... do something that would cause |component_url| to be created ...
// RunLoopUntil([&] { return component.is_running(); });
// foo::ServicePtr service_ptr;
// component.component_context()->svc()->Connect(service_ptr.NewRequest());
// // ...
// }
class TestHarnessBuilder {
struct InterceptOptions {
// The URL of the component to intercept. Use GenerateFakeUrl() to create a
// random valid URL.
// Optional: if not provided, a URL is generated using GenerateFakeUrl().
std::string url;
// A list of service names to populate the component's manifest
// JSON property
// Optional.
std::vector<std::string> sandbox_services;
using OnNewComponentHandler = fit::function<void(
fuchsia::sys::StartupInfo startup_info,
// Takes the TestHarnessSpec built so far with the builder functions below.
// Can only be called once.
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec BuildSpec();
// Builds a router function which routes calls to the various handlers
// provided to Intercept*() variants. Intended to be used as the handler for
// Can only be called once.
OnNewComponentHandler BuildOnNewComponentHandler();
// Amends the TestHarnessSpec to include interception instructions based on
// |options| and stores |on_create| for use in the router function created
// through BuildOnNewComponentHandler().
TestHarnessBuilder& InterceptComponent(
OnNewComponentHandler on_new_component,
InterceptOptions options = InterceptOptions());
// Convenience variant of InterceptComponent() which sets the base shell URL
// in the ModularConfig to |options.url|.
TestHarnessBuilder& InterceptBaseShell(
OnNewComponentHandler on_new_component,
InterceptOptions options = InterceptOptions());
// Convenience variant of InterceptComponent() which adds a session shell URL
// to the ModularConfig for |options.url|.
TestHarnessBuilder& InterceptSessionShell(
OnNewComponentHandler on_new_component,
InterceptOptions options = InterceptOptions());
// Convenience variant of InterceptComponent() which sets the story shell URL
// in the ModularConfig to |options.url|.
TestHarnessBuilder& InterceptStoryShell(
OnNewComponentHandler on_new_component,
InterceptOptions options = InterceptOptions());
// Returns a generated fake URL. Subsequent calls to this method will generate
// a different URL.
std::string GenerateFakeUrl() const;
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec spec_;
// Map from url to handler to be called when that url's component
// is created and intercepted.
std::map<std::string, OnNewComponentHandler> handlers_;
class TestHarnessFixture : public sys::testing::TestWithEnvironment {
virtual ~TestHarnessFixture();
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessPtr& test_harness() {
return test_harness_;
// DEPRECATED: Prefer to use the methods on TestHarnessBuilder.
std::string InterceptBaseShell(
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec* spec) const;
std::string InterceptSessionShell(
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec* spec,
std::string extra_cmx_contents = "") const;
std::string InterceptStoryShell(
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec* spec) const;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> svc_;
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessPtr test_harness_;
fuchsia::sys::ComponentControllerPtr test_harness_ctrl_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace modular