blob: b678dfd885a66bd66fc91a056a6e41de51704dcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "magma.h"
#include "magma_util/macros.h"
#include "magma_util/status.h"
#include "msd_defs.h"
#include "platform_buffer.h"
#include "platform_object.h"
#include "platform_thread.h"
#include <memory>
namespace magma {
// Any implementation of PlatformConnectionClient shall be threadsafe.
class PlatformConnectionClient : public magma_connection {
virtual ~PlatformConnectionClient() {}
static bool GetHandles(int fd, uint32_t* device_handle_out,
uint32_t* device_notification_handle_out);
static bool Query(int fd, uint64_t query_id, uint64_t* result_out);
static std::unique_ptr<PlatformConnectionClient> Create(uint32_t device_handle,
uint32_t device_notification_handle);
// Imports a buffer for use in the system driver
virtual magma_status_t ImportBuffer(PlatformBuffer* buffer) = 0;
// Destroys the buffer with |buffer_id| within this connection
// returns false if |buffer_id| has not been imported
virtual magma_status_t ReleaseBuffer(uint64_t buffer_id) = 0;
// Imports an object for use in the system driver
virtual magma_status_t ImportObject(uint32_t handle, PlatformObject::Type object_type) = 0;
// Releases the connection's reference to the given object.
virtual magma_status_t ReleaseObject(uint64_t object_id, PlatformObject::Type object_type) = 0;
// Creates a context and returns the context id
virtual void CreateContext(uint32_t* context_id_out) = 0;
// Destroys a context for the given id
virtual void DestroyContext(uint32_t context_id) = 0;
virtual magma_status_t GetError() = 0;
virtual void ExecuteCommandBuffer(uint32_t command_buffer_handle, uint32_t context_id) = 0;
virtual magma_status_t MapBufferGpu(uint64_t buffer_id, uint64_t gpu_va, uint64_t page_offset,
uint64_t page_count, uint64_t flags) = 0;
virtual magma_status_t UnmapBufferGpu(uint64_t buffer_id, uint64_t gpu_va) = 0;
virtual magma_status_t CommitBuffer(uint64_t buffer_id, uint64_t page_offset,
uint64_t page_count) = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetNotificationChannelHandle() = 0;
virtual magma_status_t ReadNotificationChannel(void* buffer, size_t buffer_size,
size_t* buffer_size_out) = 0;
virtual magma_status_t WaitNotificationChannel(int64_t timeout_ns) = 0;
virtual void ExecuteImmediateCommands(uint32_t context_id, uint64_t command_count,
magma_system_inline_command_buffer* command_buffers) = 0;
static PlatformConnectionClient* cast(magma_connection_t connection)
DASSERT(connection->magic_ == kMagic);
return static_cast<PlatformConnectionClient*>(connection);
PlatformConnectionClient() { magic_ = kMagic; }
static const uint32_t kMagic = 0x636f6e6e; // "conn" (Connection)
} // namespace magma