blob: cfc8325b0965c8e50f93fe89d8f011447a9bac79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/crypto/prng.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#include <vm/vm_page_list.h>
// Creation flags for VmAddressRegion and VmMappings
// When randomly allocating subregions, reduce sprawl by placing allocations
// near each other.
#define VMAR_FLAG_COMPACT (1 << 0)
// Request that the new region be at the specified offset in its parent region.
#define VMAR_FLAG_SPECIFIC (1 << 1)
// Like VMAR_FLAG_SPECIFIC, but permits overwriting existing mappings. This
// flag will not overwrite through a subregion.
// Allow VmMappings to be created inside the new region with the SPECIFIC or
// When on a VmAddressRegion, allow VmMappings to be created inside the region
// with read permissions. When on a VmMapping, controls whether or not the
// mapping can gain this permission.
#define VMAR_FLAG_CAN_MAP_READ (1 << 4)
// When on a VmAddressRegion, allow VmMappings to be created inside the region
// with write permissions. When on a VmMapping, controls whether or not the
// mapping can gain this permission.
#define VMAR_FLAG_CAN_MAP_WRITE (1 << 5)
// When on a VmAddressRegion, allow VmMappings to be created inside the region
// with execute permissions. When on a VmMapping, controls whether or not the
// mapping can gain this permission.
#define VMAR_FLAG_CAN_MAP_EXECUTE (1 << 6)
// Require that VMO backing the mapping is non-resizable.
// Allow VMO backings that could result in faults.
#define VMAR_FLAG_ALLOW_FAULTS (1 << 8)
// Treat the offset as an upper limit when allocating a VMO or child VMAR.
// forward declarations
class VmAddressRegion;
class VmMapping;
class VmEnumerator;
class PageRequest;
// A VmAddressRegion represents a contiguous region of the virtual address
// space. It is partitioned by non-overlapping children of the following types:
// 1) child VmAddressRegion
// 2) child VmMapping (leafs that map VmObjects into the address space)
// 3) gaps (logical, not actually objects).
// VmAddressRegionOrMapping represents a tagged union of the two types.
// A VmAddressRegion/VmMapping may be in one of two states: ALIVE or DEAD. If
// it is ALIVE, then the VmAddressRegion is a description of the virtual memory
// mappings of the address range it represents in its parent VmAspace. If it is
// DEAD, then the VmAddressRegion is invalid and has no meaning.
// All VmAddressRegion and VmMapping state is protected by the aspace lock.
class VmAddressRegionOrMapping
: public fbl::RefCounted<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>,
public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>> {
// If a VMO-mapping, unmap all pages and remove dependency on vm object it has a ref to.
// Otherwise recursively destroy child VMARs and transition to the DEAD state.
// Returns ZX_OK on success, ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if already dead, and other
// values on error (typically unmap failure).
virtual zx_status_t Destroy();
// accessors
vaddr_t base() const { return base_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
uint32_t flags() const { return flags_; }
const fbl::RefPtr<VmAspace>& aspace() const { return aspace_; }
// Recursively compute the number of allocated pages within this region
virtual size_t AllocatedPages() const;
// Subtype information and safe down-casting
bool is_mapping() const { return is_mapping_; }
fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegion> as_vm_address_region();
fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping> as_vm_mapping();
VmAddressRegion* as_vm_address_region_ptr();
VmMapping* as_vm_mapping_ptr();
// Page fault in an address within the region. Recursively traverses
// the regions to find the target mapping, if it exists.
// If this returns ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT, then the caller should wait on |page_request|
// and try again.
virtual zx_status_t PageFault(vaddr_t va, uint pf_flags, PageRequest* page_request)
TA_REQ(lock()) = 0;
// WAVL tree key function
vaddr_t GetKey() const { return base(); }
// Dump debug info
virtual void DumpLocked(uint depth, bool verbose) const TA_REQ(lock()) = 0;
// Expose our backing lock for annotation purposes.
Lock<Mutex>* lock() const TA_RET_CAP(aspace_->lock()) { return aspace_->lock(); }
Lock<Mutex>& lock_ref() const TA_RET_CAP(aspace_->lock()) { return aspace_->lock_ref(); }
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("VMRM")> canary_;
const bool is_mapping_;
// friend VmAddressRegion so it can access DestroyLocked
friend VmAddressRegion;
// destructor, should only be invoked from RefPtr
virtual ~VmAddressRegionOrMapping();
friend fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>;
bool in_subregion_tree() const {
return fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>>::InContainer();
enum class LifeCycleState {
// Initial state: if NOT_READY, then do not invoke Destroy() in the
// destructor
// Usual state: information is representative of the address space layout
// Object is invalid
VmAddressRegionOrMapping(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint32_t flags, VmAspace* aspace,
VmAddressRegion* parent, bool is_mapping);
// Check if the given *arch_mmu_flags* are allowed under this
// regions *flags_*
bool is_valid_mapping_flags(uint arch_mmu_flags);
bool is_in_range(vaddr_t base, size_t size) const {
const size_t offset = base - base_;
return base >= base_ && offset < size_ && size_ - offset >= size;
// Returns true if the instance is alive and reporting information that
// reflects the address space layout. |aspace()->lock()| must be held.
bool IsAliveLocked() const;
virtual zx_status_t DestroyLocked() TA_REQ(lock()) = 0;
virtual size_t AllocatedPagesLocked() const TA_REQ(lock()) = 0;
// Transition from NOT_READY to READY, and add references to self to related
// structures.
virtual void Activate() TA_REQ(lock()) = 0;
// current state of the VMAR. If LifeCycleState::DEAD, then all other
// fields are invalid.
LifeCycleState state_ = LifeCycleState::ALIVE;
// address/size within the container address space
vaddr_t base_;
size_t size_;
// flags from VMAR creation time
const uint32_t flags_;
// pointer back to our member address space. The aspace's lock is used
// to serialize all modifications.
const fbl::RefPtr<VmAspace> aspace_;
// pointer back to our parent region (nullptr if root or destroyed)
VmAddressRegion* parent_;
// A list of regions ordered by virtual address. Templated to allow for test code to avoid needing
// to instantiate 'real' VmAddressRegionOrMapping instances.
template <typename T = VmAddressRegionOrMapping>
class RegionList final {
using ChildList = fbl::WAVLTree<vaddr_t, fbl::RefPtr<T>>;
// Remove *region* from the list, returns the removed region.
fbl::RefPtr<T> RemoveRegion(T* region) { return regions_.erase(*region); }
// Insert *region* to the region list.
void InsertRegion(fbl::RefPtr<T> region) { regions_.insert(region); }
// Find the region that covers addr, returns nullptr if not found.
T* FindRegion(vaddr_t addr) const {
// Find the first region with a base greater than *addr*. If a region
// exists for *addr*, it will be immediately before it.
auto itr = --regions_.upper_bound(addr);
if (!itr.IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
// Subregion size should never be zero unless during unmapping which should never overlap with
// this operation.
DEBUG_ASSERT(itr->size() > 0);
vaddr_t region_end;
bool overflowed = add_overflow(itr->base(), itr->size() - 1, &region_end);
if (itr->base() > addr || addr > region_end) {
return nullptr;
return &*itr.CopyPointer();
// Find the region that contains |base|, or if that doesn't exist, the first region that contains
// an address greater than |base|.
typename ChildList::iterator IncludeOrHigher(vaddr_t base) {
// Find the first region with a base greater than *base*. If a region
// exists for *base*, it will be immediately before it.
auto itr = regions_.upper_bound(base);
if (!itr.IsValid()) {
itr = regions_.begin();
} else if (base >= itr->base() && base - itr->base() >= itr->size()) {
// If *base* isn't in this region, ignore it.
return itr;
typename ChildList::iterator UpperBound(vaddr_t base) { return regions_.upper_bound(base); }
// Check whether it would be valid to create a child in the range [base, base+size).
bool IsRangeAvailable(vaddr_t base, size_t size) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(size > 0);
// Find the first region with base > *base*. Since subregions_ has no
// overlapping elements, we just need to check this one and the prior
// child.
auto prev = regions_.upper_bound(base);
auto next = prev--;
if (prev.IsValid()) {
vaddr_t prev_last_byte;
if (add_overflow(prev->base(), prev->size() - 1, &prev_last_byte)) {
return false;
if (prev_last_byte >= base) {
return false;
if (next.IsValid() && next != regions_.end()) {
vaddr_t last_byte;
if (add_overflow(base, size - 1, &last_byte)) {
return false;
if (next->base() <= last_byte) {
return false;
return true;
// Get the allocation spot that is free and large enough for the aligned size.
zx_status_t GetAllocSpot(vaddr_t* alloc_spot, uint8_t align_pow2, uint8_t entropy, size_t size,
vaddr_t parent_base, size_t parent_size, crypto::PRNG* prng,
vaddr_t upper_limit = ktl::numeric_limits<vaddr_t>::max()) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(entropy < sizeof(size_t) * 8);
const vaddr_t align = 1UL << align_pow2;
// This is the maximum number of spaces we need to consider based on our desired entropy.
const size_t max_candidate_spaces = 1ul << entropy;
vaddr_t selected_index = 0;
if (prng != nullptr) {
// We first pick a index in [0, max_candidate_spaces] and hope to find the index.
// If the number of available spots is less than selected_index, alloc_spot_info.founds would
// be false. This means that selected_index is too large, we have to pick again in a smaller
// range and try again.
// Note that this is mathematically equal to randomly pick a spot within
// [0, candidate_spot_count] if selected_index <= candidate_spot_count.
// Prove as following:
// Define M = candidate_spot_count
// Define N = max_candidate_spaces (M < N, otherwise we can randomly allocate any spot from
// [0, max_candidate_spaces], thus allocate a specific slot has (1 / N) probability).
// Define slot X0 where X0 belongs to [1, M].
// Define event A: randomly pick a slot X in [1, N], N = X0.
// Define event B: randomly pick a slot X in [1, N], N belongs to [1, M].
// Define event C: randomly pick a slot X in [1, N], N = X0 when N belongs to [1, M].
// P(C) = P(A | B)
// Since when A happens, B definitely happens, so P(AB) = P(A)
// P(C) = P(A) / P(B) = (1 / N) / (M / N) = (1 / M)
// which is equal to the probability of picking a specific spot in [0, M].
selected_index = prng->RandInt(max_candidate_spaces);
AllocSpotInfo alloc_spot_info;
FindAllocSpotInGaps(size, align_pow2, selected_index, parent_base, parent_size,
&alloc_spot_info, upper_limit);
size_t candidate_spot_count = alloc_spot_info.candidate_spot_count;
if (candidate_spot_count == 0) {
if (!alloc_spot_info.found) {
if (candidate_spot_count > max_candidate_spaces) {
candidate_spot_count = max_candidate_spaces;
// If the number of candidate spaces is less than the index we want, let's pick again from the
// range for available spaces.
selected_index = prng->RandInt(candidate_spot_count);
FindAllocSpotInGaps(size, align_pow2, selected_index, parent_base, parent_size,
&alloc_spot_info, upper_limit);
*alloc_spot = alloc_spot_info.alloc_spot;
ASSERT(IS_ALIGNED(*alloc_spot, align));
return ZX_OK;
// Utility for allocators for iterating over gaps between allocations.
// F should have a signature of bool func(vaddr_t gap_base, size_t gap_size).
// If func returns false, the iteration stops. gap_base will be aligned in accordance with
// align_pow2.
template <typename F>
void ForEachGap(F func, uint8_t align_pow2, vaddr_t parent_base, size_t parent_size) const {
const vaddr_t align = 1UL << align_pow2;
// Scan the regions list to find the gap to the left of each region. We
// round up the end of the previous region to the requested alignment, so
// all gaps reported will be for aligned ranges.
vaddr_t prev_region_end = ROUNDUP(parent_base, align);
for (const auto& region : regions_) {
if (region.base() > prev_region_end) {
const size_t gap = region.base() - prev_region_end;
if (!func(prev_region_end, gap)) {
if (add_overflow(region.base(), region.size(), &prev_region_end)) {
// This region is already the last region.
prev_region_end = ROUNDUP(prev_region_end, align);
// Grab the gap to the right of the last region (note that if there are no
// regions, this handles reporting the VMAR's whole span as a gap).
if (parent_size > prev_region_end - parent_base) {
// This is equal to parent_base + parent_size - prev_region_end, but guarantee no overflow.
const size_t gap = parent_size - (prev_region_end - parent_base);
func(prev_region_end, gap);
// Returns whether the region list is empty.
bool IsEmpty() const { return regions_.is_empty(); }
// Returns the iterator points to the first element of the list.
T& front() { return regions_.front(); }
typename ChildList::iterator begin() { return regions_.begin(); }
typename ChildList::const_iterator begin() const { return regions_.begin(); }
typename ChildList::const_iterator cbegin() const { return regions_.cbegin(); }
typename ChildList::iterator end() { return regions_.end(); }
typename ChildList::const_iterator end() const { return regions_.end(); }
typename ChildList::const_iterator cend() const { return regions_.cend(); }
// list of memory regions, indexed by base address.
ChildList regions_;
// A structure to contain allocated spot address or number of available slots.
struct AllocSpotInfo {
// candidate_spot_count is the number of available slot that we could allocate if we have not
// found the spot with index |selected_index| to allocate.
size_t candidate_spot_count = 0;
// Found indicates whether we have found the spot with index |selected_indexes|.
bool found = false;
// alloc_spot is the virtual start address of the spot to allocate if we find one.
vaddr_t alloc_spot = 0;
// Try to find the |selected_index| spot among all the gaps, alloc_spot_info contains the max
// candidate spots if |selected_index| is larger than candidate_spaces. In this case, we need to
// pick a smaller index and try again.
void FindAllocSpotInGaps(size_t size, uint8_t align_pow2, vaddr_t selected_index,
vaddr_t parent_base, vaddr_t parent_size, AllocSpotInfo* alloc_spot_info,
vaddr_t upper_limit = ktl::numeric_limits<vaddr_t>::max()) const {
const vaddr_t align = 1UL << align_pow2;
// candidate_spot_count is the number of available slot that we could allocate if we have not
// found the spot with index |selected_index| to allocate.
size_t candidate_spot_count = 0;
// Found indicates whether we have found the spot with index |selected_indexes|.
bool found = false;
// alloc_spot is the virtual start address of the spot to allocate if we find one.
vaddr_t alloc_spot = 0;
[align, align_pow2, size, upper_limit, &candidate_spot_count, &selected_index, &alloc_spot,
&found](vaddr_t gap_base, size_t gap_len) -> bool {
DEBUG_ASSERT(IS_ALIGNED(gap_base, align));
if (gap_len < size || gap_base + size > upper_limit) {
// Ignore gap that is too small or out of range.
return true;
const size_t clamped_len = ClampRange(gap_base, gap_len, upper_limit);
const size_t spots = AllocationSpotsInRange(clamped_len, size, align_pow2);
candidate_spot_count += spots;
if (selected_index < spots) {
// If we are able to find the spot with index |selected_indexes| in this gap, then we
// have found our pick.
found = true;
alloc_spot = gap_base + (selected_index << align_pow2);
return false;
selected_index -= spots;
return true;
align_pow2, parent_base, parent_size);
alloc_spot_info->found = found;
alloc_spot_info->alloc_spot = alloc_spot;
alloc_spot_info->candidate_spot_count = candidate_spot_count;
// Compute the number of allocation spots that satisfy the alignment within the
// given range size, for a range that has a base that satisfies the alignment.
static constexpr size_t AllocationSpotsInRange(size_t range_size, size_t alloc_size,
uint8_t align_pow2) {
return ((range_size - alloc_size) >> align_pow2) + 1;
// Returns the size of the given range clamped to the given upper limit. The base
// of the range must be within the upper limit.
static constexpr size_t ClampRange(vaddr_t range_base, size_t range_size, vaddr_t upper_limit) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(range_base <= upper_limit);
const size_t range_limit = range_base + range_size;
return range_limit <= upper_limit ? range_size : range_size - (range_limit - upper_limit);
// A representation of a contiguous range of virtual address space
class VmAddressRegion final : public VmAddressRegionOrMapping {
// Create a root region. This will span the entire aspace
static zx_status_t CreateRoot(VmAspace& aspace, uint32_t vmar_flags,
fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegion>* out);
// Create a subregion of this region
zx_status_t CreateSubVmar(size_t offset, size_t size, uint8_t align_pow2, uint32_t vmar_flags,
const char* name, fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegion>* out);
// Create a VmMapping within this region
zx_status_t CreateVmMapping(size_t mapping_offset, size_t size, uint8_t align_pow2,
uint32_t vmar_flags, fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t vmo_offset,
uint arch_mmu_flags, const char* name, fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>* out);
// Find the child region that contains the given addr. If addr is in a gap,
// returns nullptr. This is a non-recursive search.
fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping> FindRegion(vaddr_t addr);
enum class RangeOpType {
// Apply |op| to VMO mappings in the specified range of pages.
zx_status_t RangeOp(RangeOpType op, size_t offset, size_t len, user_inout_ptr<void> buffer,
size_t buffer_size);
// Unmap a subset of the region of memory in the containing address space,
// returning it to this region to allocate. If a subregion is entirely in
// the range, that subregion is destroyed. If a subregion is partially in
// the range, Unmap() will fail.
zx_status_t Unmap(vaddr_t base, size_t size);
// Same as Unmap, but allows for subregions that are partially in the range.
// Additionally, sub-VMARs that are completely within the range will not be
// destroyed.
zx_status_t UnmapAllowPartial(vaddr_t base, size_t size);
// Change protections on a subset of the region of memory in the containing
// address space. If the requested range overlaps with a subregion,
// Protect() will fail.
zx_status_t Protect(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint new_arch_mmu_flags);
// Reserve a memory region within this VMAR. This region is already mapped in the page table with
// |arch_mmu_flags|. VMAR should create a VmMapping for this region even though no physical pages
// need to be allocated for this region.
zx_status_t ReserveSpace(const char* name, size_t base, size_t size, uint arch_mmu_flags);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
bool has_parent() const;
void DumpLocked(uint depth, bool verbose) const TA_REQ(lock()) override;
zx_status_t PageFault(vaddr_t va, uint pf_flags, PageRequest* page_request)
TA_REQ(lock()) override;
// constructor for use in creating a VmAddressRegionDummy
explicit VmAddressRegion();
friend class VmAspace;
// constructor for use in creating the kernel aspace singleton
explicit VmAddressRegion(VmAspace& kernel_aspace);
// Count the allocated pages, caller must be holding the aspace lock
size_t AllocatedPagesLocked() const TA_REQ(lock()) override;
// Used to implement VmAspace::EnumerateChildren.
// |aspace_->lock()| must be held.
bool EnumerateChildrenLocked(VmEnumerator* ve);
friend class VmMapping;
friend fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegion>;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("VMAR")> canary_;
// private constructors, use Create...() instead
VmAddressRegion(VmAspace& aspace, vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint32_t vmar_flags);
VmAddressRegion(VmAddressRegion& parent, vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint32_t vmar_flags,
const char* name);
zx_status_t DestroyLocked() TA_REQ(lock()) override;
void Activate() TA_REQ(lock()) override;
// Helper to share code between CreateSubVmar and CreateVmMapping
zx_status_t CreateSubVmarInternal(size_t offset, size_t size, uint8_t align_pow2,
uint32_t vmar_flags, fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo,
uint64_t vmo_offset, uint arch_mmu_flags, const char* name,
fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>* out);
// Create a new VmMapping within this region, overwriting any existing
// mappings that are in the way. If the range crosses a subregion, the call
// fails.
zx_status_t OverwriteVmMapping(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint32_t vmar_flags,
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t vmo_offset,
uint arch_mmu_flags, fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegionOrMapping>* out);
// Implementation for Unmap() and OverwriteVmMapping() that does not hold
// the aspace lock. If |can_destroy_regions| is true, then this may destroy
// VMARs that it completely covers. If |allow_partial_vmar| is true, then
// this can handle the situation where only part of the VMAR is contained
// within the region and will not destroy any VMARs.
zx_status_t UnmapInternalLocked(vaddr_t base, size_t size, bool can_destroy_regions,
bool allow_partial_vmar);
// returns true if we can meet the allocation between the given children,
// and if so populates pva with the base address to use.
bool CheckGapLocked(VmAddressRegionOrMapping* prev, VmAddressRegionOrMapping* next, vaddr_t* pva,
vaddr_t search_base, vaddr_t align, size_t region_size, size_t min_gap,
uint arch_mmu_flags);
// search for a spot to allocate for a region of a given size
zx_status_t AllocSpotLocked(size_t size, uint8_t align_pow2, uint arch_mmu_flags, vaddr_t* spot,
vaddr_t upper_limit = ktl::numeric_limits<vaddr_t>::max());
template <typename ON_VMAR, typename ON_MAPPING>
bool EnumerateChildrenInternalLocked(vaddr_t min_addr, vaddr_t max_addr, ON_VMAR on_vmar,
ON_MAPPING on_mapping);
RegionList<VmAddressRegionOrMapping> subregions_;
const char name_[32] = {};
// A representation of the mapping of a VMO into the address space
class VmMapping final : public VmAddressRegionOrMapping,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<VmMapping*> {
// Accessors for VMO-mapping state
// These can be read under either lock (both locks being held for writing), so we provide two
// different accessors, one for each lock.
uint arch_mmu_flags_locked() const TA_REQ(aspace_->lock()) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return arch_mmu_flags_;
uint arch_mmu_flags_locked_object() const TA_REQ(object_->lock()) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return arch_mmu_flags_;
uint64_t object_offset_locked() const TA_REQ(lock()) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return object_offset_;
uint64_t object_offset_locked_object() const
return object_offset_;
// Intended to be used from VmEnumerator callbacks where the aspace_->lock() will be held.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo_locked() const { return object_; }
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo() const;
// Convenience wrapper for vmo()->DecommitRange() with the necessary
// offset modification and locking.
zx_status_t DecommitRange(size_t offset, size_t len);
// Map in pages from the underlying vm object, optionally committing pages as it goes
zx_status_t MapRange(size_t offset, size_t len, bool commit);
zx_status_t MapRangeLocked(size_t offset, size_t len, bool commit) TA_REQ(lock());
// Unmap a subset of the region of memory in the containing address space,
// returning it to the parent region to allocate. If all of the memory is unmapped,
// Destroy()s this mapping. If a subrange of the mapping is specified, the
// mapping may be split.
zx_status_t Unmap(vaddr_t base, size_t size);
// Change access permissions for this mapping. It is an error to specify a
// caching mode in the flags. This will persist the caching mode the
// mapping was created with. If a subrange of the mapping is specified, the
// mapping may be split.
zx_status_t Protect(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint new_arch_mmu_flags);
void DumpLocked(uint depth, bool verbose) const TA_REQ(lock()) override;
zx_status_t PageFault(vaddr_t va, uint pf_flags, PageRequest* page_request)
TA_REQ(lock()) override;
// Apis intended for use by VmObject
Lock<Mutex>* object_lock() TA_RET_CAP(object_->lock()) { return object_->lock(); }
// Unmap any pages that map the passed in vmo range from the arch aspace.
// May not intersect with this range.
zx_status_t AspaceUnmapVmoRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) const
// Removes any writeable mappings for the passed in vmo range from the arch aspace.
// May fall back to unmapping pages from the arch aspace if necessary.
zx_status_t AspaceRemoveWriteVmoRangeLocked(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) const
// Harvests accessed bits for any pages in the passed in vmo range and calls the provided callback
// for any pages with a bit to harvest.
zx_status_t HarvestAccessVmoRangeLocked(
uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
const fbl::Function<bool(vm_page*, uint64_t vmo_offset)>& accessed_callback) const
// Marks this mapping as being a candidate for merging, and will immediately attempt to merge with
// any neighboring mappings. Making a mapping mergeable essentially indicates that you will no
// longer use this specific VmMapping instance to refer to the referenced region, and will access
// the region via the parent vmar in the future, and so the region merely needs to remain valid
// through some VmMapping.
// For this the function requires you to hand in your last remaining refptr to the mapping.
static void MarkMergeable(fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>&& mapping);
// Used to cache the page attribution count for this vmo range. Also tracks the vmo hierarchy
// generation count and the mapping generation count at the time of caching the attributed page
// count.
struct CachedPageAttribution {
uint64_t mapping_generation_count = 0;
uint64_t vmo_generation_count = 0;
size_t page_count = 0;
// Exposed for testing.
CachedPageAttribution GetCachedPageAttribution() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{aspace_->lock()};
return cached_page_attribution_;
// Exposed for testing.
uint64_t GetMappingGenerationCount() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{aspace_->lock()};
return GetMappingGenerationCountLocked();
~VmMapping() override;
friend fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("VMAP")> canary_;
enum class Mergeable : bool { YES = true, NO = false };
// allow VmAddressRegion to manipulate VmMapping internals for construction
// and bookkeeping
friend class VmAddressRegion;
// private constructors, use VmAddressRegion::Create...() instead
VmMapping(VmAddressRegion& parent, vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint32_t vmar_flags,
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t vmo_offset, uint arch_mmu_flags,
Mergeable mergeable);
zx_status_t DestroyLocked() TA_REQ(lock()) override;
// Implementation for Unmap(). This supports partial unmapping.
zx_status_t UnmapLocked(vaddr_t base, size_t size) TA_REQ(lock());
// Implementation for Protect().
zx_status_t ProtectLocked(vaddr_t base, size_t size, uint new_arch_mmu_flags) TA_REQ(lock());
size_t AllocatedPagesLocked() const TA_REQ(lock()) override;
void Activate() TA_REQ(lock()) override;
void ActivateLocked() TA_REQ(lock()) TA_REQ(object_->lock());
// Takes a range relative to the vmo object_ and converts it into a virtual address range relative
// to aspace_. Returns true if a non zero sized intersection was found, false otherwise. If false
// is returned |base| and |virtual_len| hold undefined contents.
bool ObjectRangeToVaddrRange(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len, vaddr_t* base,
uint64_t* virtual_len) const TA_REQ(object_->lock());
// Attempts to merge this mapping with any neighbors. It is the responsibility of the caller to
// ensure a refptr to this is being held, as on return |this| may be in the dead state and have
// removed itself from the hierarchy, dropping a refptr.
void TryMergeNeighborsLocked() TA_REQ(lock());
// Attempts to merge the given mapping into this one. This only succeeds if the candidate is
// placed just after |this|, both in the aspace and the vmo. See implementation for the full
// requirements for merging to succeed.
// The candidate must be held as a RefPtr by the caller so that this function does not trigger
// any VmMapping destructor by dropping the last reference when removing from the parent vmar.
void TryMergeRightNeighborLocked(VmMapping* right_candidate) TA_REQ(lock());
// This should be called whenever a change is made to the vmo range we are mapping, that could
// result in the page attribution count of that range changing.
void IncrementMappingGenerationCountLocked() TA_REQ(lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(mapping_generation_count_ != 0);
// Get the current generation count.
uint64_t GetMappingGenerationCountLocked() const TA_REQ(lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(mapping_generation_count_ != 0);
return mapping_generation_count_;
// Helper function that updates the |size_| to |new_size| and also increments the mapping
// generation count. Requires both the aspace lock and the object lock to be held, since |size_|
// can be read under either of those locks.
void set_size_locked(size_t new_size) TA_REQ(lock()) TA_REQ(object_->lock()) {
size_ = new_size;
// pointer and region of the object we are mapping
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> object_;
// This can be read with either lock hold, but requires both locks to write it.
uint64_t object_offset_ TA_GUARDED(object_->lock()) TA_GUARDED(aspace_->lock()) = 0;
// cached mapping flags (read/write/user/etc).
// This can be read with either lock hold, but requires both locks to write it.
uint arch_mmu_flags_ TA_GUARDED(object_->lock()) TA_GUARDED(aspace_->lock());
// used to detect recursions through the vmo fault path
bool currently_faulting_ TA_GUARDED(object_->lock()) = false;
// Whether this mapping may be merged with other adjacent mappings. A mergeable mapping is just a
// region that can be represented by any VmMapping object, not specifically this one.
Mergeable mergeable_ TA_GUARDED(lock()) = Mergeable::NO;
// Tracks the last cached page attribution count for the vmo range we are mapping.
// Only used when |object_| is a VmObjectPaged.
mutable CachedPageAttribution cached_page_attribution_ TA_GUARDED(aspace_->lock()) = {};
// The mapping's generation count is incremented on any change to the vmo range that is mapped.
// This is used to implement caching for page attribution counts, which get queried frequently to
// periodically track memory usage on the system. Attributing pages to a VMO is an expensive
// operation and involves walking the VMO tree, quite often multiple times. If the generation
// counts for the vmo *and* the mapping do not change between two successive queries, we can avoid
// re-counting attributed pages, and simply return the previously cached value.
// The generation count starts at 1 to ensure that there can be no cached values initially; the
// cached generation count starts at 0.
uint64_t mapping_generation_count_ TA_GUARDED(aspace_->lock()) = 1;
// Interface for walking a VmAspace-rooted VmAddressRegion/VmMapping tree.
// Override this class and pass an instance to VmAspace::EnumerateChildren().
class VmEnumerator {
// VmAspace::EnumerateChildren() will call the On* methods in depth-first
// pre-order. If any call returns false, the traversal will stop. The root
// VmAspace's lock will be held during the entire traversal.
// |depth| will be 0 for the root VmAddressRegion.
virtual bool OnVmAddressRegion(const VmAddressRegion* vmar, uint depth) TA_REQ(vmar->lock()) {
return true;
// |vmar| is the parent of |map|. The root VmAspace's lock will be held when this is called.
virtual bool OnVmMapping(const VmMapping* map, const VmAddressRegion* vmar, uint depth)
TA_REQ(map->lock()) TA_REQ(vmar->lock()) {
return true;
VmEnumerator() = default;
~VmEnumerator() = default;