blob: 2d24c38f46e77629a3d65efd1e63fcb0db1c9ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/ktrace.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <arch/kernel_aspace.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_container_utils.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <kernel/auto_preempt_disabler.h>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/forward.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <vm/page_state.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
// ObjectCache is a power of two slab allocator. Slabs are allocated and
// retained for future use up to the specified limit, reducing contention on the
// the underlying allocator. A variant with per-CPU slab caches is provided to
// further improve concurrency in high-demand use cases.
// This allocator supports back reference lifetime dependency in ref counted
// types, where ObjectCache allocated objects hold ref pointers to the object
// that owns the ObjectCache the objects are allocated from.
// For example, the ref counted object Parent allocates ref counted Child
// objects with references back to itself:
// struct Parent : fbl::RefCountable<Parent> {
// struct Child : fbl::RefCountable<Child> {
// fbl::RefPtr<Parent> parent;
// };
// // The lifetime of this allocator is bounded by the lifetime of the Parent
// // containing it.
// object_cache::ObjectCache<Child> allocator;
// zx::status<fbl::RefPtr<Child>> Allocate() {
// zx::status result = allocator.Allocate(fbl::RefPtr{this});
// if (result.is_error()) {
// return result.take_error();
// }
// return zx::ok(fbl::AdoptRef(result.value().release()));
// }
// };
// Assume the following allocations succeed:
// fbl::RefPtr parent = fbl::AdoptRef(new Parent{});
// fbl::RefPtr child_a = fbl::AdoptRef(parent->Allocate().value());
// fbl::RefPtr child_b = fbl::AdoptRef(parent->Allocate().value());
// The ref pointers parent, child_a, and child_b can be released in any order,
// even concurrently. ObjectCache manages the lifetimes of the slabs the Child
// instances are allocated from to ensure the memory is valid until the last
// Child is destroyed, even if that is after the ObjectCache has been destroyed.
namespace object_cache {
// The default allocator for the object cache. Allocates page sized slabs from
// the PMM. This may be replaced by a higher-order page allocator without loss
// of generality.
struct DefaultAllocator {
static constexpr size_t kSlabSize = PAGE_SIZE;
static zx::status<void*> Allocate() {
paddr_t paddr = 0;
vm_page_t* vm_page;
const zx_status_t page_alloc_status = pmm_alloc_page(PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_ANY, &vm_page, &paddr);
if (page_alloc_status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error_status(page_alloc_status);
return zx::ok(paddr_to_physmap(paddr));
static void Release(void* slab) {
vm_page_t* page = paddr_to_vm_page(physmap_to_paddr(slab));
DEBUG_ASSERT(page->state() == vm_page_state::SLAB);
static void CountObjectAllocation();
static void CountObjectFree();
static void CountSlabAllocation();
static void CountSlabFree();
// Selects between single cache and per-CPU cache modes when instantiating
// ObjectCache.
enum class Option { Single, PerCpu };
// Base type. Specializations handle single cache and per-CPU cache variants.
template <typename T, Option = Option::Single, typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator>
class ObjectCache;
// Mixin type that provides a delete operator that returns the deleted object to
// the object cache it was allocated from.
// Example usage:
// class Foo : public object_cache::Deletable<Foo> { ... };
template <typename T, typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator>
struct Deletable {
static void operator delete(void* object, size_t size) {
ObjectCache<T, Option::Single, Allocator>::Delete(static_cast<T*>(object));
// Functor type that frees the given object using the object cache it was
// allocated from.
// Example usage:
// ktl::unique_ptr<Foo, object_cache::Deleter<Foo>> ptr;
template <typename T, typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator>
struct Deleter {
using Type = std::remove_const_t<T>;
void operator()(const Type* object) const {
Type* pointer = const_cast<Type*>(object);
ObjectCache<Type, Option::Single, Allocator>::Delete(pointer);
// Simplified type alias of ktl::unique_ptr with the appropriate deleter type.
template <typename T, typename Allocator = DefaultAllocator>
using UniquePtr = ktl::unique_ptr<T, Deleter<T, Allocator>>;
// The maximum size of the slab control block. Custom allocators may use this
// constant to compute slab sizes, taking into account the size of the control
// block and the desired number of objects per slab.
static constexpr size_t kSlabControlMaxSize = 128;
// Specialization of ObjectCache for the single slab cache variant. Operations
// serialize on the main object cache lock, regardless of CPU.
template <typename T, typename Allocator>
class ObjectCache<T, Option::Single, Allocator> {
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
using EnableIfConstructible = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...>, Return>;
static constexpr int kTraceLevel = 0;
using Basic = TraceEnabled<(kTraceLevel > 0)>;
using Detail = TraceEnabled<(kTraceLevel > 1)>;
template <typename EnabledOption>
using LocalTraceDuration =
TraceDuration<EnabledOption, KTRACE_GRP_SCHEDULER, TraceContext::Thread>;
static_assert(fbl::is_pow2(Allocator::kSlabSize), "Slabs must be a power of two!");
static constexpr uintptr_t kSlabAddrMask = Allocator::kSlabSize - 1;
// Constructs an ObjectCache with the given slab reservation value. Reserve
// slabs are not immediately allocated.
explicit ObjectCache(size_t reserve_slabs) : reserve_slabs_{reserve_slabs} {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"ObjectCache::ObjectCache"_stringref};
~ObjectCache() {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"ObjectCache::~ObjectCache"_stringref};
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// Mark active slabs orphan. Threads racing in Slab::Free may not observe
// this state before attempting to acquire the cache lock.
for (Slab& slab : full_list_) {
for (Slab& slab : partial_list_) {
// Wait for any threads racing in Slab::Free to release their slab locks to
// ensure that the cache lock is not destroyed while they hold it.
for (Slab& slab : full_list_) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&slab.control.lock};
for (Slab& slab : partial_list_) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&slab.control.lock};
// ObjectCache is not copiable.
ObjectCache(const ObjectCache&) = delete;
ObjectCache& operator=(const ObjectCache&) = delete;
// ObjectCache is not movable.
ObjectCache(ObjectCache&& other) = delete;
ObjectCache& operator=(ObjectCache&& other) = delete;
using PtrType = UniquePtr<T, Allocator>;
// Allocates an instance of T from a slab and constructs it with the given
// arguments. Returns a pointer to the constructed object as a unique pointer.
// If the object is ref counted it is not yet adopted.
template <typename... Args>
EnableIfConstructible<zx::status<PtrType>, Args...> Allocate(Args&&... args) TA_EXCL(lock_) {
LocalTraceDuration<Basic> trace{"ObjectCache::Allocate"_stringref};
AutoPreemptDisabler preempt_disable;
while (true) {
zx::status<SlabPtr> slab = GetSlab();
if (slab.is_error()) {
return slab.take_error();
// Allocation can fail if one or more allocating threads race with a
// thread that is either filling or releasing a slab. Retry on another
// slab until allocation succeeds or slab allocation fails due to
// insufficient memory.
zx::status<Entry*> object = slab->Allocate();
if (object.is_ok()) {
return zx::ok(object.value()->ToObject(ktl::forward<Args>(args)...));
size_t slab_count() const {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return slab_count_;
static constexpr size_t objects_per_slab() { return kEntriesPerSlab; }
template <typename, typename>
friend struct Deleter;
template <typename, typename>
friend struct Deletable;
// Predicate indicating whether the number of slabs is greater than the
// reserve value.
bool should_trim() const TA_REQ(lock_) { return slab_count_ > reserve_slabs_; }
// Returns the given object that has already been destroyed to the slab it was
// allocated from.
static void Delete(void* pointer) {
LocalTraceDuration<Basic> trace{"ObjectCache::Release"_stringref};
AutoPreemptDisabler preempt_disable;
SlabPtr slab = Slab::FromAllocatedPointer(pointer);
Entry* entry = Entry::ToListNode(pointer);
// Optimization flags that impact the efficiency of the Slab destructor. May
// be set to fbl::NodeOptionsNone to force manually clearing the free list for
// debugging purposes.
static constexpr fbl::NodeOptions kEntryNodeOptions = fbl::NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe;
// An entry in the Slab object array. Exists either as a node in the slab free
// list or as an allocated instance of T.
union Entry {
using NodeState = fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Entry*, kEntryNodeOptions>;
static NodeState& node_state(Entry& entry) { return entry.list_node; }
Entry() : list_node{} {}
~Entry() { list_node.~NodeState(); }
// Converts this entry from a list node to an object, constructing the
// instance of T with the given arguments. This should be called after the
// entry is allocated, outside of internal locks to avoid unnecessary lock
// dependencies.
template <typename... Args>
T* ToObject(Args&&... args) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Entry::ToObject"_stringref};
new (&object) T(ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
return &object;
// Converts this entry to a list node. The object must already be destroyed.
static Entry* ToListNode(void* pointer) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Entry::ToListNode"_stringref};
Entry* entry = static_cast<Entry*>(pointer);
new (&entry->list_node) NodeState{};
return entry;
NodeState list_node;
T object;
#ifdef __clang__
static_assert(offsetof(Entry, object) == 0);
struct Slab;
using SlabPtr = fbl::RefPtr<Slab>;
using SlabList = fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<SlabPtr, Slab>;
// Slab control block. Separate from the defintion of Slab to simplify
// computing the size of the Entry array.
struct SlabControl {
explicit SlabControl(ObjectCache* object_cache) : object_cache{object_cache} {}
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("slab")> canary;
fbl::RefCounted<SlabControl> ref_count;
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<SlabPtr> list_node;
ktl::atomic<bool> orphan_flag{false};
DECLARE_MUTEX(SlabControl) lock;
ObjectCache* object_cache;
fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<Entry*, Entry, fbl::SizeOrder::Constant> free_list;
static_assert(sizeof(SlabControl) <= kSlabControlMaxSize);
static constexpr ssize_t kEntriesPerSlab =
(Allocator::kSlabSize - fbl::round_up(sizeof(SlabControl), alignof(Entry))) / sizeof(Entry);
static_assert(kEntriesPerSlab > 0);
// A slab of objects in the object cache. Constructed on a raw block of power
// of two aligned memory.
struct Slab {
explicit Slab(ObjectCache* object_cache) : control{object_cache} {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::Slab"_stringref};
for (Entry& entry : entries) {
~Slab() {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::~Slab"_stringref};
if constexpr (kEntryNodeOptions & fbl::NodeOptions::AllowClearUnsafe) {
} else {
// Consistency check that every entry is on the free list. Attempting to
// erase an entry that is not on the free list will assert.
for (Entry& entry : entries) {
// Returns the raw memory for the slab to the allocator when the last
// reference is released.
static void operator delete(void* slab, size_t size) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::delete"_stringref};
DEBUG_ASSERT(size == sizeof(Slab));
// Forward reference counting methods to the control block.
void AddRef() const { control.ref_count.AddRef(); }
bool Release() const __WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return control.ref_count.Release(); }
void Adopt() const { return control.ref_count.Adopt(); }
int ref_count_debug() const { return control.ref_count.ref_count_debug(); }
// Forward slab list node methods from the control block.
bool InContainer() { return control.list_node.InContainer(); }
static auto& node_state(Slab& slab) { return slab.control.list_node; }
void SetOrphan() {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::SetOrphan"_stringref};
control.orphan_flag = true;
size_t available_objects() const TA_REQ(control.lock) { return control.free_list.size(); }
bool is_empty() const TA_REQ(control.lock) { return available_objects() == kEntriesPerSlab; }
bool is_full() const TA_REQ(control.lock) { return control.free_list.is_empty(); }
bool is_orphan() const { return control.orphan_flag; }
// Returns a reference to a slab given a pointer to an entry.
static SlabPtr FromAllocatedPointer(void* pointer) {
// Slab addresses are guaranteed to be power-of-two aligned. This contract
// is checked in AllocateSlab.
const uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer) & ~kSlabAddrMask;
Slab* slab = reinterpret_cast<Slab*>(addr);
return fbl::RefPtr{slab};
// Allocates an entry from the slab and moves the slab to the appropriate
// list in the cache. The caller must hold a reference to this slab.
zx::status<Entry*> Allocate() {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::Allocate"_stringref};
Guard<Mutex> slab_guard{&control.lock};
// Retry on another slab if another thread allocated the last object in
// this slab between releasing the object cache lock in GetSlab and
// acquiring the slab lock here.
if (available_objects() == 0) {
return zx::error_status(ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
Guard<Mutex> object_cache_guard{&control.object_cache->lock_};
// Retry on another slab if another thread removed this slab from the
// object cache between releasing the object cache lock in GetSlab and
// acquiring the slab lock here. Technically, this slab could be re-added
// to the cache, however, there is a good chance that another partial slab
// exists that would reduce fragmentation.
if (!InContainer()) {
return zx::error_status(ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
const bool was_empty = is_empty();
Entry* entry = control.free_list.pop_front();
if (was_empty || is_full()) {
SlabList& from_list =
was_empty ? control.object_cache->empty_list_ : control.object_cache->partial_list_;
SlabList& to_list =
is_full() ? control.object_cache->full_list_ : control.object_cache->partial_list_;
// The allocated object maintains a reference to prevent prematurely
// releasing the slab in back reference scenarios.
return zx::ok(entry);
// Returns the given entry to the free list. The caller must hold a
// reference to the slab.
void Free(void* pointer) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"Slab::Free"_stringref};
Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(pointer);
DEBUG_ASSERT(entry >= entries.begin() && entry < entries.end());
Guard<Mutex> guard{&control.lock};
DEBUG_ASSERT(available_objects() < kEntriesPerSlab);
// If the cache containing this slab was destroyed while destroying the
// last object in the cache (e.g. back reference) this slab will be marked
// orphan and should not attempt to access the object cache.
if (is_orphan()) {
// Just return the entry to the free list and release the additional
// reference to the orphan slab.
} else {
Guard<Mutex> guard{&control.object_cache->lock_};
const bool was_full = is_full();
// This slab may have been orphaned while blocking on the cache lock
// above if the cache destructor ran concurrently with this free
// operation.
if (!is_orphan()) {
if (was_full || is_empty()) {
SlabList& from_list =
was_full ? control.object_cache->full_list_ : control.object_cache->partial_list_;
SlabList& to_list = is_empty() ? control.object_cache->empty_list_
: control.object_cache->partial_list_;
if (is_empty() && control.object_cache->should_trim()) {
// Release the freed object's reference to the slab.
[[maybe_unused]] const bool should_release = Release();
DEBUG_ASSERT(should_release == false);
SlabControl control;
ktl::array<Entry, kEntriesPerSlab> entries{};
#ifdef __clang__
static_assert(offsetof(Slab, control) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(Slab) <= Allocator::kSlabSize);
// Returns a reference to a slab with at least one available entry. Allocates
// a new slab if no slabs have available entries.
zx::status<SlabPtr> GetSlab() TA_EXCL(lock_) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"ObjectCache::GetSlab"_stringref};
Guard<Mutex> guard{&lock_};
if (partial_list_.is_empty() && empty_list_.is_empty()) {
return AllocateSlab();
Slab& slab = partial_list_.is_empty() ? empty_list_.front() : partial_list_.front();
return zx::ok(fbl::RefPtr{&slab});
// Allocates a new slab and adds it to the empty list.
zx::status<Slab*> AllocateSlab() TA_REQ(lock_) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"ObjectCache::AllocateSlab"_stringref};
zx::status<void*> result = Allocator::Allocate();
if (result.is_ok()) {
void* const pointer = result.value();
DEBUG_ASSERT((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer) & kSlabAddrMask) == 0);
Slab* slab = new (pointer) Slab{this};
return zx::ok(slab);
return result.take_error();
// Removes the given slab from this cache.
void RemoveSlab(Slab* slab) TA_REQ(lock_) {
LocalTraceDuration<Detail> trace{"ObjectCache::RemoveSlab"_stringref};
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("obj$")> canary_;
const size_t reserve_slabs_;
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(ObjectCache) lock_;
size_t slab_count_ TA_GUARDED(lock_){0};
// Lists of slabs in the object cache with the following functions:
// - The partial list contains slabs with some allocated objects and some
// entries in the free list.
// - The empty list contains retained slabs with no allocated objects and all
// entries in the free list.
// - The full list containing slabs with all objects allocated and no entries
// in the free list.
// Allocation from slabs in the partial list is preferred over the empty list
// to reduce fragmentation.
SlabList partial_list_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
SlabList empty_list_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
SlabList full_list_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
namespace internal {
size_t GetProcessorCount();
} // namespace internal
// Specialization of ObjectCache for the per-CPU slab cache variant. Operations
// serialize on per-CPU object cache locks.
template <typename T, typename Allocator>
class ObjectCache<T, Option::PerCpu, Allocator> {
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
using EnableIfConstructible = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...>, Return>;
// ObjectCache is default constructible in the empty state.
ObjectCache() = default;
// ObjectCache is not copiable.
ObjectCache(const ObjectCache&) = delete;
ObjectCache& operator=(const ObjectCache&) = delete;
// ObjectCache is movable.
ObjectCache(ObjectCache&&) noexcept = default;
ObjectCache& operator=(ObjectCache&&) noexcept = default;
// Creates a per-CPU ObjectCache with the given slab reservation value. The
// reserve value applies to each per-CPU cache independently. Reserve slabs
// are not immediately allocated.
static zx::status<ObjectCache> Create(size_t reserve_slabs) {
const size_t processor_count = internal::GetProcessorCount();
fbl::AllocChecker checker;
ktl::unique_ptr<CpuCache[]> per_cpu_caches{new (&checker) CpuCache[processor_count]};
if (!checker.check()) {
return zx::error_status(ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
for (size_t i = 0; i < processor_count; i++) {
return zx::ok(ObjectCache{processor_count, ktl::move(per_cpu_caches)});
using PtrType = typename ObjectCache<T, Option::Single, Allocator>::PtrType;
// Allocates an instance of T from a slab, using the object cache of the
// current CPU, and constructs it with the given arguments. Returns a pointer
// to the constructed object as a unique pointer. If the object is ref counted
// it is not yet adopted.
template <typename... Args>
EnableIfConstructible<zx::status<PtrType>, Args...> Allocate(Args&&... args) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(cpu_caches_ != nullptr);
AutoPreemptDisabler preempt_disable;
const cpu_num_t current_cpu = arch_curr_cpu_num();
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_cpu < processor_count_);
return cpu_caches_[current_cpu]->Allocate(ktl::forward<Args>(args)...);
size_t slab_count() const {
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < processor_count_; i++) {
count += cpu_caches_[i]->slab_count();
return count;
using CpuCache = ktl::optional<ObjectCache<T, Option::Single, Allocator>>;
explicit ObjectCache(size_t processor_count, ktl::unique_ptr<CpuCache[]> per_cpu_caches)
: processor_count_{processor_count}, cpu_caches_{ktl::move(per_cpu_caches)} {}
size_t processor_count_{0};
ktl::unique_ptr<CpuCache[]> cpu_caches_;
} // namespace object_cache