blob: a5680709f8b25bf77930be4176dc1234d56d502a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "lib/crashlog.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/lockup_detector.h>
#include <lib/version.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/boot/crash-reason.h>
#include <arch/regs.h>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/move.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/pmm_checker.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
crashlog_t crashlog = {};
PanicBuffer panic_buffer;
FILE stdout_panic_buffer{[](void*, ktl::string_view str) {
return stdout->Write(str);
namespace {
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> recovered_crashlog TA_GUARDED(RecoveredCrashlogLock::Get());
} // namespace
size_t crashlog_to_string(char* out, const size_t out_len, zircon_crash_reason_t reason) {
struct OutFile {
// This holds the remaining buffer available to write.
ktl::span<char> buffer_;
// This adapts the FILE* interface so it calls Write, below.
FILE stream_{this};
int Write(ktl::string_view str) {
// Copy as much as there is space for.
str = str.substr(0, ktl::min(str.size(), buffer_.size()));
if (str.empty()) {
// If there's no space at all, return error so fprintf bails out early.
return -1;
memcpy(,, str.size());
// Leave only the remaining buffer space.
buffer_ = buffer_.subspan(str.size());
return static_cast<int>(str.size());
} outfile{{out, out_len}};
auto total_size = [&]() -> size_t { return - out; };
uintptr_t crashlog_base_address = 0;
const char* reason_str;
switch (reason) {
case ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash:
reason_str = "NO CRASH";
case ZirconCrashReason::Oom:
reason_str = "OOM";
case ZirconCrashReason::Panic:
reason_str = "KERNEL PANIC";
crashlog_base_address = crashlog.base_address;
case ZirconCrashReason::SoftwareWatchdog:
reason_str = "SW WATCHDOG";
reason_str = "UNKNOWN";
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "ZIRCON REBOOT REASON (%s)\n\n", reason_str);
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "UPTIME (ms)\n%" PRIi64 "\n\n", current_time() / ZX_MSEC(1));
// Keep the format and values in sync with the symbolizer.
// Print before the registers (KASLR offset).
#if defined(__x86_64__)
const char* arch = "x86_64";
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
const char* arch = "aarch64";
"VERSION\narch: %s\nbuild_id: %s\ndso: id=%s base=%#lx "
arch, version_string(), elf_build_id_string(), crashlog_base_address);
// If this is an OOM, then including a backtrace doesn't make sense, return early.
if (reason == ZirconCrashReason::Oom) {
return total_size();
// If this is not a SW Watchdog firing, then attempt to log stuff like the CPU
// registers, a backtrace, some of the stack, and so on.
if (reason != ZirconCrashReason::SoftwareWatchdog) {
if (crashlog.iframe) {
#if defined(__aarch64__)
// clang-format off
" x0: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x1: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x2: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x3: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x4: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x5: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x6: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x7: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x8: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x9: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x10: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x11: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x12: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x13: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x14: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x15: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x16: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x17: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x18: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x19: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x20: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x21: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x22: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x23: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x24: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x25: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x26: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x27: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x28: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" x29: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" lr: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" usp: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" elr: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
"spsr: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" esr: %#18" PRIx32 "\n"
" far: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
// clang-format on
crashlog.iframe->r[0], crashlog.iframe->r[1], crashlog.iframe->r[2],
crashlog.iframe->r[3], crashlog.iframe->r[4], crashlog.iframe->r[5],
crashlog.iframe->r[6], crashlog.iframe->r[7], crashlog.iframe->r[8],
crashlog.iframe->r[9], crashlog.iframe->r[10], crashlog.iframe->r[11],
crashlog.iframe->r[12], crashlog.iframe->r[13], crashlog.iframe->r[14],
crashlog.iframe->r[15], crashlog.iframe->r[16], crashlog.iframe->r[17],
crashlog.iframe->r[18], crashlog.iframe->r[19], crashlog.iframe->r[20],
crashlog.iframe->r[21], crashlog.iframe->r[22], crashlog.iframe->r[23],
crashlog.iframe->r[24], crashlog.iframe->r[25], crashlog.iframe->r[26],
crashlog.iframe->r[27], crashlog.iframe->r[28], crashlog.iframe->r[29],
crashlog.iframe->lr, crashlog.iframe->usp, crashlog.iframe->elr,
crashlog.iframe->spsr, crashlog.esr, crashlog.far);
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
// clang-format off
" CS: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RIP: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" EFL: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" CR2: %#18lx\n"
" RAX: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RBX: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RCX: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RDX: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RSI: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RDI: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RBP: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" RSP: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R8: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R9: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R10: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R11: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R12: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R13: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R14: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
" R15: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
"errc: %#18" PRIx64 "\n"
crashlog.iframe->cs, crashlog.iframe->ip, crashlog.iframe->flags,
x86_get_cr2(), crashlog.iframe->rax, crashlog.iframe->rbx,
crashlog.iframe->rcx, crashlog.iframe->rdx, crashlog.iframe->rsi,
crashlog.iframe->rdi, crashlog.iframe->rbp,
crashlog.iframe->user_sp, crashlog.iframe->r8,
crashlog.iframe->r9, crashlog.iframe->r10, crashlog.iframe->r11,
crashlog.iframe->r12, crashlog.iframe->r13, crashlog.iframe->r14,
crashlog.iframe->r15, crashlog.iframe->err_code);
// clang-format on
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "BACKTRACE (up to 16 calls)\n");
size_t len = Thread::Current::AppendBacktrace(, outfile.buffer_.size());
outfile.buffer_ = outfile.buffer_.subspan(len);
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "\n");
// Include counters for critical events.
"counters: haf=%" PRId64 " paf=%" PRId64 " pvf=%" PRId64 " lcs=%" PRId64 " lhb=%" PRId64
" \n",
HandleTableArena::get_alloc_failed_count(), pmm_get_alloc_failed_count(),
PmmChecker::get_validation_failed_count(), lockup_get_critical_section_oops_count(),
// Finally, include the contents of the panic buffer (which may be empty).
// The panic buffer is the last thing we print. Space is limited so if the panic/assert message
// was long we may not be able to include the whole thing. That's OK. The panic buffer is a
// "nice to have" and we've already printed the primary diagnostics (register dump and backtrace).
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "panic buffer: %s\n", panic_buffer.c_str());
fprintf(&outfile.stream_, "\n");
return total_size();
void crashlog_stash(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> crashlog) {
Guard<Mutex> guard{RecoveredCrashlogLock::Get()};
recovered_crashlog = ktl::move(crashlog);
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> crashlog_get_stashed() {
Guard<Mutex> guard{RecoveredCrashlogLock::Get()};
return recovered_crashlog;
static void print_recovered_crashlog() {
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> crashlog = crashlog_get_stashed();
if (!crashlog) {
printf("no recovered crashlog\n");
// Allocate a temporary buffer so we can convert the VMO's contents to a C string.
const size_t buffer_size = crashlog->size() + 1;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto buffer = ktl::unique_ptr<char[]>(new (&ac) char[buffer_size]);
if (!ac.check()) {
printf("error: failed to allocate %lu for crashlog\n", buffer_size);
memset(buffer.get(), 0, buffer_size);
zx_status_t status = crashlog->Read(buffer.get(), 0, buffer_size - 1);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("error: failed to read from recovered crashlog vmo: %d\n", status);
printf("recovered crashlog follows...\n");
printf("%s\n", buffer.get());
printf("... end of recovered crashlog\n");
static int cmd_crashlog(int argc, const cmd_args* argv, uint32_t flags) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("not enough arguments\n");
printf("%s dump : dump the recovered crashlog\n", argv[0].str);
if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "dump")) {
} else {
printf("unknown command\n");
goto usage;
return ZX_OK;
STATIC_COMMAND_MASKED("crashlog", "crashlog", &cmd_crashlog, CMD_AVAIL_ALWAYS)