blob: 3cfa7de48b20a67f40f7757280594cd0131e9f81 [file] [log] [blame]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum State {
Anywhere = 0,
CsiEntry = 1,
CsiIgnore = 2,
CsiIntermediate = 3,
CsiParam = 4,
DcsEntry = 5,
DcsIgnore = 6,
DcsIntermediate = 7,
DcsParam = 8,
DcsPassthrough = 9,
Escape = 10,
EscapeIntermediate = 11,
Ground = 12,
OscString = 13,
SosPmApcString = 14,
Utf8 = 15,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Action {
None = 0,
Clear = 1,
Collect = 2,
CsiDispatch = 3,
EscDispatch = 4,
Execute = 5,
Hook = 6,
Ignore = 7,
OscEnd = 8,
OscPut = 9,
OscStart = 10,
Param = 11,
Print = 12,
Put = 13,
Unhook = 14,
BeginUtf8 = 15,
/// Unpack a u8 into a State and Action
/// The implementation of this assumes that there are *precisely* 16 variants for both Action and
/// State. Furthermore, it assumes that the enums are tag-only; that is, there is no data in any
/// variant.
/// Bad things will happen if those invariants are violated.
pub fn unpack(delta: u8) -> (State, Action) {
// State is stored in bottom 4 bits
unsafe { ::core::mem::transmute(delta & 0x0f) },
// Action is stored in top 4 bits
unsafe { ::core::mem::transmute(delta >> 4) },
mod tests {
use super::{State, Action, unpack};
fn unpack_state_action() {
match unpack(0xee) {
(State::SosPmApcString, Action::Unhook) => (),
_ => panic!("unpack failed"),
match unpack(0x0f) {
(State::Utf8, Action::None) => (),
_ => panic!("unpack failed"),
match unpack(0xff) {
(State::Utf8, Action::BeginUtf8) => (),
_ => panic!("unpack failed"),