blob: 9f08b44c17942d14412226a4982c6e4a515b114d [file] [log] [blame]
use vec_arena::Arena;
/// The null index, akin to null pointers.
/// Just like a null pointer indicates an address no object is ever stored at,
/// the null index indicates an index no object is ever stored at.
/// Number `!0` is the largest possible value representable by `usize`.
const NULL: usize = !0;
struct Node<T> {
/// Parent node.
parent: usize,
/// Left and right child.
children: [usize; 2],
/// Actual value stored in node.
value: T,
impl<T> Node<T> {
fn new(value: T) -> Node<T> {
Node {
parent: NULL,
children: [NULL, NULL],
value: value,
struct Splay<T> {
/// This is where nodes are stored.
arena: Arena<Node<T>>,
/// The root node.
root: usize,
impl<T: Ord> Splay<T> {
/// Constructs a new, empty splay tree.
fn new() -> Splay<T> {
Splay {
arena: Arena::new(),
root: NULL,
/// Links nodes `p` and `c` as parent and child with the specified direction.
fn link(&mut self, p: usize, c: usize, dir: usize) {
self.arena[p].children[dir] = c;
if c != NULL {
self.arena[c].parent = p;
/// Performs a rotation on node `c`, whose parent is node `p`.
fn rotate(&mut self, p: usize, c: usize) {
// Variables:
// - `c` is the child node
// - `p` is it's parent
// - `g` is it's grandparent
// Find the grandparent.
let g = self.arena[p].parent;
// The direction of p-c relationship.
let dir = if self.arena[p].children[0] == c { 0 } else { 1 };
// This is the child of `c` that needs to be reassigned to `p`.
let t = self.arena[c].children[dir ^ 1];, t, dir);, p, dir ^ 1);
if g == NULL {
// There is no grandparent, so `c` becomes the root.
self.root = c;
self.arena[c].parent = NULL;
} else {
// Link `g` and `c` together.
let dir = if self.arena[g].children[0] == p { 0 } else { 1 };, c, dir);
/// Splays a node, rebalancing the tree in process.
fn splay(&mut self, c: usize) {
loop {
// Variables:
// - `c` is the current node
// - `p` is it's parent
// - `g` is it's grandparent
// Find the parent.
let p = self.arena[c].parent;
if p == NULL {
// There is no parent. That means `c` is the root.
// Find the grandparent.
let g = self.arena[p].parent;
if g == NULL {
// There is no grandparent. Just one more rotation is left.
// Zig step.
self.rotate(p, c);
if (self.arena[g].children[0] == p) == (self.arena[p].children[0] == c) {
// Zig-zig step.
self.rotate(g, p);
self.rotate(p, c);
} else {
// Zig-zag step.
self.rotate(p, c);
self.rotate(g, c);
/// Inserts a new node with specified `value`.
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) {
// Variables:
// - `n` is the new node
// - `p` will be it's parent
// - `c` is the present child of `p`
let n = self.arena.insert(Node::new(value));
if self.root == NULL {
self.root = n;
} else {
let mut p = self.root;
loop {
// Decide whether to go left or right.
let dir = if self.arena[n].value < self.arena[p].value {
} else {
let c = self.arena[p].children[dir];
if c == NULL {, n, dir);
p = c;
/// Pretty-prints the subtree rooted at `node`, indented by `indent` spaces.
fn print(&self, node: usize, indent: usize)
T: std::fmt::Display,
if node != NULL {
// Print the left subtree.
self.print(self.arena[node].children[0], indent + 3);
// Print the current node.
println!("{:width$}{}", "", self.arena[node].value, width = indent);
// Print the right subtree.
self.print(self.arena[node].children[1], indent + 3);
fn main() {
let mut splay = Splay::new();
// Insert a bunch of pseudorandom numbers.
let mut num = 1u32;
for _ in 0..30 {
num = num.wrapping_mul(17).wrapping_add(255);
// Display the whole splay tree.
splay.print(splay.root, 0);