blob: 7a34d4900c8014b136a9a655d4b0a7a6847efd04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The tiny-http Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::io::Error as IoError;
use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write, ErrorKind};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use {Header, HTTPVersion, Method, Response, StatusCode};
use util::EqualReader;
use chunked_transfer::Decoder;
/// Represents an HTTP request made by a client.
/// A `Request` object is what is produced by the server, and is your what
/// your code must analyse and answer.
/// This object implements the `Send` trait, therefore you can dispatch your requests to
/// worker threads.
/// # Pipelining
/// If a client sends multiple requests in a row (without waiting for the response), then you will
/// get multiple `Request` objects simultaneously. This is called *requests pipelining*.
/// Tiny-http automatically reorders the responses so that you don't need to worry about the order
/// in which you call `respond` or `into_writer`.
/// This mechanic is disabled if:
/// - The body of a request is large enough (handling requires pipelining requires storing the
/// body of the request in a buffer ; if the body is too big, tiny-http will avoid doing that)
/// - A request sends a `Expect: 100-continue` header (which means that the client waits to
/// know whether its body will be processed before sending it)
/// - A request sends a `Connection: close` header or `Connection: upgrade` header (used for
/// websockets), which indicates that this is the last request that will be received on this
/// connection
/// # Automatic cleanup
/// If a `Request` object is destroyed without `into_writer` or `respond` being called,
/// an empty response with a 500 status code (internal server error) will automatically be
/// sent back to the client.
/// This means that if your code fails during the handling of a request, this "internal server
/// error" response will automatically be sent during the stack unwinding.
pub struct Request {
// where to read the body from
data_reader: Option<Box<Read + Send + 'static>>,
// if this writer is empty, then the request has been answered
response_writer: Option<Box<Write + Send + 'static>>,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
// true if HTTPS, false if HTTP
secure: bool,
method: Method,
path: String,
http_version: HTTPVersion,
headers: Vec<Header>,
body_length: Option<usize>,
// true if a `100 Continue` response must be sent when `as_reader()` is called
must_send_continue: bool,
/// Error that can happen when building a `Request` object.
pub enum RequestCreationError {
/// The client sent an `Expect` header that was not recognized by tiny-http.
/// Error while reading data from the socket during the creation of the `Request`.
impl From<IoError> for RequestCreationError {
fn from(err: IoError) -> RequestCreationError {
/// Builds a new request.
/// After the request line and headers have been read from the socket, a new `Request` object
/// is built.
/// You must pass a `Read` that will allow the `Request` object to read from the incoming data.
/// It is the responsibility of the `Request` to read only the data of the request and not further.
/// The `Write` object will be used by the `Request` to write the response.
pub fn new_request<R, W>(secure: bool, method: Method, path: String,
version: HTTPVersion, headers: Vec<Header>,
remote_addr: SocketAddr, mut source_data: R, writer: W)
-> Result<Request, RequestCreationError>
where R: Read + Send + 'static, W: Write + Send + 'static
// finding the transfer-encoding header
let transfer_encoding = headers.iter()
.find(|h: &&Header| h.field.equiv(&"Transfer-Encoding"))
.map(|h| h.value.clone());
// finding the content-length header
let content_length = if transfer_encoding.is_some() {
// if transfer-encoding is specified, the Content-Length
// header must be ignored (RFC2616 #4.4)
} else {
.find(|h: &&Header| h.field.equiv(&"Content-Length"))
.and_then(|h| FromStr::from_str(h.value.as_str()).ok())
// true if the client sent a `Expect: 100-continue` header
let expects_continue = {
match headers.iter().find(|h: &&Header| h.field.equiv(&"Expect")).map(|h| h.value.as_str()) {
None => false,
Some(v) if v.eq_ignore_ascii_case("100-continue")
=> true,
_ => return Err(RequestCreationError::ExpectationFailed)
// true if the client sent a `Connection: upgrade` header
let connection_upgrade = {
match headers.iter().find(|h: &&Header| h.field.equiv(&"Connection")).map(|h| h.value.as_str()) {
Some(v) if v.to_ascii_lowercase().contains("upgrade")
=> true,
_ => false
// we wrap `source_data` around a reading whose nature depends on the transfer-encoding and
// content-length headers
let reader =
if connection_upgrade {
// if we have a `Connection: upgrade`, always keeping the whole reader
Box::new(source_data) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
} else if let Some(content_length) = content_length {
if content_length == 0 {
Box::new(io::empty()) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
} else if content_length <= 1024 && !expects_continue {
// if the content-length is small enough, we just read everything into a buffer
let mut buffer = vec![0; content_length];
let mut offset = 0;
while offset != content_length {
let read = try!( buffer[offset..]));
if read == 0 {
// the socket returned EOF, but we were before the expected content-length
// aborting
let info = "Connection has been closed before we received enough data";
let err = IoError::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, info);
return Err(RequestCreationError::CreationIoError(err));
offset += read;
Box::new(Cursor::new(buffer)) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
} else {
let (data_reader, _) = EqualReader::new(source_data, content_length); // TODO:
Box::new(data_reader) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
} else if transfer_encoding.is_some() {
// if a transfer-encoding was specified, then "chunked" is ALWAYS applied
// over the message (RFC2616 #3.6)
Box::new(Decoder::new(source_data)) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
} else {
// if we have neither a Content-Length nor a Transfer-Encoding,
// assuming that we have no data
// TODO: could also be multipart/byteranges
Box::new(io::empty()) as Box<Read + Send + 'static>
Ok(Request {
data_reader: Some(reader),
response_writer: Some(Box::new(writer) as Box<Write + Send + 'static>),
remote_addr: remote_addr,
secure: secure,
method: method,
path: path,
http_version: version,
headers: headers,
body_length: content_length,
must_send_continue: expects_continue,
impl Request {
/// Returns true if the request was made through HTTPS.
pub fn secure(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the method requested by the client (eg. `GET`, `POST`, etc.).
pub fn method(&self) -> &Method {
/// Returns the resource requested by the client.
pub fn url(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns a list of all headers sent by the client.
pub fn headers(&self) -> &[Header] {
/// Returns the HTTP version of the request.
pub fn http_version(&self) -> &HTTPVersion {
/// Returns the length of the body in bytes.
/// Returns `None` if the length is unknown.
pub fn body_length(&self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Returns the address of the client that sent this request.
/// Note that this is gathered from the socket. If you receive the request from a proxy,
/// this function will return the address of the proxy and not the address of the actual
/// user.
pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> &SocketAddr {
/// Sends a response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then turns the `Request` into a `Stream`.
/// The main purpose of this function is to support websockets.
/// If you detect that the request wants to use some kind of protocol upgrade, you can
/// call this function to obtain full control of the socket stream.
/// If you call this on a non-websocket request, tiny-http will wait until this `Stream` object
/// is destroyed before continuing to read or write on the socket. Therefore you should always
/// destroy it as soon as possible.
pub fn upgrade<R: Read>(mut self, protocol: &str, response: Response<R>) -> Box<ReadWrite + Send> {
use util::CustomStream;
response.raw_print(self.response_writer.as_mut().unwrap().by_ref(), self.http_version.clone(),
&self.headers, false, Some(protocol)).ok(); // TODO: unused result
self.response_writer.as_mut().unwrap().flush().ok(); // TODO: unused result
let stream = CustomStream::new(self.into_reader_impl(), self.into_writer_impl());
Box::new(stream) as Box<ReadWrite + Send>
/// Allows to read the body of the request.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # extern crate rustc_serialize;
/// # extern crate tiny_http;
/// # use rustc_serialize::json::Json;
/// # use std::io::Read;
/// # fn get_content_type(_: &tiny_http::Request) -> &'static str { "" }
/// # fn main() {
/// # let server = tiny_http::Server::http("").unwrap();
/// let mut request = server.recv().unwrap();
/// if get_content_type(&request) == "application/json" {
/// let mut content = String::new();
/// request.as_reader().read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap();
/// let json: Json = content.parse().unwrap();
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// If the client sent a `Expect: 100-continue` header with the request, calling this
/// function will send back a `100 Continue` response.
pub fn as_reader(&mut self) -> &mut Read {
if self.must_send_continue {
let msg = Response::new_empty(StatusCode(100));
self.http_version.clone(), &self.headers, true, None).ok();
self.must_send_continue = false;
/// Turns the `Request` into a writer.
/// The writer has a raw access to the stream to the user.
/// This function is useful for things like CGI.
/// Note that the destruction of the `Writer` object may trigger
/// some events. For exemple if a client has sent multiple requests and the requests
/// have been processed in parallel, the destruction of a writer will trigger
/// the writing of the next response.
/// Therefore you should always destroy the `Writer` as soon as possible.
pub fn into_writer(mut self) -> Box<Write + Send + 'static> {
fn into_writer_impl(&mut self) -> Box<Write + Send + 'static> {
use std::mem;
let mut writer = None;
mem::swap(&mut self.response_writer, &mut writer);
fn into_reader_impl(&mut self) -> Box<Read + Send + 'static> {
use std::mem;
let mut reader = None;
mem::swap(&mut self.data_reader, &mut reader);
/// Sends a response to this request.
pub fn respond<R>(mut self, response: Response<R>) -> Result<(), IoError>
where R: Read
fn respond_impl<R>(&mut self, response: Response<R>) -> Result<(), IoError>
where R: Read
// Droping the request reader now so that further requests can start processing immediately.
self.data_reader = None;
let mut writer = self.into_writer_impl();
let do_not_send_body = self.method == Method::Head;
match response.raw_print(writer.by_ref(),
self.http_version.clone(), &self.headers,
do_not_send_body, None)
Ok(_) => (),
Err(ref err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => (),
Err(ref err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => (),
Err(ref err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused => (),
Err(ref err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::ConnectionReset => (),
Err(err) => return Err(err)
impl fmt::Debug for Request {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(formatter, "Request({} {} from {})", self.method, self.path, self.remote_addr)
impl Drop for Request {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Droping the request reader now so that further requests can start processing immediately.
self.data_reader = None;
if self.response_writer.is_some() {
let response = Response::empty(500);
let _ = self.respond_impl(response); // ignoring any potential error
/// Dummy trait that regroups the `Read` and `Write` traits.
/// Automatically implemented on all types that implement both `Read` and `Write`.
pub trait ReadWrite: Read + Write {}
impl<T> ReadWrite for T where T: Read + Write {}
mod tests {
use super::Request;
fn must_be_send() {
fn f<T: Send>(_: &T) {}
fn bar(rq: &Request) { f(rq); }