blob: fb91ba3f65deeef309eb7ee61d3f3755f1e251d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The tiny-http Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
# Simple usage
## Creating the server
The easiest way to create a server is to call `Server::http()`.
The `http()` function returns an `IoResult<Server>` which will return an error
in the case where the server creation fails (for example if the listening port is already
let server = tiny_http::Server::http("").unwrap();
A newly-created `Server` will immediatly start listening for incoming connections and HTTP
## Receiving requests
Calling `server.recv()` will block until the next request is available.
This function returns an `IoResult<Request>`, so you need to handle the possible errors.
# let server = tiny_http::Server::http("").unwrap();
loop {
// blocks until the next request is received
let request = match server.recv() {
Ok(rq) => rq,
Err(e) => { println!("error: {}", e); break }
// do something with the request
// ...
In a real-case scenario, you will probably want to spawn multiple worker tasks and call
`server.recv()` on all of them. Like this:
# use std::sync::Arc;
# use std::thread;
# let server = tiny_http::Server::http("").unwrap();
let server = Arc::new(server);
let mut guards = Vec::with_capacity(4);
for _ in (0 .. 4) {
let server = server.clone();
let guard = thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let rq = server.recv().unwrap();
// ...
If you don't want to block, you can call `server.try_recv()` instead.
## Handling requests
The `Request` object returned by `server.recv()` contains informations about the client's request.
The most useful methods are probably `request.method()` and `request.url()` which return
the requested method (`GET`, `POST`, etc.) and url.
To handle a request, you need to create a `Response` object. See the docs of this object for
more infos. Here is an example of creating a `Response` from a file:
# use std::fs::File;
# use std::path::Path;
let response = tiny_http::Response::from_file(File::open(&Path::new("image.png")).unwrap());
All that remains to do is call `request.respond()`:
# use std::fs::File;
# use std::path::Path;
# let server = tiny_http::Server::http("").unwrap();
# let request = server.recv().unwrap();
# let response = tiny_http::Response::from_file(File::open(&Path::new("image.png")).unwrap());
let _ = request.respond(response);
#![crate_name = "tiny_http"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]
extern crate log;
extern crate ascii;
extern crate chunked_transfer;
extern crate url;
extern crate chrono;
#[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
extern crate openssl;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io::Error as IoError;
use std::io::Result as IoResult;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::thread;
use std::net;
use std::net::{ToSocketAddrs, TcpStream, Shutdown};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
use client::ClientConnection;
use util::MessagesQueue;
pub use common::{Header, HeaderField, HTTPVersion, Method, StatusCode};
pub use request::{Request, ReadWrite};
pub use response::{ResponseBox, Response};
mod client;
mod common;
mod request;
mod response;
mod util;
/// The main class of this library.
/// Destroying this object will immediatly close the listening socket and the reading
/// part of all the client's connections. Requests that have already been returned by
/// the `recv()` function will not close and the responses will be transferred to the client.
pub struct Server {
// should be false as long as the server exists
// when set to true, all the subtasks will close within a few hundreds ms
close: Arc<AtomicBool>,
// queue for messages received by child threads
messages: Arc<MessagesQueue<Message>>,
// result of TcpListener::local_addr()
listening_addr: net::SocketAddr,
enum Message {
impl From<IoError> for Message {
fn from(e: IoError) -> Message {
impl From<Request> for Message {
fn from(rq: Request) -> Message {
// this trait is to make sure that Server implements Share and Send
trait MustBeShareDummy : Sync + Send {}
impl MustBeShareDummy for Server {}
pub struct IncomingRequests<'a> {
server: &'a Server
/// Represents the parameters required to create a server.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ServerConfig<A> where A: ToSocketAddrs {
/// The addresses to listen to.
pub addr: A,
/// If `Some`, then the server will use SSL to encode the communications.
pub ssl: Option<SslConfig>,
/// Configuration of the server for SSL.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SslConfig {
/// Contains the public certificate to send to clients.
pub certificate: Vec<u8>,
/// Contains the ultra-secret private key used to decode communications.
pub private_key: Vec<u8>,
impl Server {
/// Shortcut for a simple server on a specific address.
pub fn http<A>(addr: A) -> Result<Server, Box<Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>
where A: ToSocketAddrs
Server::new(ServerConfig {
addr: addr,
ssl: None,
/// Shortcut for an HTTPS server on a specific address.
#[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
pub fn https<A>(addr: A, config: SslConfig)
-> Result<Server, Box<Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>
where A: ToSocketAddrs
Server::new(ServerConfig {
addr: addr,
ssl: Some(config),
/// Builds a new server that listens on the specified address.
pub fn new<A>(config: ServerConfig<A>) -> Result<Server, Box<Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>
where A: ToSocketAddrs
// building the "close" variable
let close_trigger = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
// building the TcpListener
let (server, local_addr) = {
let listener = try!(net::TcpListener::bind(config.addr));
let local_addr = try!(listener.local_addr());
debug!("Server listening on {}", local_addr);
(listener, local_addr)
// building the SSL capabilities
#[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
type SslContext = openssl::ssl::SslContext;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ssl"))]
type SslContext = ();
let ssl: Option<SslContext> = match config.ssl {
#[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
Some(mut config) => {
use openssl::ssl;
use openssl::x509::X509;
use openssl::pkey::PKey;
use openssl::ssl::SslVerifyMode;
let mut ctxt = try!(SslContext::builder(ssl::SslMethod::tls()));
let certificate = try!(X509::from_pem(&config.certificate[..]));
let private_key = try!(PKey::private_key_from_pem(&config.private_key[..]));
// let's wipe the certificate and private key from memory, because we're
// better safe than sorry
for b in &mut config.certificate { *b = 0; }
for b in &mut config.private_key { *b = 0; }
#[cfg(not(feature = "ssl"))]
Some(_) => return Err("Building a server with SSL requires enabling the `ssl` feature \
in tiny-http".to_owned().into()),
None => None,
// creating a task where server.accept() is continuously called
// and ClientConnection objects are pushed in the messages queue
let messages = MessagesQueue::with_capacity(8);
let inside_close_trigger = close_trigger.clone();
let inside_messages = messages.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
// a tasks pool is used to dispatch the connections into threads
let tasks_pool = util::TaskPool::new();
debug!("Running accept thread");
while !inside_close_trigger.load(Relaxed) {
let new_client = match server.accept() {
Ok((sock, _)) => {
use util::RefinedTcpStream;
let (read_closable, write_closable) = match ssl {
None => {
#[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
Some(ref ssl) => {
let ssl = openssl::ssl::Ssl::new(ssl).expect("Couldn't create ssl");
// trying to apply SSL over the connection
// if an error occurs, we just close the socket and resume listening
let sock = match ssl.accept(sock) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => continue
#[cfg(not(feature = "ssl"))]
Some(_) => unreachable!(),
Ok(ClientConnection::new(write_closable, read_closable))
Err(e) => Err(e),
match new_client {
Ok(client) => {
let messages = inside_messages.clone();
let mut client = Some(client);
tasks_pool.spawn(Box::new(move || {
if let Some(client) = client.take() {
for rq in client {
Err(e) => {
error!("Error accepting new client: {}", e);
debug!("Terminating accept thread");
// result
Ok(Server {
messages: messages,
close: close_trigger,
listening_addr: local_addr,
/// Returns an iterator for all the incoming requests.
/// The iterator will return `None` if the server socket is shutdown.
pub fn incoming_requests(&self) -> IncomingRequests {
IncomingRequests { server: self }
/// Returns the address the server is listening to.
pub fn server_addr(&self) -> net::SocketAddr {
/// Returns the number of clients currently connected to the server.
pub fn num_connections(&self) -> usize {
/// Blocks until an HTTP request has been submitted and returns it.
pub fn recv(&self) -> IoResult<Request> {
match self.messages.pop() {
Message::Error(err) => return Err(err),
Message::NewRequest(rq) => return Ok(rq),
/// Same as `recv()` but doesn't block longer than timeout
pub fn recv_timeout(&self, timeout: Duration) -> IoResult<Option<Request>> {
match self.messages.pop_timeout(timeout) {
Some(Message::Error(err)) => return Err(err),
Some(Message::NewRequest(rq)) => return Ok(Some(rq)),
None => return Ok(None)
/// Same as `recv()` but doesn't block.
pub fn try_recv(&self) -> IoResult<Option<Request>> {
match self.messages.try_pop() {
Some(Message::Error(err)) => return Err(err),
Some(Message::NewRequest(rq)) => return Ok(Some(rq)),
None => return Ok(None)
impl<'a> Iterator for IncomingRequests<'a> {
type Item = Request;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Request> {
impl Drop for Server {
fn drop(&mut self) {, Relaxed);
// Connect briefly to ourselves to unblock the accept thread
let maybe_stream = TcpStream::connect(self.listening_addr);
if let Ok(stream) = maybe_stream {
let _ = stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Both);