blob: bccf55891e807369c78b6d1459b4752a4f50b4bb [file] [log] [blame]
//! Check the hack of SIG_DFL for windows.
//! Libc doesn't export SIG_DFL on windows. It seems to be 0 on all platforms, though, but just to
//! make sure, we observe it is so. We try to read the previous signal on startup and it must be
//! the default.
extern crate libc;
use libc::{sighandler_t, signal, SIGTERM};
const SIG_DFL: sighandler_t = 0;
fn sig_dfl() {
unsafe {
let prev = signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
assert_eq!(SIG_DFL, prev);
fn sig_dfl_static() {
assert_eq!(::libc::SIG_DFL, SIG_DFL);