blob: 10f1ef7f127e538aad96a5dbb59597e03b7ff0b5 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate prettytable;
use prettytable::{Row, Cell, format::Alignment};
fn main() {
The following code will output
| A table with horizontal span |
| This is a cell with span of 2 | span of 1 |
| span of 1 | span of 1 | span of 1 |
| This cell with a span of 3 is centered |
let mut table: prettytable::Table = table![
[H2 -> "This is a cell with span of 2", "span of 1"],
["span of 1", "span of 1", "span of 1"],
[H03c -> "This cell with a span of 3 is centered"]
Cell::new_align("A table with horizontal span", Alignment::CENTER).with_hspan(3)