blob: 6d169e0748954639497adc431704e02db1749916 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Bindings to event port (illumos, Solaris).
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd};
use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
use std::ptr;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::Event;
/// Interface to event ports.
pub struct Poller {
/// File descriptor for the port instance.
port_fd: RawFd,
/// Read side of a pipe for consuming notifications.
read_stream: UnixStream,
/// Write side of a pipe for producing notifications.
write_stream: UnixStream,
impl Poller {
/// Creates a new poller.
pub fn new() -> io::Result<Poller> {
let port_fd = syscall!(port_create())?;
let flags = syscall!(fcntl(port_fd, libc::F_GETFD))?;
syscall!(fcntl(port_fd, libc::F_SETFD, flags | libc::FD_CLOEXEC))?;
// Set up the notification pipe.
let (read_stream, write_stream) = UnixStream::pair()?;
let poller = Poller {
Event {
key: crate::NOTIFY_KEY,
readable: true,
writable: false,
/// Adds a file descriptor.
pub fn add(&self, fd: RawFd, ev: Event) -> io::Result<()> {
// File descriptors don't need to be added explicitly, so just modify the interest.
self.modify(fd, ev)
/// Modifies an existing file descriptor.
pub fn modify(&self, fd: RawFd, ev: Event) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut flags = 0;
if ev.readable {
flags |= libc::POLLIN;
if ev.writable {
flags |= libc::POLLOUT;
fd as _,
flags as _,
ev.key as _,
/// Deletes a file descriptor.
pub fn delete(&self, fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<()> {
fd as usize,
/// Waits for I/O events with an optional timeout.
pub fn wait(&self, events: &mut Events, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut timeout =|t| libc::timespec {
tv_sec: t.as_secs() as libc::time_t,
tv_nsec: t.subsec_nanos() as libc::c_long,
let mut nget: u32 = 1;
// Wait for I/O events.
let res = syscall!(port_getn(
events.list.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::port_event,
events.list.len() as libc::c_uint,
&mut nget as _,
match &mut timeout {
None => ptr::null_mut(),
Some(t) => t,
// Event ports sets the return value to -1 and returns ETIME on timer expire. The number of
// returned events is stored in nget, but in our case it should always be 0 since we set
// nget to 1 initially.
let nevents = match res {
Err(e) => match e.raw_os_error().unwrap() {
libc::ETIME => 0,
_ => return Err(e),
Ok(_) => nget as usize,
events.len = nevents;
// Clear the notification (if received) and re-register interest in it.
while (&self.read_stream).read(&mut [0; 64]).is_ok() {}
Event {
key: crate::NOTIFY_KEY,
readable: true,
writable: false,
/// Sends a notification to wake up the current or next `wait()` call.
pub fn notify(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
let _ = (&self.write_stream).write(&[1]);
impl Drop for Poller {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.delete(self.read_stream.as_raw_fd());
let _ = syscall!(close(self.port_fd));
/// Poll flags for all possible readability events.
fn read_flags() -> libc::c_short {
libc::POLLIN | libc::POLLHUP | libc::POLLERR | libc::POLLPRI
/// Poll flags for all possible writability events.
fn write_flags() -> libc::c_short {
libc::POLLOUT | libc::POLLHUP | libc::POLLERR
/// A list of reported I/O events.
pub struct Events {
list: Box<[libc::port_event]>,
len: usize,
unsafe impl Send for Events {}
impl Events {
/// Creates an empty list.
pub fn new() -> Events {
let ev = libc::port_event {
portev_events: 0,
portev_source: 0,
portev_pad: 0,
portev_object: 0,
portev_user: 0 as _,
let list = vec![ev; 1000].into_boxed_slice();
let len = 0;
Events { list, len }
/// Iterates over I/O events.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event> + '_ {
self.list[..self.len].iter().map(|ev| Event {
key: ev.portev_user as _,
readable: (ev.portev_events & read_flags() as libc::c_int) != 0,
writable: (ev.portev_events & write_flags() as libc::c_int) != 0,