blob: 865e286216c41c379097875e03e8e33525c41a78 [file] [log] [blame]
// vim: tw=80
//! A generic method whose return value's lifetime is a generic parameter is a
//! special case. Mockall can only mock such methods if the expectation is
//! 'static.
use mockall::*;
struct X<'a>(&'a u32);
mock! {
Thing {
fn foo<'a>(&self) -> X<'a>;
// XXX static methods don't work yet.
// fn bar<'a>() -> X<'a>;
fn baz<'a>(&self) -> &X<'a>;
// Methods returning a mutable reference to a non-static value won't
// work unless 'a is static. I doubt there are any real-life methods
// that fit this pattern; open an issue if you find one.
// fn bang<'a>(&mut self) -> &mut X<'a>;
// Generic methods can't return non-static values either, because
// Mockall requires generic methods' generic parameters to implement
// std::any::Any, which means they must be 'static.
//fn bean<'a, T: 'static>(&self, t: T) -> X<'a>;
fn return_static() {
const D: u32 = 42;
let x = X(&D);
let mut thing = MockThing::new();
assert_eq!(42u32, *;
fn return_static_ref() {
const D: u32 = 42;
let x = X(&D);
let mut thing = MockThing::new();
assert_eq!(42u32, *(*thing.baz()).0);
// It isn't possible to safely set an expectation for a non-'static return value
// (because the mock object doesn't have any lifetime parameters itself), but
// unsafely setting such an expectation is a common use case.
fn return_nonstatic() {
let d = 42u32;
let x = X(&d);
let xstatic: X<'static> = unsafe{ std::mem::transmute(x) };
let mut thing = MockThing::new();
.returning(move || xstatic.clone());
assert_eq!(42u32, *;