blob: a535939d90b4f0a846c24a1600ef8e9d17d49de4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//! A stylized formatter for [JSON5]( ("JSON for Humans") documents.
//! The intent of this formatter is to rewrite a given valid JSON5 document, restructuring the
//! output (if required) to conform to a consistent style.
//! The resulting document should preserve all data precision, data format representations, and
//! semantic intent. Readability should be maintained, if not improved by the consistency within and
//! across documents.
//! Most importantly, all JSON5 comments should be preserved, maintaining the
//! positional relationship with the JSON5 data elements they were intended to document.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! use json5format::*;
//! use maplit::hashmap;
//! use maplit::hashset;
//! let json5=r##"{
//! "name": {
//! "last": "Smith",
//! "first": "John",
//! "middle": "Jacob"
//! },
//! "children": [
//! "Buffy",
//! "Biff",
//! "Balto"
//! ],
//! // Consider adding a note field to the `other` contact option
//! "contact_options": [
//! {
//! "home": {
//! "email": "", // This was the original user id.
//! // Now user id's are hash values.
//! "phone": "212-555-4321"
//! },
//! "other": {
//! "email": ""
//! },
//! "work": {
//! "phone": "212-555-1234",
//! "email": ""
//! }
//! }
//! ],
//! "address": {
//! "city": "Anytown",
//! "country": "USA",
//! "state": "New York",
//! "street": "101 Main Street"
//! /* Update schema to support multiple addresses:
//! "work": {
//! "city": "Anytown",
//! "country": "USA",
//! "state": "New York",
//! "street": "101 Main Street"
//! }
//! */
//! }
//! }
//! "##;
//! let options = FormatOptions {
//! indent_by: 2,
//! collapse_containers_of_one: true,
//! options_by_path: hashmap! {
//! "/*" => hashset! {
//! PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(vec![
//! "name",
//! "address",
//! "contact_options",
//! ]),
//! },
//! "/*/name" => hashset! {
//! PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(vec![
//! "first",
//! "middle",
//! "last",
//! "suffix",
//! ]),
//! },
//! "/*/children" => hashset! {
//! PathOption::SortArrayItems(true),
//! },
//! "/*/*/*" => hashset! {
//! PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(vec![
//! "work",
//! "home",
//! "other",
//! ]),
//! },
//! "/*/*/*/*" => hashset! {
//! PathOption::PropertyNameOrder(vec![
//! "phone",
//! "email",
//! ]),
//! },
//! },
//! ..Default::default()
//! };
//! let filename = "new_contact.json5".to_string();
//! let format = Json5Format::with_options(options)?;
//! let parsed_document = ParsedDocument::from_str(&json5, Some(filename))?;
//! let bytes: Vec<u8> = format.to_utf8(&parsed_document)?;
//! assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&bytes)?, r##"{
//! name: {
//! first: "John",
//! middle: "Jacob",
//! last: "Smith",
//! },
//! address: {
//! city: "Anytown",
//! country: "USA",
//! state: "New York",
//! street: "101 Main Street",
//! /* Update schema to support multiple addresses:
//! "work": {
//! "city": "Anytown",
//! "country": "USA",
//! "state": "New York",
//! "street": "101 Main Street"
//! }
//! */
//! },
//! // Consider adding a note field to the `other` contact option
//! contact_options: [
//! {
//! work: {
//! phone: "212-555-1234",
//! email: "",
//! },
//! home: {
//! phone: "212-555-4321",
//! email: "", // This was the original user id.
//! // Now user id's are hash values.
//! },
//! other: { email: "" },
//! },
//! ],
//! children: [
//! "Balto",
//! "Biff",
//! "Buffy",
//! ],
//! }
//! "##);
//! # Ok::<(),anyhow::Error>(())
//! ```
//! # Formatter Actions
//! When the options above are applied to the input, the formatter will make the following changes:
//! * The formatted document will be indented by 2 spaces.
//! * Quotes are removed from all property names (since they are all legal ECMAScript identifiers)
//! * The top-level properties will be reordered to [`name`, `address`, `contact_options`]. Since
//! property name `children` was not included in the sort order, it will be placed at the end.
//! * The `name` properties will be reordered to [`first`, `middle`, `last`].
//! * The properties of the unnamed object in array `contact_options` will be reordered to
//! [`work`, `home`, `other`].
//! * The properties of the `work`, `home`, and `other` objects will be reordered to
//! [`phone`, `email`].
//! * The `children` names array of string primitives will be sorted.
//! * All elements (except the top-level object, represented by the outermost curly braces) will
//! end with a comma.
//! * Since the `contact_options` descendant element `other` has only one property, the `other`
//! object structure will collapse to a single line, with internal trailing comma suppressed.
//! * The line comment will retain its relative position, above `contact_options`.
//! * The block comment will retain its relative position, inside and at the end of the `address`
//! object.
//! * The end-of-line comment after `home`/`email` will retain its relative location (appended at
//! the end of the `email` value) and any subsequent line comments with the same vertical
//! alignment are also retained, and vertically adjusted to be left-aligned with the new
//! position of the first comment line.
//! # Formatter Behavior Details
//! For reference, the following sections detail how the JSON5 formatter verifies and processes
//! JSON5 content.
//! ## Syntax Validation
//! * Structural syntax is checked, such as validating matching braces, property name-colon-value
//! syntax, enforced separation of values by commas, properly quoted strings, and both block and
//! line comment extraction.
//! * Non-string literal value syntax is checked (null, true, false, and the various legal formats
//! for JSON5 Numbers).
//! * Syntax errors produce error messages with the line and column where the problem
//! was encountered.
//! ## Property Names
//! * Duplicate property names are retained, but may constitute errors in higher-level JSON5
//! parsers or schema-specific deserializers.
//! * All JSON5 unquoted property name characters are supported, including '$' and '_'. Digits are
//! the only valid property name character that cannot be the first character. Property names
//! can also be represented as quoted strings. All valid JSON5 strings, if quoted, are valid
//! property names (including multi-line strings and quoted numbers).
//! Example:
//! ```json
//! $_meta_prop: 'Has "double quotes" and \'single quotes\' and \
//! multiple lines with escaped \\ backslash',
//! ```
//! ## Literal Values
//! * JSON5 supports quoting strings (literal values or quoted property names) by either double (")
//! or single (') quote. The formatter does not change the quotes. Double-quoting is
//! conventional, but single quotes may be used when quoting strings containing double-quotes, and
//! leaving the single quotes as-is is preferred.
//! * JSON5 literal values are retained as-is. Strings retain all spacing characters, including
//! escaped newlines. All other literals (unquoted tokens without spaces, such as false, null,
//! 0.234, 1337, or l33t) are _not_ interpreted syntactically. Other schema-based tools and JSON5
//! deserializers may flag these invalid values.
//! ## Optional Sorting
//! * By default, array items and object properties retain their original order. (Some JSON arrays
//! are order-dependent, and sorting them indiscriminantly might change the meaning of the data.)
//! * The formatter can automatically sort array items and object properties if enabled via
//! `FormatOptions`:
//! - To sort all arrays in the document, set
//! [FormatOptions.sort_array_items](struct.FormatOptions.html#structfield.sort_array_items) to
//! `true`
//! - To sort only specific arrays in the target schema, specify the schema location under
//! [FormatOptions.options_by_path](struct.FormatOptions.html#structfield.options_by_path), and
//! set its [SortArrayItems](enum.PathOption.html#variant.SortArrayItems) option.
//! - Properties are sorted based on an explicit user-supplied list of property names in the
//! preferred order, for objects at a specified path. Specify the object's location in the
//! target schema using
//! [FormatOptions.options_by_path](struct.FormatOptions.html#structfield.options_by_path), and
//! provide a vector of property name strings with the
//! [PropertyNameOrder](enum.PathOption.html#variant.PropertyNameOrder) option. Properties not
//! included in this option retain their original order, behind the explicitly ordered
//! properties, if any.
//! * When sorting array items, the formatter only sorts array item literal values (strings,
//! numbers, bools, and null). Child arrays or objects are left in their original order, after
//! sorted literals, if any, within the same array.
//! * Array items are sorted in case-insensitive unicode lexicographic order. **(Note that, since
//! the formatter does not parse unquoted literals, number types cannot be sorted numerically.)**
//! Items that are case-insensitively equal are re-compared and ordered case-sensitively with
//! respect to each other.
//! ## Associated Comments
//! * All comments immediately preceding an element (value or start of an array or object), and
//! trailing line comments (starting on the same line as the element, optionally continued on
//! successive lines if all line comments are left-aligned), are retained and move with the
//! associated item if the item is repositioned during sorting.
//! * All line and block comments are retained. Typically, the comments are re-aligned vertically
//! (indented) with the values with which they were associated.
//! * A single line comment appearing immediately after a JSON value (primitive or closing brace),
//! on the same line, will remain appended to that value on its line after re-formatting.
//! * Spaces separate block comments from blocks of contiguous line comments associated with the
//! same entry.
//! * Comments at the end of a list (after the last property or item) are retained at the end of
//! the same list.
//! * Block comments with lines that extend to the left of the opening "/\*" are not re-aligned.
//! ## Whitespace Handling
//! * Unicode characters are allowed, and unicode space characters should retain their meaning
//! according to unicode standards.
//! * All spaces inside single- or multi-line strings are retained. All spaces in comments are
//! retained *except* trailing spaces at the end of a line.
//! * All other original spaces are removed.
mod error;
mod content;
mod formatter;
mod options;
mod parser;
use {
crate::formatter::*, std::cell::RefCell, std::collections::HashMap, std::collections::HashSet,
pub use content::Array;
pub use content::Comment;
pub use content::Comments;
pub use content::Object;
pub use content::ParsedDocument;
pub use content::Primitive;
pub use content::Property;
pub use content::Value;
pub use error::Error;
pub use error::Location;
pub use options::FormatOptions;
pub use options::PathOption;
/// Format a JSON5 document, applying a consistent style, with given options.
/// See [FormatOptions](struct.FormatOptions.html) for style options, and confirm the defaults by
/// reviewing the source of truth via the `src` link for
/// [impl Default for FormatOptions](struct.FormatOptions.html#impl-Default).
/// # Format and Style (Default)
/// Unless FormatOptions are modified, the JSON5 formatter takes a JSON5 document (as a unicode
/// String) and generates a new document with the following formatting:
/// * Indents 4 spaces.
/// * Quotes are removed from property names if they are legal ECMAScript 5.1 identifiers. Property
/// names that do not comply with ECMAScript identifier format requirements will retain their
/// existing (single or double) quotes.
/// * All property and item lists end with a trailing comma.
/// * All property and item lists are broken down; that is, the braces are on separate lines and
/// all values are indented.
/// ```json
/// {
/// key: "value",
/// array: [
/// 3.145,
/// ]
/// }
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// * buffer - A unicode string containing the original JSON5 document.
/// * filename - An optional filename. Parsing errors typically include the filename (if given),
/// and the line number and character column where the error was detected.
/// * options - Format style options to override the default style, if provided.
/// # Returns
/// * The formatted result in UTF-8 encoded bytes.
pub fn format(
buffer: &str,
filename: Option<String>,
options: Option<FormatOptions>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let parsed_document = ParsedDocument::from_str(buffer, filename)?;
let options = match options {
Some(options) => options,
None => FormatOptions { ..Default::default() },
/// A JSON5 formatter that parses a valid JSON5 input buffer and produces a new, formatted document.
pub struct Json5Format {
/// Options that alter how the formatter generates the formatted output. This instance of
/// FormatOptions is a subset of the FormatOptions passed to the `with_options` constructor.
/// The `options_by_path` are first removed, and then used to initialize the SubpathOptions
/// hierarchy rooted at the `document_root_options_ref`.
default_options: FormatOptions,
/// Depth-specific options applied at the document root and below.
document_root_options_ref: Rc<RefCell<SubpathOptions>>,
impl Json5Format {
/// Create and return a Json5Format, with the given options to be applied to the
/// [Json5Format::to_utf8()](struct.Json5Format.html#method.to_utf8) operation.
pub fn with_options(mut options: FormatOptions) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut document_root_options = SubpathOptions::new(&options);
// Typical JSON5 documents start and end with curly braces for a top-level unnamed
// object. This is by convention, and the Json5Format represents this
// top-level object as a single child in a conceptual array. The array square braces
// are not rendered, and by convention, the child object should not have a trailing
// comma, even if trailing commas are the default everywhere else in the document.
// Set the SubpathOptions for the document array items to prevent trailing commas.
document_root_options.options.trailing_commas = false;
let mut options_by_path =
options.options_by_path.drain().collect::<HashMap<&'static str, HashSet<PathOption>>>();
// Default options remain after draining the `options_by_path`
let default_options = options;
// Transfer the options_by_path from the given options into the SubpathOptions tree
// rooted at `document_options_root`.
for (path, path_options) in options_by_path.drain() {
let rc; // extend life of temporary
let mut borrowed; // extend life of temporary
let subpath_options = if path == "/" {
&mut document_root_options
} else if path.starts_with("/") {
rc = document_root_options.get_or_create_subpath_options(
borrowed = rc.borrow_mut();
&mut *borrowed
} else {
return Err(Error::configuration(format!(
"PathOption path '{}' is invalid.",
Ok(Json5Format {
document_root_options_ref: Rc::new(RefCell::new(document_root_options)),
/// Create and return a Json5Format, with the default settings.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
Self::with_options(FormatOptions { ..Default::default() })
/// Formats the parsed document into a new Vector of UTF8 bytes.
/// # Arguments
/// * `parsed_document` - The parsed state of the incoming document.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use json5format::*;
/// # let buffer = String::from("{}");
/// # let filename = String::from("example.json5");
/// let format = Json5Format::new()?;
/// let parsed_document = ParsedDocument::from_str(&buffer, Some(filename))?;
/// let bytes = format.to_utf8(&parsed_document)?;
/// # assert_eq!("{}\n", std::str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap());
/// # Ok::<(),anyhow::Error>(())
/// ```
pub fn to_utf8(&self, parsed_document: &ParsedDocument) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let formatter =
Formatter::new(self.default_options.clone(), self.document_root_options_ref.clone());
/// Formats the parsed document into a new String.
/// # Arguments
/// * `parsed_document` - The parsed state of the incoming document.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use json5format::*;
/// # fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
/// # let buffer = String::from("{}");
/// # let filename = String::from("example.json5");
/// let format = Json5Format::new()?;
/// let parsed_document = ParsedDocument::from_str(&buffer, Some(filename))?;
/// let formatted = format.to_string(&parsed_document)?;
/// # assert_eq!("{}\n", formatted);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn to_string(&self, parsed_document: &ParsedDocument) -> Result<String, Error> {
.map_err(|e| Error::internal(None, e.to_string()))