blob: 1ec532d5462caeb90940a475e346c14bd7079d1c [file] [log] [blame]
pub(crate) mod crate_macros {
/// Macro to read an exact buffer
macro_rules! read_exact_buff {
($bufid:ident, $rdr:expr, $buflen:expr) => {
let mut $bufid = [0u8; $buflen];
let _ = $rdr.read_exact(&mut $bufid)?;
pub mod pub_macros {
/// Macro to create const for partition types.
macro_rules! partition_types {
($upcase:ident, $guid:expr, $os:expr)$(,)*
) => {
pub const $upcase: Type = Type {
guid: $guid,
os: $os,
impl FromStr for Type {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
$guid => Ok($upcase),
stringify!($upcase) => Ok($upcase),
_ => Err("Invalid or unknown Partition Type GUID.".to_string()),