blob: 9e80237195eb4b4ab5deff25df4d4adac3479e52 [file] [log] [blame]
use chrono::prelude::*;
use time::Duration;
// implements next/last direction in expressions like 'next friday' and 'last 4 july'
pub enum Direction {
impl Direction {
pub fn from_name(s: &str) -> Option<Direction> {
use Direction::*;
match s {
"next" => Some(Next),
"last" => Some(Last),
_ => None
// this is a day-month with direction, like 'next 10 Dec'
pub struct YearDate {
pub direct: Direction,
pub month: u32,
pub day: u32,
// for expressions like 'friday' and 'July' modifiable with next/last
pub struct NamedDate {
pub direct: Direction,
pub unit: u32
impl NamedDate {
pub fn new(direct: Direction, unit: u32) -> NamedDate {
NamedDate{direct: direct, unit: unit}
// all expressions modifiable with next/last; 'fri', 'jul', '5 may'.
pub enum ByName {
fn add_days<Tz: TimeZone>(base: DateTime<Tz>, days: i64) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
//fn next_last_direction<Tz: TimeZone>(date: Date<Tz>, base: Date<Tz>, direct: Direction) -> Option<i32> {
fn next_last_direction<T: PartialOrd + Copy>(date: T, base: T, direct: Direction) -> Option<i32> {
let mut res = None;
if date > base {
if direct == Direction::Last {
res = Some(-1);
} else
if date < base {
if direct == Direction::Next {
res = Some(1)
impl ByName {
pub fn from_name(s: &str, direct: Direction) -> Option<ByName> {
if let Some(wd) = week_day(s) {
} else
if let Some(mn) = month_name(s) {
} else {
return None;
pub fn as_month(&self) -> Option<u32> {
match *self {
ByName::MonthName(ref nd) => Some(nd.unit),
_ => None
pub fn from_day_month(d: u32, m: u32, direct: Direction) -> ByName {
ByName::DayMonth(YearDate{direct: direct, day: d, month: m})
pub fn to_date_time<Tz: TimeZone>(self, base: DateTime<Tz>, ts: TimeSpec, american: bool) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>>
where <Tz as TimeZone>::Offset: Copy {
let this_year = base.year();
match self {
ByName::WeekDay(mut nd) => {
// a plain 'Friday' means the same as 'next Friday'.
// an _explicit_ 'next Friday' has dialect-dependent meaning!
// In UK English, it means 'Friday of next week',
// but in US English, just the next Friday
let mut extra_week = 0;
match {
Direction::Here => = Direction::Next,
Direction::Next => {
if ! american {
extra_week = 7;
_ => (),
let this_day = base.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as i64;
let that_day = nd.unit as i64;
let diff_days = that_day - this_day;
let mut date = add_days(base,diff_days)?;
if let Some(correct) = next_last_direction(date,base, {
date = add_days(date,7*correct as i64)?;
if extra_week > 0 {
date = add_days(date,extra_week)?;
if diff_days == 0 {
// same day - comparing times will determine which way we swing...
let base_time = base.time();
let this_time = NaiveTime::from_hms(ts.hour,ts.min,ts.sec);
if let Some(correct) = next_last_direction(this_time,base_time, {
date = add_days(date,7*correct as i64)?;
ByName::MonthName(nd) => {
let mut date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(this_year,nd.unit,1).single()?;
if let Some(correct) = next_last_direction(date,, {
date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(this_year + correct,nd.unit,1).single()?;
ByName::DayMonth(yd) => {
let mut date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(this_year,yd.month,;
if let Some(correct) = next_last_direction(date,, {
date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(this_year + correct,yd.month,;
pub struct AbsDate {
pub year: i32,
pub month: u32,
pub day: u32,
impl AbsDate {
pub fn to_date<Tz: TimeZone>(self, base: DateTime<Tz>) -> Option<Date<Tz>> {
base.timezone().ymd_opt(self.year, self.month,
// Skipping a given number of time units.
// The subtlety is that we treat duration as seconds until we get
// to months, where we want to preserve dates. So adding a month to
// '5 May' gives '5 June'. Adding a month to '30 Jan' gives 'Feb 28' or 'Feb 29'
// depending on whether this is a leap year.
pub enum Interval {
pub struct Skip {
pub unit: Interval,
pub skip: i32,
impl Skip {
pub fn to_date_time<Tz: TimeZone>(self, base: DateTime<Tz>, ts: TimeSpec) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
Some(match self.unit {
Interval::Seconds(secs) => {
Duration::seconds((secs as i64)*(self.skip as i64))
).unwrap() // <--- !!!!
Interval::Days(days) => {
let secs = 60*60*24*days;
let date = base.checked_add_signed(
Duration::seconds((secs as i64)*(self.skip as i64))
if ! ts.empty() {
} else {
Interval::Months(mm) => {
let (y,m0,d) = (base.year(), (base.month()-1) as i32,;
let delta = mm*self.skip;
// our new month number
let mm = m0 + delta;
// which may run over to the next year and so forth
let (y,m) = if mm >= 0 {
(y + mm/12, mm%12 + 1)
} else {
let pmm = 12 - mm;
(y - pmm/12, 12 - pmm%12 + 1)
// let chrono work out if the result makes sense
//println!("{} {} {}",y,m,d);
let mut date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(y,m as u32,d).single();
// dud dates like Feb 30 may result, so we back off...
let mut d = d;
while date.is_none() {
d -= 1;
if d == 0 || d < 28 { // sanity check...
eprintln!("fkd date");
return None;
date = base.timezone().ymd_opt(y,m as u32,d).single();
pub enum DateSpec {
Absolute(AbsDate), // Y M D (e.g. 2018-06-02, 4 July 2017)
Relative(Skip), // n U (e.g. 2min, 3 years ago, -2d)
FromName(ByName), // (e.g. 'next fri', 'jul')
impl DateSpec {
pub fn absolute(y: u32, m: u32, d: u32) -> DateSpec {
AbsDate{year: y as i32, month: m, day: d}
pub fn from_day_month(d: u32, m: u32, direct: Direction) -> DateSpec {
pub fn skip(unit: Interval, n: i32) -> DateSpec {
Skip{unit: unit, skip: n}
pub fn to_date_time<Tz: TimeZone>(self, base: DateTime<Tz>, ts: TimeSpec, american: bool) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>>
where Tz::Offset: Copy {
use DateSpec::*;
match self {
Absolute(ad) => ts.to_date_time(ad.to_date(base)?),
Relative(skip) => skip.to_date_time(base,ts), // might need time
FromName(byname) => byname.to_date_time(base,ts,american),
pub struct TimeSpec {
pub hour: u32,
pub min: u32,
pub sec: u32,
pub empty: bool,
pub offset: Option<i64>,
impl TimeSpec {
pub fn new(hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32) -> TimeSpec {
TimeSpec{hour, min, sec, empty: false, offset: None}
pub fn new_with_offset(hour: u32, min: u32, sec: u32, offset: i64) -> TimeSpec {
TimeSpec{hour, min, sec, empty: false, offset: Some(offset)}
pub fn new_empty() -> TimeSpec {
TimeSpec{hour: 0, min: 0, sec: 0, empty: true, offset: None}
pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn to_date_time<Tz: TimeZone>(self, d: Date<Tz>) -> Option<DateTime<Tz>> {
d.and_hms_opt(self.hour, self.min, self.sec)
// FixedOffset::local_minus_utc
pub struct DateTimeSpec {
pub date: Option<DateSpec>,
pub time: Option<TimeSpec>,
// same as chrono's 'count days from monday' convention
pub fn week_day(s: &str) -> Option<u32> {
if s.len() < 3 { return None; }
Some(match &s[0..3] {
"sun" => 6,
"mon" => 0,
"tue" => 1,
"wed" => 2,
"thu" => 3,
"fri" => 4,
"sat" => 5,
_ => return None
pub fn month_name(s: &str) -> Option<u32> {
if s.len() < 3 { return None; }
Some(match &s[0..3] {
"jan" => 1,
"feb" => 2,
"mar" => 3,
"apr" => 4,
"may" => 5,
"jun" => 6,
"jul" => 7,
"aug" => 8,
"sep" => 9,
"nov" => 10,
"oct" => 11,
"dec" => 12,
_ => return None
pub fn time_unit(s: &str) -> Option<Interval> {
use Interval::*;
let name = if s.len() < 3 {
match &s[0..1] {
"s" => "sec",
"m" => "min",
"h" => "hou",
"w" => "wee",
"d" => "day",
"y" => "yea",
_ => return None
} else {
Some(match name {
"sec" => Seconds(1),
"min" => Seconds(60),
"hou" => Seconds(60*60),
"day" => Days(1),
"wee" => Days(7),
"mon" => Months(1),
"yea" => Months(12),
_ => return None