blob: 67a0b99c487833bbc6288d3fef008fe959b77625 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The XML parser that turns `strings.xml` into a [Dictionary].
use {
anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error, Result},
xml::reader::{EventReader, XmlEvent},
/// A dictionary obtained from calling [Instance::parse].
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Dictionary {
messages: BTreeMap<String, String>,
mod dict {
use std::collections::btree_map;
use std::iter;
/// An iterator for [Dictionary], use Dictionary::iter(), as usual.
pub struct Iter<'a> {
pub(crate) rep: btree_map::Iter<'a, String, String>,
impl<'a> iter::Iterator for Iter<'a> {
type Item = (&'a String, &'a String);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<<Self as iter::Iterator>::Item> {
impl Dictionary {
/// Make a new instance of Dictionary.
pub fn new() -> Dictionary {
Dictionary { messages: BTreeMap::new() }
/// Obtains an iterator over dictionary key-value pairs.
pub fn iter(&self) -> dict::Iter<'_> {
dict::Iter { rep: self.messages.iter() }
/// Insert a mapping `{ key => value }`.
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: String, value: String) {
self.messages.insert(key, value);
/// Returns true if `key` exists in the dictionary.
pub fn contains_key(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
/// Creates a [Dictionary] from a sequence of `{ key => value}` pairs.
pub fn from_init(init: &[(&str, &str)]) -> Dictionary {
let mut result = Self::new();
for (k, v) in init {
result.insert(k.to_string(), v.to_string());
/// The parser states.
/// Currently, [State] does not implement state transitions, since I have not found how to do
/// that, for self-transitions (transition from a state, to the same state). Instead,
/// [parser::Instance] deals with state transitions, and has a function named `init` that
/// handles state transition for [State::Init] and so on, for all states.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum State {
// Document has not started.
// Document start has been seen.
// Resources section started, but no specifics.
// Parsing the string section. [name] is the name of the string id, and
// [text] is the accumulated text so far.
String { name: String, text: String },
// Parsing the xliff:g section,
XliffG { name: String, text: String },
// Final accepting state of the parser, no more input is expected.
/// The XML parser state.
pub struct Instance {
// The built out dictionary.
messages: Dictionary,
// The current parser state.
state: State,
// If set, the parser prints internal state at key points in the parsing
// to stderr.
verbose: bool,
/// A parser for `strings.xml`. The implementation does not strive for completeness, but
/// should be easy to amend if we find something missing. The implementation tests contain
/// golden examples of passing and failing documents.
impl Instance {
/// Creates a new empty Parser instance
pub fn new(verbose: bool) -> Instance {
Instance { messages: Dictionary::new(), state: State::Init, verbose }
// State::Init transitions on e.
fn init(&mut self, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
match e {
XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. } => {
self.state = State::StartDocument;
XmlEvent::EndDocument => {
self.state = State::Done;
XmlEvent::Whitespace { .. } => { /* ignore whitespace */ }
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unimplemented state: {:?}, token: {:?}", &self.state, &e)),
// State::StartDocument transitions on e.
fn start_document(&mut self, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
match e {
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. } => {
if name.local_name != "resources" {
return Err(anyhow!("expected StartElement(resources), got: {:?}", &e));
self.state = State::Resources;
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unimplemented state: {:?}, token: {:?}", &self.state, &e)),
/// Finds attribute named `name` in the sequence of owned attributes. For the time being
/// the comparison is simplistic and does not consider XML namespacing.
fn find_attribute(name: &str, attributes: &[attribute::OwnedAttribute]) -> Result<String> {
for ref attr in attributes {
let attr_name = &;
if attr_name.local_name != name {
return Ok(attr.value.to_owned());
Err(anyhow!("attribute not found: {}", name))
// State::Resources transitions on e.
fn resources(&mut self, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
match e {
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } => {
if name.local_name == "string" {
self.state = State::String {
name: Instance::find_attribute("name", &attributes[..])
.with_context(|| "while looking for attribute 'name' in 'string'")?,
text: "".to_string(),
} else {
return Err(anyhow!("expected StartElement(string), got: {:?}", &e));
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name, .. } => {
if name.local_name != "resources" {
return Err(anyhow!("expected EndElement(resources), got: {:?}", &e));
self.state = State::Init;
XmlEvent::Whitespace { .. } => { /* ignore whitespace */ }
_ => return Err(anyhow!("expected StartElement(string), got: {:?}", &e)),
// Implements state transitions for [State::String]. `token_name` is the message
// ID being processed, and `text` is the currently accummulated string (since the string
// may be broken off across multiple <xliff:g> tags.
fn string(&mut self, token_name: String, text: String, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
match e {
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. } => {
// Needs a better way to compare namespace and element.
let ns = name.namespace.clone();
if name.local_name != "g" && ns.unwrap_or("".to_string()) != "xliff" {
return Err(anyhow!("unexpected StartElement({:?})", &e));
// xliff:g is starting
self.state = State::XliffG { name: token_name, text };
XmlEvent::Characters(chars) => {
// There are probably more ways in which we can get characters, like cdata
// and such.
self.state = State::String { name: token_name, text: text.to_owned() + &chars };
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name, .. } => {
if name.local_name != "string" {
return Err(anyhow!("expected EndElement(string), got: {:?}", &e));
if self.messages.contains_key(&token_name) {
return Err(anyhow!("duplicate string with name: {}", token_name));
self.messages.insert(token_name, text);
self.state = State::Resources;
XmlEvent::Whitespace { .. } => { /* ignore whitespace */ }
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unimplemented state: {:?}, token: {:?}", &self.state, &e)),
// Implements state transitions for [State::XliffG]. Parameters are the same as in
// the function [Instance::string] above.
fn xliffg(&mut self, token_name: String, text: String, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
match e {
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. } => {
return Err(anyhow!("unexpected StartElement({:?})", &name));
XmlEvent::Characters(chars) => {
// There are probably more ways in which we can get characters, like cdata
// and such.
self.state = State::XliffG { name: token_name, text: text.to_owned() + &chars };
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name, .. } => {
let ns = name.namespace.clone();
if name.local_name != "g" && ns.unwrap_or("".to_string()) != "xliff" {
return Err(anyhow!("expected EndElement(xliff:g), got: {:?}", &e));
self.state = State::String { name: token_name, text };
XmlEvent::Whitespace { .. } => { /* ignore whitespace */ }
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unimplemented state: {:?}, token: {:?}", &self.state, &e)),
// Nudges a state machine across transitions. The states are given by the [State] enum,
// all states observing the sequence of [XmlEvent]s.
fn consume(&mut self, e: XmlEvent) -> Result<()> {
veprintln!(self.verbose, "parser.parse: event {:?},\n\tstate: {:?}", &e, &self.state);
match &self.state {
State::Init => {
State::StartDocument => {
State::Resources => {
State::String { ref name, ref text } => {
let name = name.to_owned();
let text = text.to_owned();
self.string(name, text, e)?;
State::XliffG { ref name, ref text } => {
let name = name.to_owned();
let text = text.to_owned();
self.xliffg(name, text, e)?;
State::Done => {
return Err(anyhow!(
"document has been fully parsed, no other parse events expected, but got: {:?}",
/// Parses the document that the [reader] is configured to yield.
pub fn parse<R>(&mut self, reader: EventReader<R>) -> Result<&Dictionary>
R: io::Read,
veprintln!(self.verbose, "parser.parse: ENTER");
for event in reader {
match event {
Ok(e) => {
// Sadly it is not possible to report the position at
// which the error happened, as reader is consumed by
// the loop together with its position-reporting.
self.consume(e).with_context(|| format!("in state: {:?}", self.state))?;
Err(e) => return Err(Error::new(e)),
veprintln!(self.verbose, "parser.parse: LEAVE");
mod tests {
use {
super::{Dictionary, Instance},
anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error, Result},
fn read_ok() -> Result<(), Error> {
struct TestCase {
name: &'static str,
content: &'static str,
expected: Dictionary,
let tests = vec![
TestCase {
name: "basic",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
expected: Dictionary::from_init(&vec![("string_name", "text_string")]),
TestCase {
name: "two_entries",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
this is a second string
with intervening newlines
expected: Dictionary::from_init(&vec![
("string_name", "text_string"),
("string_name_2", "\nthis is a second string\nwith intervening newlines\n"),
TestCase {
name: "parse xliff:g",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="countdown">
<xliff:g id="time" example="5 days">{time}</xliff:g> until holiday</string>
expected: Dictionary::from_init(&vec![("countdown", "{time} until holiday")]),
TestCase {
name: "parse xliff:g whitespace",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="countdown">
<xliff:g id="time" example="5 days">{time}</xliff:g> until holiday
expected: Dictionary::from_init(&vec![("countdown", "{time} until holiday\n")]),
for test in tests {
let input = EventReader::from_str(&test.content);
let mut parser = Instance::new(true /* verbose */);
let actual =
parser.parse(input).with_context(|| format!("for test item: {}",;
assert_eq!(&test.expected, actual);
fn read_error() -> Result<(), Error> {
struct TestCase {
name: &'static str,
content: &'static str,
let tests = vec![
TestCase {
name: "duplicate_elements",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
TestCase {
name: "duplicate resources section",
content: r#"
<!-- comment -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
for test in tests {
let input = EventReader::from_str(&test.content);
let mut parser = Instance::new(false /* verbose */);
let actual = parser.parse(input);
match actual {
Ok(_) => {
return Err(anyhow!("unexpected OK in test: {}",;
_ => {}