blob: 5166b3c029e7d3cd40ef5c6fdb173585cc7ed67c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// [START library-overview]
/// Library containing example FIDL used throughout the Fuchsia documentation.
// [END library-overview]
using fuchsia.mem;
using zx;
// [START primitive-alias]
alias vaddr = uint64;
// [END primitive-alias]
// [START constants]
const MAX_NAMES uint64 = 32;
// [END constants]
// [START good-docs]
/// A representation of violins displayed on the screen.
type Widget = struct {
/// A monotonically increasing id, uniquely identifying the widget.
id uint64;
/// Location of the top left corner of the widget.
location Point;
// [END good-docs]
protocol Node {};
// [START good-docs-2]
/// An abstract representation of a [``] whose layout is flat.
protocol File {
compose Node;
/// Acquires a [`fuchsia.mem/Buffer`] representing this file, if
/// there is one, with the requested access rights.
/// ## Rights
/// This method requires the following rights:
/// * [``] if `flags` includes
/// [``].
/// * [``] if `flags` includes
/// [``] or [``].
/// + request `flags` a bit field composing any of
/// - response `buffer` the requested `fuchsia.mem/Buffer`, or
/// null if there was an error, or the buffer does not exist.
/// * error a zx_status value indicating success or failure.
/// * see [`fuchsia.mem/Buffer`]
/// [`fuchsia.mem/Buffer`]:
GetBuffer(struct {
flags uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
buffer box<fuchsia.mem.Buffer>;
}) error zx.status;
// [END good-docs-2]
// [START comments-combined]
/// A widget displaying violins on the screen.
// TODO -- widgets should use UUIDs instead of sequential ids
type ViolinWidget = struct {
/// A monotonically increasing id, uniquely identifying the widget.
id uint64;
/// Location of the top left corner of the widget.
location Point;
// [END comments-combined]