blob: a4efb44e71496c14b2554a39327a4efa5b6006d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/view_tree/snapshot_types.h"
namespace view_tree {
using SubtreeSnapshotGenerator = fit::function<SubtreeSnapshot()>;
// Class for building and handing out snapshots of a ViewTree out of subtrees.
// All calls to ViewTreeSnapshotter must be made on the same thread.
class ViewTreeSnapshotter final {
struct Subscriber {
// |on_new_view_tree| will run on |dispatcher|.
// |on_new_view_tree| must be safe to call repeatedly for the lifetime of ViewTreeSnapshotter
OnNewViewTree on_new_view_tree;
// |dispatcher| must outlive ViewTreeSnapshotter.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr;
// Each element in |subtrees| will be called once for every call to UpdateSnapshot(). Each
// closure may generate any number of SubtreeSnapshots with any connectivity, but the very first
// received SubtreeSnapshots from the first SubtreeSnapshotGenerator *must* be the root of the
// full ViewTree and the combined set of all SubtreeSnapshots from all |subtrees| *must*
// constitute a fully connected ViewTree.
// Each element in |subtrees| must be safe to call repeatedly on this thread for
// the lifetime of ViewTreeSnapshotter.
// The |on_new_view_tree| closure of each subscriber in |subscribers| will be called at the
// end of every UpdateSnapshot() call with the new snapshot, on their individual dispatcher.
// All subscriber callbacks must be safe to queue on their dispatchers for the lifetime of
// ViewTreeSnapshotter.
explicit ViewTreeSnapshotter(std::vector<SubtreeSnapshotGenerator> subtrees,
std::vector<Subscriber> subscribers);
~ViewTreeSnapshotter() = default;
// Calls each SubtreeSnapshotGenerator() in |subtree_generators_| in turn, combines the results
// into a snapshot and hands out the snapshot to each subscriber in |subscriber_callbacks_|.
void UpdateSnapshot() const;
const std::vector<SubtreeSnapshotGenerator> subtree_generators_;
std::vector<OnNewViewTree> subscriber_callbacks_;
} // namespace view_tree