blob: ca2ea80781e4ca8edd7db38400bbfcc41757395c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/view_tree/snapshot_types.h"
#include <lib/async-testing/test_loop.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace view_tree::test {
// Test that we early-out for ndoes not in the ViewTree.
TEST(SnapshotHitTestTest, NodeNotInViewTree) {
Snapshot snapshot;
[](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) { return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {1}}; });
// Node not in the view tree should return empty.
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 49, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
TEST(SnapshotHitTestTest, MultipleSubtrees) {
Snapshot snapshot;
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 1) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {1, 2, 3},
.continuations = {
// Should be inserted before index 0, i.e. at the start
{/*index*/ 0, /*koid*/ 4},
// Should be inserted before index 3, i.e. at the end.
{/*index*/ 3, /*koid*/ 5},
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 4) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {6, 7, 8}};
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 5) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {9, 10}};
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
// Add the starting nodes to the ViewTree,
// Test subtrees individually.
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 4, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
EXPECT_THAT(hits, testing::ElementsAre(6, 7, 8));
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 5, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
EXPECT_THAT(hits, testing::ElementsAre(9, 10));
// Check that continuations are correctly flattened.
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 1, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
EXPECT_THAT(hits, testing::ElementsAre(6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10));
TEST(SnapshotHitTestTest, ContinuationsShouldHonorInsertionOrder) {
Snapshot snapshot;
// Two hit tests without continuations.
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 4) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {6, 7, 8}};
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 5) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {9, 10}};
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
// Two subtrees with the same continuations in opposite order.
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 100) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{
.hits = {1, 2, 3},
.continuations = {
// Two continuations at same index. Insertion order should matter.
{/*index*/ 1, /*koid*/ 4},
{/*index*/ 1, /*koid*/ 5},
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
snapshot.hit_testers.push_back([](zx_koid_t koid, glm::vec2, bool) {
if (koid == 101) {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{.hits = {1, 2, 3},
.continuations = {
// Both inserted at same index. Insertion order should matter.
{/*index*/ 1, /*koid*/ 5},
{/*index*/ 1, /*koid*/ 4},
} else {
return SubtreeHitTestResult{};
// Add the starting nodes to the ViewTree.
// Check that continuations honor insertion order for index ties.
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 100, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
EXPECT_THAT(hits, testing::ElementsAre(1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3));
std::vector<zx_koid_t> hits =
snapshot.HitTest(/*koid*/ 101, glm::vec2(0.f), /*is_semantic*/ false);
EXPECT_THAT(hits, testing::ElementsAre(1, 9, 10, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3));
} // namespace view_tree::test