blob: 0927058b45b0f0d76daf2079042ed4a54719d968 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use assembly_util::{DuplicateKeyError, InsertUniqueExt, MapEntry, PathToStringExt};
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use fuchsia_pkg::{PackageBuilder, RelativeTo};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// The mapping of a config_data entry's file-path in the package's config_data
/// to it's source path on the filesystem.
type FileEntryMap = BTreeMap<Utf8PathBuf, PathBuf>;
/// A typename to clarify intent around what Strings are package names.
type PackageName = String;
// The config_data entries for each package, by package name
type ConfigDataMap = BTreeMap<PackageName, FileEntryMap>;
/// A builder for the config_data package.
pub struct ConfigDataBuilder {
/// A map of the files to put into config_data, by the name of the package
/// that they are config_data for.
for_packages: ConfigDataMap,
impl ConfigDataBuilder {
/// Add a file from the filesystem to config_data for a given package, at a
/// particular path in the package's namespace.
pub fn add_entry(
&mut self,
package_name: &PackageName,
destination: Utf8PathBuf,
source: PathBuf,
) -> Result<()> {
let package_entries = self.for_packages.entry(package_name.clone()).or_default();
package_entries.try_insert_unique(MapEntry(destination, source)).map_err(|error|
"Found a duplicate config_data entry for package '{}' at path: '{}': '{}' and was already '{}'",
/// Build the config_data package, in the specified outdir, and return the
/// path to the `config_data` package's manifest.
pub fn build(self, outdir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let outdir = outdir.as_ref().join("config_data");
let mut package_builder = PackageBuilder::new("config-data");
for (package_name, entries) in self.for_packages {
for (destination_path, source_file) in entries {
let config_data_package_path =
.add_file_to_far(config_data_package_path, source_file.path_to_string()?)?;
let metafar_path = outdir.join("meta.far");
let manifest_path = outdir.join("package_manifest.json");
package_builder.repository("");, &metafar_path).context(format!(
"Building `config_data` package at path '{}'",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fuchsia_pkg::PackageManifest;
use std::fs::File;
use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir};
fn test_builder() {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let config_data_metafar_path = outdir.path().join("config_data").join("meta.far");
// Create a file to write to the package.
let source_file_path = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
std::fs::write(&source_file_path, "some data").unwrap();
let source_file_path = source_file_path.into_temp_path();
// Add the file.
let mut builder = ConfigDataBuilder::default();
.add_entry(&"foo".to_string(), "dest/path".into(), source_file_path.to_owned())
// Build the package.
let manifest_path =;
// Read the package manifest back in.
let config_data_manifest = PackageManifest::try_load_from(manifest_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "config-data");
let mut config_data_metafar = File::open(config_data_metafar_path).unwrap();
let mut far_reader = fuchsia_archive::Reader::new(&mut config_data_metafar).unwrap();
let config_file_data = far_reader.read_file("meta/data/foo/dest/path").unwrap();
assert_eq!(config_file_data, "some data".as_bytes());
fn test_builder_rejects_duplicates() {
let mut builder = ConfigDataBuilder::default();
let _ = builder.add_entry(&"foo".to_string(), "dest/path".into(), "source/path".into());
.add_entry(&"foo".to_string(), "dest/path".into(), "source/path".into())