blob: 1e3c0a1dec74f8897e8bdc7517565d7139500a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/camera2/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/configs/internal_config.h"
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/memory_allocation.h"
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/output_node.h"
#include "src/camera/drivers/controller/stream_pipeline_info.h"
namespace camera {
namespace {
constexpr auto kPipelineManagerSignalExitDone = ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0;
constexpr auto kTaskQueued = ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0;
} // namespace
// |PipelineManager|
// This class provides a way to create the stream pipeline for a particular
// stream configuration requested.
// While doing so it would also create ISP stream protocol and client stream protocols
// and setup the camera pipeline such that the streams are flowing properly as per the
// requested stream configuration.
class PipelineManager {
PipelineManager(zx_device_t* device, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
const ddk::IspProtocolClient& isp, const ddk::GdcProtocolClient& gdc,
const ddk::Ge2dProtocolClient& ge2d,
fuchsia::sysmem::AllocatorSyncPtr sysmem_allocator,
const zx::event& shutdown_event)
: shutdown_event_(shutdown_event),
memory_allocator_(std::move(sysmem_allocator)) {
void ConfigureStreamPipeline(StreamCreationData info,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::camera2::Stream> stream);
// Disconnects the stream.
// This is called when the stream channel receives a ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSE message.
// |stream_to_be_disconnected| : Stream type of the stream to be disconnected.
void OnClientStreamDisconnect(fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_be_disconnected);
ProcessNode* full_resolution_stream() const {
return FindStream(fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::FULL_RESOLUTION);
ProcessNode* downscaled_resolution_stream() const {
return FindStream(fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType::DOWNSCALED_RESOLUTION);
void StopStreaming();
void StartStreaming();
// Shuts down all existing streams
void Shutdown();
// Finds which graph head is the requested stream |stream_type| configured in.
fpromise::result<std::pair<ProcessNode*, fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType>, zx_status_t>
FindGraphHead(fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_type);
// Creates an async wait object which waits on |tasks_event_| to check the task queue and drains
// it.
void SetupTaskWaiter();
// Posts a task on the task queue. All the tasks related to the manipulation of the stream
// configurations need to be posted on the task queue instead of directly posting them on the loop
// using async::PostTask(). Note: The task posted to the queue needs to call TaskComplete() to
// signal completion of the task.
void PostTask(fit::closure task);
// Signals the completion of the task.
void TaskComplete();
// Frees up the nodes after the stream pipeline has been shutdown
// when |stream_to_disconnect| stream is disconnected.
// After a stream has shutdown, we have to check again to see what part of the
// graph needs to be freed up because there is a possibility where while a portion
// of graph is waiting to be shut down, another request for disconnection came in for
// same |input_stream_type|.
void DeleteGraphForDisconnectedStream(ProcessNode* graph_head,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_disconnect);
// Creates the stream pipeline graph and appends it to the input node (|parent_node|).
// Args:
// |internal_node| : Internal node of the node where this new graph needs to append.
// |parent_node| : Pointer to the node to which we need to append this new graph.
// Returns:
// |OutputNode*| : Pointer to the ouput node.
fpromise::result<OutputNode*, zx_status_t> CreateGraph(StreamCreationData* info,
const InternalConfigNode& internal_node,
ProcessNode* parent_node);
fpromise::result<std::pair<InternalConfigNode, ProcessNode*>, zx_status_t>
FindNodeToAttachNewStream(StreamCreationData* info,
const InternalConfigNode& current_internal_node,
ProcessNode* graph_head);
// Helper function to find out which portion of the graph
// needs to be disconnected and shut down.
void DisconnectStream(ProcessNode* graph_head,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType input_stream_type,
fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream_to_disconnect);
ProcessNode* FindStream(fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType stream) const {
auto stream_entry = streams_.find(stream);
if (stream_entry != streams_.end()) {
return stream_entry->second.get();
return nullptr;
bool global_shutdown_requested_ = false;
const zx::event& shutdown_event_;
zx_device_t* device_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
ddk::IspProtocolClient isp_;
ddk::GdcProtocolClient gdc_;
ddk::Ge2dProtocolClient ge2d_;
ControllerMemoryAllocator memory_allocator_;
// Map of Input streams -> ProcessNodes
std::unordered_map<fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType, std::unique_ptr<ProcessNode>> streams_;
// Map of Output streams -> OutputNodes
std::unordered_map<fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType, OutputNode*> output_nodes_info_;
std::vector<fuchsia::camera2::CameraStreamType> stream_shutdown_requested_;
// Queue for stream creation & deletion tasks.
std::queue<fit::closure> task_queue_;
bool task_in_progress_ = false;
zx::event tasks_event_;
async::Wait tasks_event_waiter_;
} // namespace camera