blob: fa75f6628e89ff8fd95dcd65d340851baf5c01b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.platform.device/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.images2/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.sysmem/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/display/controller/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/device-protocol/display-panel.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/zx/interrupt.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/capture.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/common.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/hot-plug-detection.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/image-info.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/video-input-unit.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/vout.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/vpu.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/vsync-receiver.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/display-timing.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/driver-buffer-collection-id.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/driver-framework-migration-utils/dispatcher/dispatcher-factory.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/driver-framework-migration-utils/metadata/metadata-getter.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/driver-framework-migration-utils/namespace/namespace.h"
namespace amlogic_display {
class DisplayEngine : public ddk::DisplayControllerImplProtocol<DisplayEngine> {
// Factory method for production use.
// `incoming` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
// `metadata_getter` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
// `dispatcher_factory` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<DisplayEngine>> Create(
display::Namespace* incoming, display::MetadataGetter* metadata_getter,
display::DispatcherFactory* dispatcher_factory);
// Creates an uninitialized `DisplayEngine` instance.
// `incoming` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
// `metadata_getter` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
// `dispatcher_factory` must be non-null and outlive `DisplayEngine`.
// Production code should use `DisplayEngine::Create()` instead.
explicit DisplayEngine(display::Namespace* incoming, display::MetadataGetter* metadata_getter,
display::DispatcherFactory* dispatcher_factory);
DisplayEngine(const DisplayEngine&) = delete;
DisplayEngine(DisplayEngine&&) = delete;
DisplayEngine& operator=(const DisplayEngine&) = delete;
DisplayEngine& operator=(DisplayEngine&&) = delete;
// Acquires parent resources and sets up display submodules.
// Must be called exactly once via the `Create()` factory method during
// the DisplayEngine lifetime in production code.
// TODO( Replace the two-step initialization with
// a factory method and a constructor.
zx_status_t Initialize();
// Tears down display submodules and turns off the hardware.
// Must be called exactly once before the DisplayEngine instance is
// destroyed in production code.
// TODO( Move the Deinitialize behavior to the
// destructor.
void Deinitialize();
// Implements the `fuchsia.hardware.display.controller/DisplayControllerImpl`
// banjo protocol.
void DisplayControllerImplSetDisplayControllerInterface(
const display_controller_interface_protocol_t* intf);
void DisplayControllerImplResetDisplayControllerInterface();
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplImportBufferCollection(
uint64_t banjo_driver_buffer_collection_id, zx::channel collection_token);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplReleaseBufferCollection(
uint64_t banjo_driver_buffer_collection_id);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplImportImage(const image_metadata_t* image_metadata,
uint64_t banjo_driver_buffer_collection_id,
uint32_t index, uint64_t* out_image_handle);
void DisplayControllerImplReleaseImage(uint64_t image_handle);
config_check_result_t DisplayControllerImplCheckConfiguration(
const display_config_t* display_configs, size_t display_count,
client_composition_opcode_t* out_client_composition_opcodes_list,
size_t client_composition_opcodes_count, size_t* out_client_composition_opcodes_actual);
void DisplayControllerImplApplyConfiguration(const display_config_t* display_configs,
size_t display_count,
const config_stamp_t* banjo_config_stamp);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplSetBufferCollectionConstraints(
const image_buffer_usage_t* usage, uint64_t banjo_driver_buffer_collection_id);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplSetDisplayPower(uint64_t display_id, bool power_on);
bool DisplayControllerImplIsCaptureSupported();
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplImportImageForCapture(uint64_t banjo_driver_buffer_collection_id,
uint32_t index,
uint64_t* out_capture_handle);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplStartCapture(uint64_t capture_handle);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplReleaseCapture(uint64_t capture_handle);
bool DisplayControllerImplIsCaptureCompleted() __TA_EXCLUDES(capture_mutex_);
const display_controller_impl_protocol_ops_t* display_controller_impl_protocol_ops() const {
return &display_controller_impl_protocol_ops_;
zx_status_t DisplayControllerImplSetMinimumRgb(uint8_t minimum_rgb);
const inspect::Inspector& inspector() const { return inspector_; }
void Dump() { vout_->Dump(); }
void SetFormatSupportCheck(fit::function<bool(fuchsia_images2::wire::PixelFormat)> fn) {
format_support_check_ = std::move(fn);
void SetCanvasForTesting(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_amlogiccanvas::Device> canvas) {
void SetVoutForTesting(std::unique_ptr<Vout> vout) { vout_ = std::move(vout); }
void SetVideoInputUnitForTesting(std::unique_ptr<VideoInputUnit> video_input_unit) {
video_input_unit_ = std::move(video_input_unit);
void SetSysmemAllocatorForTesting(
fidl::WireSyncClient<fuchsia_sysmem::Allocator> sysmem_allocator_client) {
sysmem_ = std::move(sysmem_allocator_client);
void PopulatePanelType() TA_REQ(display_mutex_);
void OnHotPlugStateChange(HotPlugDetectionState current_state);
void OnVsync(zx::time timestamp);
void OnCaptureComplete();
// TODO( Currently, DisplayEngine has a multi-step
// initialization procedure when the device manager binds the driver to the
// device node. This makes the initialization stateful and hard to maintain
// (submodules may have dependencies on initialization). Instead, it's
// preferred to turn the initialization procedure into a builder pattern,
// where resources are acquired before the device is created, and the device
// is guaranteed to be ready at creation time.
// Acquires the common protocols (pdev, sysmem and amlogic-canvas) and
// resources (Vsync interrupts, capture interrupts and BTIs) from the parent
// nodes.
// Must be called once and only once per driver binding procedure, before
// the protocols / resources mentioned above being used.
zx_status_t GetCommonProtocolsAndResources();
// Must be called once and only once per driver binding procedure.
// `GetCommonProtocolsAndResources()` must be called to acquire sysmem
// protocol before this is called.
zx_status_t InitializeSysmemAllocator();
// Allocates and initializes the video output (Vout) hardware submodule of
// the Video Processing Unit. The type of display (MIPI-DSI or HDMI) is based
// on the panel metadata provided by the board driver.
// Must be called once and only once per driver binding procedure.
// `vout_` must not be allocated nor initialized.
zx_status_t InitializeVout();
// A helper allocating and initializing the video output (Vout) hardware
// submodule for MIPI-DSI displays.
// `vout_` must not be allocated nor initialized.
zx_status_t InitializeMipiDsiVout(display_panel_t panel_info);
// A helper allocating and initializing the video output (Vout) hardware
// submodule for HDMI displays.
// `vout_` must not be allocated nor initialized.
zx_status_t InitializeHdmiVout();
// Acquires the hotplug display detection hardware resources (GPIO protocol
// and interrupt for the hotplug detection GPIO pin) from parent nodes, and
// starts the interrupt handler thread.
// Must be called once and only once per driver binding procedure, if display
// hotplug is supported.
zx_status_t SetupHotplugDisplayDetection();
// Power cycles the display engine, resets all configurations and re-brings up
// the video output module. This will cause all the previous display hardware
// state to be lost.
// Must only be called during `DisplayEngine` initialization, after `vpu_`
// and `vout_` are initialized, but before any IRQ handler thread starts
// running, as access to display resources (registers, IRQs) after powering
// off the display engine will cause the system to crash.
zx::result<> ResetDisplayEngine() __TA_REQUIRES(display_mutex_);
bool fully_initialized() const { return full_init_done_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
void set_fully_initialized() {, std::memory_order_release); }
// If true, the driver ignores the `mode` field in the
// `fuchsia.hardware.display.controller/DisplayConfig` struct.
// `vout_` must be initialized.
bool IgnoreDisplayMode() const;
// Whether `timing` is a new display timing different from the timing
// currently applied to the display.
bool IsNewDisplayTiming(const display::DisplayTiming& timing) __TA_REQUIRES(display_mutex_);
display::Namespace& incoming_;
display::MetadataGetter& metadata_getter_;
display::DispatcherFactory& dispatcher_factory_;
// Zircon handles
zx::bti bti_;
// Protocol handles used in by this driver
fidl::WireSyncClient<fuchsia_hardware_platform_device::Device> pdev_;
fidl::WireSyncClient<fuchsia_hardware_amlogiccanvas::Device> canvas_;
// The sysmem allocator client used to bind incoming buffer collection tokens.
fidl::WireSyncClient<fuchsia_sysmem::Allocator> sysmem_;
// Locks used by the display driver
fbl::Mutex display_mutex_; // general display state (i.e. display_id)
fbl::Mutex image_mutex_; // used for accessing imported_images_
fbl::Mutex capture_mutex_; // general capture state
// Relaxed is safe because full_init_done_ only ever moves from false to true.
std::atomic<bool> full_init_done_ = false;
// Display controller related data
ddk::DisplayControllerInterfaceProtocolClient dc_intf_ __TA_GUARDED(display_mutex_);
// Points to the next capture target image to capture displayed contents into.
// Stores nullptr if capture is not going to be performed.
ImageInfo* current_capture_target_image_ __TA_GUARDED(capture_mutex_) = nullptr;
// Imported sysmem buffer collections.
// Imported Images
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<ImageInfo>> imported_images_ __TA_GUARDED(image_mutex_);
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<ImageInfo>> imported_captures_ __TA_GUARDED(capture_mutex_);
// Objects: only valid if fully_initialized()
std::unique_ptr<Vpu> vpu_;
std::unique_ptr<VideoInputUnit> video_input_unit_;
std::unique_ptr<Vout> vout_;
// Monitoring. We create a named "amlogic-display" node to allow for easier filtering
// of inspect tree when defining selectors and metrics.
inspect::Inspector inspector_;
inspect::Node root_node_;
inspect::Node video_input_unit_node_;
display::DisplayId display_id_ TA_GUARDED(display_mutex_) = kPanelDisplayId;
bool display_attached_ TA_GUARDED(display_mutex_) = false;
// The DisplayMode applied most recently to the display.
// Default-constructed if no configuration is applied to the display yet or
// DisplayMode is ignored.
display::DisplayTiming current_display_timing_ TA_GUARDED(display_mutex_) = {};
std::unique_ptr<HotPlugDetection> hot_plug_detection_;
std::unique_ptr<Capture> capture_;
std::unique_ptr<VsyncReceiver> vsync_receiver_;
fit::function<bool(fuchsia_images2::wire::PixelFormat format)> format_support_check_ = nullptr;
} // namespace amlogic_display