blob: ea8576f688a7e47937410082ab44c6c952a513e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Target-side test runner for a power failure test on blobfs, verifying the filesystem with fsck
//! after a soft reboot.
//! This rust handles the blobfs administration for the test, which allows the
//! blobfs-load-generator to be run as a component. It can't be run as a component otherwise
//! because the fs-management library can only be run using /boot/bin/blobfs, but our component has
//! the blobfs binary in /pkg/bin/blobfs.
//! This module also contains tests for the generator, to confirm it is generating load on the
//! filesystem, which in turn exercises the spawning functionality of this runner.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
blackout_target::{CommonCommand, CommonOpts},
fs_management::{Blobfs, Filesystem},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef},
scoped_task::{self, Scoped},
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
#[structopt(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Opts {
common: CommonOpts,
/// A particular step of the test to perform.
commands: CommonCommand,
fn setup(blobfs: &mut Filesystem<Blobfs>) -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("formatting provided block device with blobfs");
blobfs.format().context("failed to format blobfs")?;
/// the meat of the test run. the wrapping [`test`] function simply blocks on the process
/// terminating, and will never return except for an error, so it's not suitable for testing the
/// test.
fn test_spawn(
blobfs: &mut Filesystem<Blobfs>,
seed: u64,
num_ops: u64,
) -> Result<Scoped<zx::Process>, Error> {
let root = format!("/test-fs-root-{}", seed);
println!("mounting blobfs into default namespace");
blobfs.mount(&root).context("failed to mount blobfs")?;
println!("running load generator");
launch_generator_process(seed, &root, num_ops)
fn test(blobfs: &mut Filesystem<Blobfs>, seed: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let process = test_spawn(blobfs, seed, 0)?;
let _signals = process
.wait_handle(zx::Signals::PROCESS_TERMINATED, zx::Time::INFINITE)
.context("failed to wait for blobfs load generator process")?;
// generator should never terminate. if we get here, something went wrong.
fn verify(blobfs: &mut Filesystem<Blobfs>) -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("verifying disk with fsck");
blobfs.fsck().context("failed to run fsck")?;
println!("verification successful");
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let opts = Opts::from_args();
println!("blobfs block device: {}", opts.common.block_device);
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(&opts.common.block_device)?;
match opts.commands {
CommonCommand::Setup => setup(&mut blobfs),
CommonCommand::Test => test(&mut blobfs, opts.common.seed),
CommonCommand::Verify => verify(&mut blobfs),
fn launch_generator_process(
seed: u64,
root: &str,
num_ops: u64,
) -> Result<Scoped<zx::Process>, Error> {
let seed_cstring = CString::new(seed.to_string()).context("failed to make seed cstring")?;
let root_cstring = CString::new(root).context("failed to make mount point cstring")?;
let num_ops_cstring =
CString::new(num_ops.to_string()).context("failed to make seed cstring")?;
let argv = &[
match scoped_task::spawn_etc(
&mut [],
) {
Ok(process) => Ok(process),
Err((status, message)) => {
return Err(format_err!(
"failed to spawn blobfs-load-generator process: status: {}, message: {}",
mod tests {
use {
super::{setup, test_spawn, verify},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef},
fn test_verify_no_reboot() {
// essentially do what the real test will do, but with out a power cycle between test and
// verify. this checks two things - one, that we expect the test to actually pass in the
// power failure context (since it passes without it) and two, it narrows down possible
// failure modes for the next test, which checks that a load was actually generated.
// 1<<16 blocks with a block size 512 bytes is ~33MB
println!("creating ramdisk");
let ramdisk = RamdiskClient::create(512, 1 << 16).expect("failed to make ramdisk");
let device_path = ramdisk.get_path();
println!("creating blobfs manager");
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(device_path).expect("failed to create blobfs manager");
println!("setting up blobfs");
setup(&mut blobfs).expect("failed to set up blobfs");
println!("running generator"); // with a "random" seed
let process = test_spawn(&mut blobfs, 1234, 0).expect("failed to run process");
println!("killing generator");
process.kill().expect("failed to kill blobfs-load-generator process");
// test_spawn mounts the blobfs partition; unmount it before we verify
blobfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount blobfs");
println!("running verification on device");
verify(&mut blobfs).expect("failed to verify blobfs partition");
fn generator_generated_load() {
println!("creating ramdisk");
let ramdisk = RamdiskClient::create(512, 1 << 16).expect("failed to make ramdisk");
let device_path = ramdisk.get_path();
println!("creating blobfs manager");
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(device_path).expect("failed to create blobfs manager");
println!("setting up blobfs");
setup(&mut blobfs).expect("failed to set up blobfs");
println!("running generator"); // with a "random" seed
let process = test_spawn(&mut blobfs, 4321, 1000).expect("failed to run process");
let _signals = process
.wait_handle(zx::Signals::PROCESS_TERMINATED, zx::Time::INFINITE)
.expect("failed to wait for blobfs load generator process");
println!("remounting blobfs");
// let mount_point = "/test-blobfs-root";
blobfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount blobfs the first time");
// TODO(36143): re-enable this part of the test once it's deflaked
// blobfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount blobfs");
// println!("confirming there is at least one file in blobfs");
// let mut dir = std::fs::read_dir(mount_point).expect("failed to read blobfs directory");
// let entry ="no files in blobfs").expect("failed to get directory entry");
// let typ = entry.file_type().expect("failed to get file type");
// assert!(typ.is_file());
// println!("unmounting blobfs");
// blobfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount blobfs the second time");