blob: 19ca16b45d7c2cbe834b1d2b1d2be76bdfd4594f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use fdio::{self, clone_channel};
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_power as hpower;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_syslog::{fx_log_err, fx_log_info, fx_log_warn, fx_vlog};
use fuchsia_vfs_watcher as vfs_watcher;
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, Signals};
use futures::prelude::*;
use io_util::{open_directory_in_namespace, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE};
use std::convert::From;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Result as ioResult};
use std::marker::Send;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::battery_manager::BatteryManager;
use crate::LOG_VERBOSITY;
// TODO (ZX-3385): binding the FIDL service via file descriptor is still
// required for hardware FIDLs (implemented by ACPI battery driver).
// Once componentization of drivers is complete and they are capable of
// publishing their FIDL services, should be abl to remove POWER_DEVICE
// specifically and refactor the "power" module in general to leverage
// the discoverable service.
static POWER_DEVICE: &str = "/dev/class/power";
enum WatchSuccess {
fn get_power_source_proxy(file: &File) -> ioResult<hpower::SourceProxy> {
let channel = clone_channel(file)?;
// Get the power info from file descriptor/hardware.power FIDL service
// Note that this file (/dev/class/power) is a left over artifact of the
// legacy power_manager implementation which was based on power IOCTLs.
// The file is still required as it provides the descriptor with which
// to bind the FIDL service, at least until ZX-3385 is complete, which
// will componentize drivers and allow them to provide discoverable FIDL
// services like everyone else.
pub async fn get_power_info(file: &File) -> ioResult<hpower::SourceInfo> {
let power_source = get_power_source_proxy(&file)?;
match power_source.get_power_info().map_err(|_| zx::Status::IO).await? {
result => {
let (status, info) = result;
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: get_power_info: {:#?}, status: {:#?}", info, status);
// Get the battery info from file descriptor/hardware.power FIDL service
// Note that this file (/dev/class/power) is a left over artifact of the
// legacy power_manager implementation which was based on power IOCTLs.
// The file is still required as it provides the descriptor with which
// to bind the FIDL service, at least until ZX-3385 is complete, which
// will componentize drivers and allow them to provide discoverable FIDL
// services like everyone else.
pub async fn get_battery_info(file: &File) -> ioResult<hpower::BatteryInfo> {
let power_source = get_power_source_proxy(&file)?;
match power_source.get_battery_info().map_err(|_| zx::Status::IO).await? {
result => {
let (status, info) = result;
"::power:: get_battery_info: {:#?}, status: {:#?}",
fn add_listener<F>(file: &File, callback: F) -> ioResult<()>
F: 'static + Send + Fn(hpower::SourceInfo, Option<hpower::BatteryInfo>) + Sync,
let power_source = get_power_source_proxy(&file)?;
let file_copy = file
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(e.kind(), format!("error copying power device file: {}", e)))?;
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: spawn device state change event listener");
async move {
loop {
// Note that get_state_change_event & wait on signal must
// occur within the loop as it is the former call that
// clears the signal bit following its setting during
// the notification.
let (_status, handle) =
power_source.get_state_change_event().map_err(|_| zx::Status::IO).await?;
"::power event listener:: waiting on signal for state change event"
fasync::OnSignals::new(&handle, Signals::USER_0).await?;
"::power event listener:: got signal for state change event"
let power_info = get_power_info(&file_copy).await?;
let mut battery_info = None;
if power_info.type_ == hpower::PowerType::Battery {
battery_info = Some(get_battery_info(&file_copy).await?);
callback(power_info, battery_info);
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| {
fx_log_err!("not able to apply listener to power device, wait failed: {:?}", e)
async fn process_watch_event(
filepath: &PathBuf,
battery_manager: Arc<BatteryManager>,
battery_device_found: &mut bool,
adapter_device_found: &mut bool,
) -> Result<WatchSuccess, anyhow::Error> {
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: process_watch_event for {:#?}", &filepath);
let file = File::open(&filepath)?;
let power_info = get_power_info(&file).await?;
let mut battery_info = None;
if power_info.type_ == hpower::PowerType::Battery {
if *battery_device_found {
return Ok(WatchSuccess::BatteryAlreadyFound);
} else {
battery_info = Some(get_battery_info(&file).await?);
} else if power_info.type_ == hpower::PowerType::Ac && *adapter_device_found {
return Ok(WatchSuccess::AdapterAlreadyFound);
// add the listener to wait on the signal/notification from
// state event change interface provided by the hardware FIDL
let battery_manager2 = battery_manager.clone();
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: process_watch_event add_listener with callback");
add_listener(&file, move |p_info, b_info| {
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power event listener:: callback firing => UPDATE_STATUS");
let battery_manager2 = battery_manager2.clone();
fasync::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = battery_manager2.update_status(p_info.clone(), b_info.clone()) {
fx_log_err!("{}", e);
if power_info.type_ == hpower::PowerType::Battery {
*battery_device_found = true;
// poll and update battery status to catch changes that might not
// otherwise be notified (i.e. gradual charge/discharge)
let battery_manager = battery_manager.clone();
let mut timer = fasync::Interval::new(zx::Duration::from_seconds(60));
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: process_watch_event spawn periodic timer");
fasync::spawn(async move {
while let Some(()) = ( {
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: periodic timer fired => UPDDATE_STATUS");
let power_info = get_power_info(&file).await.unwrap();
battery_info = Some(get_battery_info(&file).await.unwrap());
if let Err(e) =
battery_manager.update_status(power_info.clone(), battery_info.clone())
fx_log_err!("{}", e);
} else {
*adapter_device_found = true;
// update the status with the current state info from the watch event
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: process_watch_event => UPDATE_STATUS");
.update_status(power_info.clone(), battery_info.clone())
.context("adding watch events")?;
pub async fn watch_power_device(battery_manager: Arc<BatteryManager>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let dir_proxy = open_directory_in_namespace(POWER_DEVICE, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)?;
let mut watcher = vfs_watcher::Watcher::new(dir_proxy).await?;
let mut adapter_device_found = false;
let mut battery_device_found = false;
while let Some(msg) = (watcher.try_next()).await? {
fx_vlog!(LOG_VERBOSITY, "::power:: watch_power_device trying next: {:#?}", &msg);
if battery_device_found && adapter_device_found {
let mut filepath = PathBuf::from(POWER_DEVICE);
fx_log_info!("watch_power_device event for file: {:?}", &filepath);
match process_watch_event(
&mut battery_device_found,
&mut adapter_device_found,
Ok(WatchSuccess::Completed) => {}
Ok(early_return) => {
let device_type = match early_return {
WatchSuccess::Completed => unreachable!(),
WatchSuccess::BatteryAlreadyFound => "battery",
WatchSuccess::AdapterAlreadyFound => "adapter",
"::power:: Skip '{:?}' as {} device already found",
Err(err) => {
fx_log_warn!("Failed to add watch event for '{:?}': {}", filepath, err);