blob: f7e2a4418f47bc54eb4f68320885c0fa5f75c98a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular.session;
using fuchsia.ui.policy;
using fuchsia.sys;
/// Descriptions and defaults for these configurations are echoed in
/// peridot/docs/modular/guide/
table BasemgrConfig {
/// When set to false, Cobalt statistics are disabled.
/// Default: true
1: bool enable_cobalt;
/// When set to true, wait for persistent data to initialize.
/// Default: true
2: bool use_minfs;
/// Create story shells through StoryShellFactory exposed by the session
/// shell instead of creating separate story shell components. When set,
/// `story_shell_url` and any story shell args are ignored.
/// Default: false
3: bool use_session_shell_for_story_shell_factory;
/// Launch configurations specific to base shell.
4: BaseShellConfig base_shell;
/// A map of launch configurations specific to session shells.
5: vector<SessionShellMapEntry> session_shell_map;
/// Launch configurations specific to story shell.
6: StoryShellConfig story_shell;
/// Temporary placeholder to pass configurations to sessionmgr. Will be
/// removed with the completion of MF-10.
7: AppConfig sessionmgr;
table BaseShellConfig {
/// Contains the fuchsia package url and arguments to pass to the shell.
1: AppConfig app_config;
/// When set to true, the base shell is kept alive after a log in. This is
/// used for testing because current integration tests expect base shell
/// to always be running.
/// Default: false
2: bool keep_alive_after_login;
table SessionShellMapEntry {
/// The name of the session shell represented by its url.
1: name;
/// The launch configurations for the session shell.
2: SessionShellConfig config;
table SessionShellConfig {
/// Contains the fuchsia package url and arguments to pass to the shell.
1: AppConfig app_config;
/// The display usage policy for this session shell.
/// Optional: defaults to DisplayUsage::kUnknown.
2: fuchsia.ui.policy.DisplayUsage display_usage;
/// The screen height in millimeters for the session shell's display.
/// Optional: defaults to full screen.
3: float32 screen_height;
/// The screen width in millimeters for the session shell's display.
/// Optional: defaults to full screen.
4: float32 screen_width;
table StoryShellConfig {
/// Contains the fuchsia package url and arguments to pass to the shell.
1: AppConfig app_config;
table SessionmgrConfig {
1: CloudProvider cloud_provider;
/// When set to false, Cobalt statistics are disabled. This is used for
/// testing.
/// Default: true
2: bool enable_cobalt;
/// When set to false, StoryShell instances are not warmed up as a startup
/// latency optimization. This is used for testing.
/// Default: true
3: bool enable_story_shell_preload;
/// Tells the sessionmgr whether it should host+pass a memfs-backed
/// directory to the ledger for the user's repository, or to use
/// /data/LEDGER.
/// Default: false
4: bool use_memfs_for_ledger;
/// A list of fuchsia package urls that specify which agents to launch at
/// startup.
5: vector<> startup_agents;
/// A list of fuchsia package urls that specify which agents to launch at
/// startup with PuppetMaster and FocusProvider services.
6: vector<> session_agents;
/// The fuchsia package url for which story shell to use.
7: story_shell_url;
/// A map of agents to the arguments they should be started with.
8: vector<AppConfig> component_args;
/// Deprecated
9: bool use_parent_runner_for_story_realm;
/// A list of supported services and the URL of the agent known to provide
/// that service. Used by the Session Manager to implement
/// `ComponentContext` method ConnectToAgentService().
10: vector<AgentServiceIndexEntry> agent_service_index;
/// A list of agent URLs that will cause the session to be restarted
/// when they terminate. If an agent is not in this list, sessionmgr will
/// restart it individually, preserving the session.
11: vector<>:MAX restart_session_on_agent_crash;
/// Used to pass around configuration references to apps such as base shell,
/// session shell, story shell, and agents.
table AppConfig {
/// The fuchsia package url for app.
1: url;
/// The arguments for the app.
2: vector<string> args;
/// A service and the URL of the agent known to provide that service.
table AgentServiceIndexEntry {
/// The service name.
1: string service_name;
/// The fuchsia component url for agent.
2: fuchsia.sys.component_url agent_url;
enum CloudProvider {
/// Use a cloud provider configured by Ledger.
/// Use a cloud provider available in the incoming namespace, rather than
/// initializing and instance within sessionmgr. This can be used to inject
/// a custom cloud provider.
NONE = 3;
/// Contains the configurations for the modular framework components.
table ModularConfig {
1: BasemgrConfig basemgr_config;
2: SessionmgrConfig sessionmgr_config;