blob: 3aff9e100af3c286cf85deff095e7059c4a034f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
/// Network device class.
/// The network device's class is part of its [``] reporting and can be
/// used by tools that enumerate network devices to present human-readable types, so it is easier
/// for a user to identify the listed devices. The [``] value
/// does not imply any kind of capabilities or behavior.
enum DeviceClass : uint16 {
UNKNOWN = 0x00;
ETHERNET = 0x01;
WLAN = 0x02;
PPP = 0x03;
BRIDGE = 0x04;
/// Device status bits, reported in [``].
bits StatusFlags : uint32 {
/// Device is online, i.e., data path is open and any ongoing sessions may send
/// and receive frames.
ONLINE = 0x01;
/// Dynamic device information.
table Status {
/// Device status flags.
1: StatusFlags flags;
/// Maximum transmit unit for this device, in bytes. The reported `MTU` is the size of an ENTIRE
/// frame, including any header and trailer bytes for whatever protocol the
/// [``]s of this device support.
2: uint32 mtu;
/// Maximum numbers of supported frame types for Rx or Tx.
// NOTE(brunodalbo) 4 seems a sensible number for maximum number of frame types supported by a
// single device. Most common use cases are going to use 1 or 2 types (1 if device operates at L2, 2
// if at L3).
const uint32 MAX_FRAME_TYPES = 4;
/// Maximum length of session label.
const uint32 MAX_SESSION_NAME = 64;
/// Maximum number of acceleration flags.
/// Each descriptor has 16 bits of space for acceleration flags
/// ([``] and [``]) thus the maximum
/// number of reported accelerations is 16. Each descriptor reports which accelerations were applied
/// (`RxFlags`) or are requested (`TxFlags`) by mapping indexes in the vector of supported
/// accelerations ([``] and
/// ([``]) to bits in the respective acceleration flags
/// bitfield.
const uint32 MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS = 16;
/// Network device information.
struct Info {
/// Device's class, defined in [``].
DeviceClass class;
/// Minimum descriptor length, in 64-bit words.
/// Expresses the minimum length that each buffer descriptor must have for correct operation
/// with this device. Devices that support extra frame metadata inform larger minimum descriptor
/// lengths that reflect the minimum space needed to be able to store frame metadata.
uint8 min_descriptor_length;
/// Accepted descriptor version.
uint8 descriptor_version;
/// Maximum number of items in Rx FIFO (per session).
/// `rx_depth` is calculated based on the size of the actual backing hardware rx queue.
uint32 rx_depth;
/// Maximum number of items in Tx FIFO (per session).
/// `tx_depth` is calculated based on the size of the actual backing hardware tx queue.
uint32 tx_depth;
/// Alignment requirement for buffers in the data VMO. All buffers in the data VMO *must* be
/// aligned to `buffer_alignment` relative to the start of the VMO.
uint32 buffer_alignment;
/// Maximum supported length of buffers in the data VMO, in bytes.
uint32 max_buffer_length;
/// The minimum RX buffer length for correct operation, in bytes.
uint32 min_rx_buffer_length;
/// The number of bytes the device requests be free as `head` space in a Tx buffer. Devices
/// may choose to reject Tx buffers that do not satisfy this constraint.
uint16 min_tx_buffer_head;
/// The amount of bytes the device requests be free as `tail` space in a Tx buffer. Devices
/// may choose to reject Tx buffers that to not satisfy this constraint.
uint16 min_tx_buffer_tail;
/// Supported Rx frame types on this device.
/// Clients may open sessions subscribing to a subset of `rx_types` frame types on this device.
/// Clients will only receive the frame types they are subscribed to in this session
vector<FrameType>:MAX_FRAME_TYPES rx_types;
/// Supported Tx frame types on this device.
/// A client is free to send any frame type on an open session, as long as the frame type is
/// part of `tx_types`. Some network devices may need to perform partial frame parsing and
/// serialization and, for that reason, `tx_types` is a vector of
/// [``] which includes specific features per frame
/// type.
/// For example, a device that supports Ethernet frames but needs to convert the Ethernet header
/// may only support standard EthernetII frames, and not any "raw" Ethernet frame.
vector<FrameTypeSupport>:MAX_FRAME_TYPES tx_types;
/// Available Rx acceleration flags for this device. `rx_accel` maps the `RX_ACCEL_*` flags in
/// the frame descriptors with semantic acceleration features described by
/// [``]. Position `n` of `rx_accel` conveys the meaning
/// of the `RX_ACCEL_n` flag.
vector<RxAcceleration>:MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS rx_accel;
/// Available Tx acceleration flags for this device. `tx_accel` maps the `TX_ACCEL_*` flags in
/// the frame descriptors with semantic acceleration features described by
/// [`]`. Position `n` of `tx_accel` conveys the meaning
/// of the `TX_ACCEL_n` flag.
vector<TxAcceleration>:MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS tx_accel;
/// The maximum number of status samples that can be buffered by a
/// [``].
const uint32 MAX_STATUS_BUFFER = 50;
/// Provides a way to receive updates on device status changes.
protocol StatusWatcher {
/// `WatchStatus` will block until the device's status has changed.
/// The first call to `WatchStatus` will always return immediately with the current device
/// status, subsequent calls will only complete when the device status differs from the last one
/// that was returned through this `StatusWatcher`.
/// If `StatusWatcher` was created with a buffer value larger than 1, `WatchStatus` may return a
/// queued status change, depending on how many status changed happened since the last call to
/// `WatchStatus`.
WatchStatus() -> (Status device_status);
/// A Network Device.
protocol Device {
/// Obtain information about device
GetInfo() -> (Info info);
/// Obtain the operating device status.
GetStatus() -> (Status device_status);
/// Connects to a [``] to observe device status changes.
/// `buffer` is the number of status changes that the client requests to be stored by
/// `StatusWatcher`, limited to [``]. A value of 0 or
/// 1 will cause the `StatusWatcher` to not keep any buffers on status changed. Clients that
/// need to observe all changes to status (as opposed to only the current state) are encouraged
/// to set a buffer value larger than 1, so that all edges can be observed. If `StatusWatcher`'s
/// internal queue is filled and new status changes occur, the oldest samples will be dropped to
/// make room for new ones.
GetStatusWatcher(request<StatusWatcher> watcher, uint32 buffer);
/// Opens a new session with the network device.
/// `session_name` is used only as a debug label.
/// `session_info` contains the necessary information to setup the session's data exchange.
OpenSession(string:MAX_SESSION_NAME session_name, SessionInfo session_info) -> (Session session, Fifos fifos) error zx.status;