blob: 9747b722280b3ed18ce5b7e43000dcd5184fbf36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.gfx;
using fuchsia.images;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
/// These are all of the types of resources that can be created within a
/// `Session`. Add new fields only to the bottom of the list.
union ResourceArgs {
// Memory resources.
1: MemoryArgs memory;
2: ImageArgs image;
3: ImagePipeArgs image_pipe;
4: BufferArgs buffer;
// Views.
5: ViewArgs view;
6: ViewHolderArgs view_holder;
// Shapes (see shapes.fidl).
7: RectangleArgs rectangle;
8: RoundedRectangleArgs rounded_rectangle;
9: CircleArgs circle;
10: MeshArgs mesh;
// Nodes (see nodes.fidl).
11: ShapeNodeArgs shape_node;
12: ClipNodeArgs clip_node;
13: EntityNodeArgs entity_node;
14: OpacityNodeArgsHACK opacity_node;
// Materials.
15: MaterialArgs material;
// Layers.
16: CompositorArgs compositor;
17: DisplayCompositorArgs display_compositor;
18: ImagePipeCompositorArgs image_pipe_compositor;
19: LayerStackArgs layer_stack;
20: LayerArgs layer;
// Scene representation and display.
21: SceneArgs scene;
22: CameraArgs camera;
23: StereoCameraArgs stereo_camera;
24: RendererArgs renderer;
// Lighting.
25: AmbientLightArgs ambient_light;
26: DirectionalLightArgs directional_light;
// A value that can be used in place of a constant value.
27: VariableArgs variable;
// TODO(SCN-1225): Move these where they belong. They're added to the end
// of the struct temporarily until we transition to xunions.
28: PointLightArgs point_light;
29: reserved;
30: reserved;
31: ViewArgs3 view3;
32: ImagePipe2Args image_pipe2;
struct ImagePipeArgs {
request<fuchsia.images.ImagePipe> image_pipe_request;
/// `ImagePipe2` is a `Resource` that can be used as a `Texture` for a `Material`.
struct ImagePipe2Args {
request<fuchsia.images.ImagePipe2> image_pipe_request;
/// `Memory` is a `Resource` that wraps a client-provided Zircon vmo to register
/// it with Scenic.
// TODO: specify resizing behavior. Who can resize? Client/Scenic/both/none?
struct MemoryArgs {
// The VMO which backs this memory.
handle<vmo> vmo;
// The amount of memory from `vmo` that should be utilized.
uint64 allocation_size;
// The type of memory stored in the VMO, namely whether it's GPU memory or
// host memory.
fuchsia.images.MemoryType memory_type;
/// An image mapped to a range of a `Memory` resource.
// TODO: more precise and extensive docs.
struct ImageArgs {
fuchsia.images.ImageInfo info;
uint32 memory_id; // id of a `Memory` resource
uint32 memory_offset; // byte offset of image within `Memory` resource
/// A buffer mapped to a range of `Memory`.
struct BufferArgs {
uint32 memory_id; // id of a `Memory` resource
uint32 memory_offset; // byte offset of buffer within `Memory` resource
uint32 num_bytes;
/// Represents the root of a subgraph within a larger scene graph. Nodes can be
/// attached to the `View` as children, and these Nodes will have the `View`s'
/// coordinate transform applied to their own, in addition to being clipped to
/// the `View`s' bounding box.
/// See `ViewProperties`.
/// Each `View` is linked to a paired `ViewHolder` via a shared token pair.
/// Usually the `View` and its associated `ViewHolder` exist in separate
/// processes. By combining them, the UI for an entire system can be built
/// using content contributed from many different processes.
struct ViewArgs {
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewToken token;
string? debug_name;
/// Represents the root of a subgraph within a larger scene graph. Nodes can be
/// attached to the |View| as children, and these Nodes will have the |View|s'
/// coordinate transform applied to their own, in addition to being clipped to
/// the |View|s' bounding box.
/// See |ViewProperties|.
/// Each |View| is linked to a paired |ViewHolder| via a shared token pair.
/// Usually the |View| and its associated |ViewHolder| exist in separate
/// processes. By combining them, the UI for an entire system can be built
/// using content contributed from many different processes.
/// Clients self-identify their |View| with a |ViewRef|, which is a stable
/// identifier that may be cloned and passed to other components in a
/// feed-forward style. It is accompanied by a |ViewRefControl|, which Scenic
/// uses to signal |View| destruction across the system; the |ViewRefControl|
/// must be unique - do not clone it.
struct ViewArgs3 {
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewToken token;
/// |control_ref.reference| must have full rights (i.e., with signaling).
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefControl control_ref;
/// |view_ref.reference| must have basic rights (i.e., no signaling).
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef view_ref;
string? debug_name;
/// Represents an attachment point for a subgraph within a larger scene graph.
/// The `ViewHolder` can be attached to a Node as a child, and the contents of
/// the linked `View` will become a child of the Node as well.
/// Each `ViewHolder` is linked to a paired `View` via a shared token pair.
/// Usually the `ViewHolder` and its associated `View` exist in separate
/// processes. By combining them, the UI for an entire system can be built
/// using content contributed from many different processes.
struct ViewHolderArgs {
fuchsia.ui.views.ViewHolderToken token;
string? debug_name;
/// A Compositor draws its `LayerStack` into a framebuffer provided by its
/// attached `Display`, if any. If no display is attached, nothing is rendered.
// TODO(fxb/23686): there is currently no way to create/attach a display.
struct CompositorArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A DisplayCompositor draws its attached `LayerStack` into an image that is
/// presented on a display.
struct DisplayCompositorArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// An ImagePipeCompositor draws its attached `LayerStack` into an image that is
/// presented on an image-pipe.
struct ImagePipeCompositorArgs {
fuchsia.images.ImagePipe target;
/// A LayerStack is a stack of layers that are attached to a Compositor, which
/// draws them in order of increasing Z-order (or rather, presents the illusion
/// of drawing them in that order: it may apply any optimizations that don't
/// affect the output).
/// Supported commands:
/// - AddLayer
struct LayerStackArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A Layer is a 2-dimensional image that is drawn by a Compositor. The
/// contents of each Layer in a Layerstack are independent of each other.
/// A layer is not drawn unless it has a camera, texture, or color.
/// Supported commands:
/// - Detach
/// - SetCamera
/// - SetColor
/// - SetTexture
/// - SetSize (depth must be zero)
/// - SetSize
/// - SetTranslation (z component determines the relative Z-ordering of layers)
/// - SetRotation (must rotate around Z-axis)
/// - SetScale
struct LayerArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A Scene is the root of a scene-graph, and defines the rendering environment
/// (lighting, etc.) for the tree of nodes beneath it.
/// Supported commands:
/// - Add/RemoveLight
/// - AddChild
struct SceneArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A Camera is used to render a Scene from a particular viewpoint. This is
/// achieved by setting a Renderer to use the camera.
/// The following commands may be applied to a Camera:
/// - SetCameraTransform
/// - SetCameraProjection
/// - SetCameraPoseBuffer
struct CameraArgs {
// The scene that the camera is viewing.
uint32 scene_id;
/// A StereoCamera is a Camera that renders the scene in side-by-side stereo.
/// Any command which can be applied to a Camera can also be applied to a
/// StereoCamera.
/// Additional supported commands:
/// - SetStereoCameraProjection
struct StereoCameraArgs {
// The scene that the camera is viewing.
uint32 scene_id;
/// A Renderer renders a Scene via a Camera.
/// Supported commands:
/// - SetCamera
/// - SetRendererParam
struct RendererArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// An AmbientLight is a Light that is is assumed to be everywhere in the scene,
/// in all directions.
/// Supported commands:
/// - SetLightColor
struct AmbientLightArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A DirectionalLight is a Light that is emitted from a point at infinity.
/// Although the light is directional, the light has some amount of angular
/// dispersion (i.e., the light is not fully columnated). For simplicity, we
/// assume the dispersion of the light source is symmetric about the light's
/// primary direction.
/// Supported commands:
/// - SetLightColor
/// - SetLightDirection
struct DirectionalLightArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// A PointLight is a Light that emits light in all directions. By default, the
/// intensity of the light falls off according to the physically based
/// "inverse-square law" (see Wikipedia), although it can be adjusted to other
/// values for artistic effect.
/// Supported commands:
/// - SetLightColor
/// - SetPointLightPosition
/// - SetPointLightFalloff
struct PointLightArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// Simple texture-mapped material.
/// Supported commands:
/// - SetTextureCmd: sets the texture, or it can be left as zero (no texture).
/// The texture can be an Image or ImagePipe.
/// - SetColorCmd: sets the color.
struct MaterialArgs {
// TODO(SCN-694): Clean up dummy args.
uint32 dummy = 0;
/// Describes a typed, client-modifiable value.
struct VariableArgs {
ValueType type;
Value initial_value; // Must match type. Must not be a variable_id.
/// Describes an exported resource that is to be imported by an
/// ImportResourceCmd.
/// NOTE: Currently just an enum of importable resource types, but may later be
/// expanded to express concepts like "meshes with a particular vertex format".
enum ImportSpec {
NODE = 0;