blob: 01e297ecffe1e18503dea62f0e5fa3d218240b65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "i2c.h"
#include <lib/ddk/debug.h>
#include <lib/ddk/platform-defs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/hw/i2c.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <acpica/acpi.h>
#include <lib/ddk/metadata.h>
#include "acpi-private.h"
#include "dev.h"
#include "util.h"
bool AddDeviveProperty(acpi_i2c_device_t& dev, uint16_t vid, uint16_t did,
const ACPI_DEVICE_INFO& info, const ACPI_DEVICE_INFO& i2c_bus_info) {
if (dev.propcount + 2 > std::size(dev.props)) {
"Insufficient space to store I2C class in devprops for ACPI I2C device "
"\"%s\" on bus \"%s\"\n",
fourcc_to_string(info.Name).str, fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str);
return false;
dev.props[dev.propcount].id = BIND_I2C_VID;
dev.props[dev.propcount++].value = vid;
dev.props[dev.propcount].id = BIND_I2C_DID;
dev.props[dev.propcount++].value = did;
return true;
zx_status_t I2cBusPublishMetadata(zx_device_t* dev, uint8_t pci_bus_num, uint64_t adr,
const ACPI_DEVICE_INFO& i2c_bus_info,
ACPI_HANDLE i2c_bus_object) {
std::vector<acpi_i2c_device_t> found_devices;
// Enumerate the device children who are direct descendants of the bus object.
ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE, i2c_bus_object, 1,
[&found_devices, &i2c_bus_info](ACPI_HANDLE object, uint32_t level,
acpi::WalkDirection dir) -> ACPI_STATUS {
// We only have work to do when descending into a node. Skip the node when
// we are ascending back through it.
if (dir == acpi::WalkDirection::Ascending) {
return AE_OK;
// Attempt to fetch the info for this device. Don't stop enumerating if
// we fail for this device, simply log a warning and keep going.
acpi::UniquePtr<ACPI_DEVICE_INFO> info;
if (auto res = acpi::GetObjectInfo(object); res.is_error()) {
zxlogf(WARNING, "Failed to fetch object info for device on I2C bus \"%s\"",
return AE_OK;
} else {
info = std::move(res.value());
acpi_i2c_device_t new_dev;
new_dev.protocol_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C;
// Extract the vendor specific HW ID into our devprops if it is present.
zx_status_t status = acpi::ExtractHidToDevProps(*info, new_dev.props, new_dev.propcount);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
"Failed to extract HID info ACPI I2C device \"%s\" on bus \"%s\" (status %d)\n",
fourcc_to_string(info->Name).str, fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str, status);
return AE_OK;
// If we have a CID, and it matches the I2C HID CID, then add the
// I2C HID class to our devprops if we can.
// TODO( This is a very focused hack to support binding to I2C
// HID Touch controllers on some older hardware. Once the bug has been
// resolved, driver clients will be able to access their relevant ACPI info
// on their own and all of this can go away.
if ((info->Valid & ACPI_VALID_CID) && (info->CompatibleIdList.Count > 0) &&
(info->CompatibleIdList.Ids[0].Length > 0)) {
if (!strcmp(info->CompatibleIdList.Ids[0].String, I2C_HID_CID_STRING)) {
if (new_dev.propcount >= std::size(new_dev.props)) {
"Insufficient space to store I2C class in devprops for ACPI I2C device \"%s\" on "
"bus \"%s\"\n",
fourcc_to_string(info->Name).str, fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str);
return AE_OK;
new_dev.props[new_dev.propcount].id = BIND_I2C_CLASS;
new_dev.props[new_dev.propcount++].value = I2C_CLASS_HID;
// Extract the first compatible ID into our devprops if it is present.
status = acpi::ExtractCidToDevProps(*info, new_dev.props, new_dev.propcount);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
"Failed to extract CID info ACPI I2C device \"%s\" on bus \"%s\" (status %d)\n",
fourcc_to_string(info->Name).str, fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str,
return AE_OK;
// Invoke the "Current Resource Settings" method (_CRS) on our device object
// and go looking for the resource which describes the I2C specific details
// of this device (its address, expected speed, and so on).
ACPI_STATUS acpi_status;
acpi_status = acpi::WalkResources(
object, "_CRS",
[&new_dev, &info, &i2c_bus_info](ACPI_RESOURCE* resource) -> ACPI_STATUS {
if (resource->Type != ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_SERIAL_BUS) {
return AE_NOT_FOUND;
if (resource->Data.I2cSerialBus.Type != ACPI_RESOURCE_SERIAL_TYPE_I2C) {
return AE_NOT_FOUND;
ACPI_RESOURCE_I2C_SERIALBUS* i2c = &resource->Data.I2cSerialBus;
new_dev.is_bus_controller = i2c->SlaveMode;
new_dev.ten_bit = i2c->AccessMode;
new_dev.address = i2c->SlaveAddress;
new_dev.bus_speed = i2c->ConnectionSpeed;
// TODO( This is a very focused hack to support binding to I2C
// on specific hardware. Once the bug has been resolved, driver clients will be able
// to access their relevant ACPI info on their own and all of this can go away.
if (!strcmp(info->HardwareId.String, ALC5663_HID_STRING)) {
if (!AddDeviveProperty(new_dev, PDEV_VID_REALTEK, PDEV_DID_ALC5663, *info,
i2c_bus_info)) {
return AE_OK;
} else if (!strcmp(info->HardwareId.String, ALC5514_HID_STRING)) {
if (!AddDeviveProperty(new_dev, PDEV_VID_REALTEK, PDEV_DID_ALC5514, *info,
i2c_bus_info)) {
return AE_OK;
} else if (!strcmp(info->HardwareId.String, MAX98927_HID_STRING)) {
if (!AddDeviveProperty(new_dev, PDEV_VID_MAXIM, PDEV_DID_MAXIM_MAX98927, *info,
i2c_bus_info)) {
return AE_OK;
if (acpi_status != AE_OK) {
"Failed to find ACPI CRS for I2C device \"%s\" on bus \"%s\" (status %d). Skipping "
fourcc_to_string(info->Name).str, fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str,
return AE_OK;
// Looks like we got all of the info we were looking for. Go ahead and add
// this device to our list.
return AE_OK;
// If we didn't find any devices, then we are done.
if (found_devices.empty()) {
// Publish the I2C device details as metadata on the future PCI device node.
// The canonical path to the PCI device is /dev/sys/pci/<b:d.f>
char path[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/dev/sys/pci/%02x:%02x.%01x", static_cast<uint32_t>(pci_bus_num),
static_cast<uint32_t>((adr >> 16) & 0xFFFF), static_cast<uint32_t>(adr & 0xFFFF));
zx_status_t status =
device_publish_metadata(dev, path, DEVICE_METADATA_ACPI_I2C_DEVICES,,
found_devices.size() * sizeof(decltype(found_devices)::value_type));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "acpi: failed to publish \"%s\" metadata (res %d)",
fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str, status);
} else {
zxlogf(INFO, "acpi: Published I2C metadata for %zu device%s on bus %s to \"%s\"",
found_devices.size(), found_devices.size() == 1 ? "" : "s",
fourcc_to_string(i2c_bus_info.Name).str, path);
return status;