blob: 007a8fa4cf9fca800f7b7e9fdcd1bb0c862ed094 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Deferred Procedure Calls - queue callback to invoke on the current CPU in thread context.
// DPCs are executed with interrupts enabled; DPCs do not ever migrate CPUs while executing.
// A DPC may not execute on the original current CPU if it is hotunplugged/offlined.
// DPCs may block, though this may starve other queued work.
struct dpc;
typedef void (*dpc_func_t)(struct dpc*);
typedef struct dpc {
struct list_node node;
dpc_func_t func;
void* arg;
} dpc_t;
{ \
.func = 0, \
.arg = 0, \
// initializes dpc for the current cpu
void dpc_init_for_cpu(void);
// queue an already filled out dpc, optionally reschedule immediately to run the dpc thread.
// the deferred procedure runs in a dedicated thread that runs at DPC_THREAD_PRIORITY
// dpc_queue will not block; it may wait briefly for a spinlock.
zx_status_t dpc_queue(dpc_t* dpc, bool reschedule);
// queue a dpc, but must be holding the thread lock
// does not force a reschedule
// dpc_queue_thread_locked will not block; it may wait briefly for a spinlock.
// |dpc| may be deallocated once the function starts executing.
// |dpc.func| may requeue the DPC if needed.
zx_status_t dpc_queue_thread_locked(dpc_t* dpc) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Begins the DPC shutdown process for |cpu|.
// Shutting down a DPC queue is a two-phase process. This is the first phase. See
// |dpc_shutdown_transition_off_cpu| for the second phase.
// This function:
// - stops servicing the queue
// - waits for any in-progress DPC to complete
// - ensures no queued DPCs will begin executing
// - joins the DPC thread
// Upon completion, |cpu| may have unexecuted DPCs and |dpc_queue| will continue to queue new DPCs.
// Once |cpu| is no longer executing tasks, finish the shutdown process by calling
// |dpc_shutdown_transition_off_cpu|.
void dpc_shutdown(uint cpu);
// Moves queued DPCs from |cpu| to the caller's CPU.
// This is the second phase of DPC shutdown. See |dpc_shutdown|.
// Should only be called after |cpu| has stopped executing tasks.
void dpc_shutdown_transition_off_cpu(uint cpu);