blob: dbef9a942705007dc8f3914c13078b19b140e949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/persistent-debuglog.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <platform/ram_mappable_crashlog.h>
#include <ram-crashlog/ram-crashlog.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
namespace {
FILE NULL_FILE = FILE{[](void*, ktl::string_view str) -> int {
DEBUG_ASSERT(str.size() <= ktl::numeric_limits<int>::max());
return static_cast<int>(str.size());
RamMappableCrashlog::RamMappableCrashlog(paddr_t phys, size_t len)
: crashlog_buffer_(phys && len
? ktl::span<char>{static_cast<char*>(paddr_to_physmap(phys)), len}
: ktl::span<char>{}),
render_target_(crashlog_buffer_.size() > sizeof(ram_crashlog_t)
? crashlog_buffer_.subspan(sizeof(ram_crashlog_t))
: ktl::span<char>{}) {
if (!crashlog_buffer_.empty()) {
// Go ahead and "recover" the log right now. All this will do is verify the
// various CRCs and extract the results if everything checks out. We don't
// want to do this more than once.
log_recovery_result_ =
ram_crashlog_recover(, crashlog_buffer_.size(), &recovered_log_);
} else {
memset(&recovered_log_, 0, sizeof(recovered_log_));
void RamMappableCrashlog::Finalize(zircon_crash_reason_t reason, size_t amt) {
// Whatever the user tells us, the amt of the crashlog render target which was
// filled cannot exceed the amount that we originally reported, nor can it be
// larger than what a u32 can hold.
amt = ktl::min(amt, render_target_.size());
amt = ktl::min<size_t>(amt, ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// The RAM crashlog library will gracefully handle a nullptr or 0 length here;
// no need to explicitly check that they are valid.
ram_crashlog_stow(, crashlog_buffer_.size(),,
static_cast<uint32_t>(amt), reason, current_time());
size_t RamMappableCrashlog::Recover(FILE* tgt) {
// If the user didn't supply a target FILE to render to, use the NULL_FILE
// instead so that we compute a proper length for them as we go.
if (tgt == nullptr) {
tgt = &NULL_FILE;
// Create a string representation of the HW reboot reason.
ZbiHwRebootReason hw_reason = platform_hw_reboot_reason();
const char* str_hw_reason;
char str_hw_reason_buf[16];
switch (hw_reason) {
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Undefined:
str_hw_reason = "UNKNOWN";
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Cold:
str_hw_reason = "COLD BOOT";
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Warm:
str_hw_reason = "WARM BOOT";
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Brownout:
str_hw_reason = "BROWNOUT";
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Watchdog:
str_hw_reason = "HW WATCHDOG";
snprintf(str_hw_reason_buf, sizeof(str_hw_reason_buf), "0x%08x",
str_hw_reason = str_hw_reason_buf;
// If we failed to recover any crashlog, simply report the size as 0.
if (log_recovery_result_ != ZX_OK) {
// Do not bother to log any recovery errors if the log was "corrupt", and we
// either don't know the HW reboot reason, or we know that the reason is a
// cold boot. We don't expect to recover any log during a cold boot, and
// systems which do not report a HW reboot reason via the ZBI will always
// just tell us "unknown".
if (ShouldPrintCrashlogStatus()) {
if (!((log_recovery_result_ == ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY) &&
((hw_reason == ZbiHwRebootReason::Undefined) ||
(hw_reason == ZbiHwRebootReason::Cold)))) {
printf("Crashlog: Failed to recover crashlog. Result %d, HW Reboot Reason %s\n",
log_recovery_result_, str_hw_reason);
return 0;
// OK, we have a log. Currently, the log is expected to be nothing but text,
// so we need to take the structured information we have access to and put it
// into string form. This includes:
// 1) The uptime estimate
// 2) The "software" reboot reason.
// 3) The "hardware" reboot reason (only if given to us by the bootloader).
// 4) The payload damage indicator (only if there was potential damage to the
// payload)
// The first few lines of text need to be structured so that they can be
// understood by the crash-log harvester up in userland. Right now, this is
// just a loose convention. Someday, it would be good to pass this data in a
// much more structured form.
const recovered_ram_crashlog_t& rlog = recovered_log_;
const char* str_reason;
switch (rlog.reason) {
case ZirconCrashReason::Unknown:
// If we rebooted spontaneously, check to see if we have some more details
// provided by way of the bootloader and the HW reboot reason register.
switch (hw_reason) {
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Brownout:
case ZbiHwRebootReason::Watchdog:
str_reason = str_hw_reason;
str_reason = "UNKNOWN";
case ZirconCrashReason::Oom:
str_reason = "OOM";
case ZirconCrashReason::Panic:
str_reason = "KERNEL PANIC";
case ZirconCrashReason::SoftwareWatchdog:
str_reason = "SW WATCHDOG";
case ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash:
str_reason = "NO CRASH";
case ZirconCrashReason::UserspaceRootJobTermination:
str_reason = nullptr;
if (ShouldPrintCrashlogStatus()) {
// Provide some basic details about the crashlog we recovered in the kernel
// log. This can assist in debugging failure in CI/CQ where we might have
// access to serial logs, but nothing else.
int64_t uptime_msec = rlog.uptime / ZX_MSEC(1);
if (rlog.reason == ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash) {
printf("Crashlog: Clean reboot. Uptime (%" PRId64 ".%03" PRId64 " sec) HW Reason \"%s\"\n",
uptime_msec / 1000, uptime_msec % 1000, str_hw_reason);
} else {
printf("Crashlog: Uptime (%" PRId64 ".%03" PRId64
" sec) SW Reason \"%s\" HW Reason \"%s\" Payload %s PLen %u\n",
uptime_msec / 1000, uptime_msec % 1000, str_reason, str_hw_reason,
rlog.payload_valid ? "valid" : "invalid", rlog.payload_len);
// First line must give the reboot reason, and be followed by two newlines.
size_t written = 0;
written += fprintf(tgt, "ZIRCON REBOOT REASON (%s)\n\n", str_reason);
// Uptime estimate comes next with a newline between the tag and the actual number
written += fprintf(tgt, "UPTIME (ms)\n%ld\n", rlog.uptime / ZX_MSEC(1));
// After this, we are basically just free form text.
if (str_hw_reason != nullptr) {
written += fprintf(tgt, "HW REBOOT REASON (%s)\n", str_hw_reason);
} else {
written += fprintf(tgt, "HW REBOOT REASON (0x%08x)\n", static_cast<uint32_t>(hw_reason));
if (rlog.payload_valid == false) {
written += fprintf(tgt,
"WARNING - The following crashlog payload failed length/CRC sanity checks "
"and may contain errors!\n");
if (rlog.payload && rlog.payload_len) {
tgt->Write(ktl::string_view{static_cast<const char*>(rlog.payload), rlog.payload_len});
written += rlog.payload_len;
// Render any persistent dlog we happened to recover
ktl::string_view dlog = persistent_dlog_get_recovered_log();
if (dlog.size() > 0) {
int print_res =
fprintf(tgt, "Recovered %zu bytes from the persistent debug log\n", dlog.size());
if (print_res > 0) {
written += print_res;
print_res = fprintf(tgt, "=================== BEGIN ===================\n");
if (print_res > 0) {
written += print_res;
written += tgt->Write(dlog);
print_res = fprintf(tgt, "=================== END ===================\n");
if (print_res > 0) {
written += print_res;
// Report the total length.
return written + rlog.payload_len;
void RamMappableCrashlog::EnableCrashlogUptimeUpdates(bool enabled) {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&uptime_updater_lock_};
if (uptime_updater_enabled_ != enabled) {
uptime_updater_enabled_ = enabled;
if (uptime_updater_enabled_) {
} else {
void RamMappableCrashlog::UpdateUptimeLocked() {
if (uptime_updater_enabled_) {
constexpr zx_duration_t kDefaultUpdateInterval = ZX_SEC(1);
ram_crashlog_stow(, crashlog_buffer_.size(), nullptr, 0,
ZirconCrashReason::Unknown, current_time());
Deadline next_update_time =
Deadline::after(kDefaultUpdateInterval, {kDefaultUpdateInterval / 2, TIMER_SLACK_CENTER});
[](Timer*, zx_time_t now, void* arg) {
auto thiz = reinterpret_cast<RamMappableCrashlog*>(arg);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&thiz->uptime_updater_lock_};