blob: 3ddd96777ec252f8f86add6894cb238325fdaa47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package types
import (
This file contains types which describe FIDL interfaces.
These types are intended to be directly deserialized from the FIDL interface
JSON representation. The types are then passed directly to language-specific
generators which produce source code.
Note that these are different from a naive AST-based representation of
FIDL text. Before being transformed into JSON, FIDL sources are preprocessed
to generate metadata required by all of the backends, such as the size of
types. Importantly, this removes the need for language-specific backends to
implement field, name, or type resolution and analysis.
type Identifier string
type LibraryIdentifier []Identifier
type CompoundIdentifier struct {
Library LibraryIdentifier
Name Identifier
Member Identifier
type EncodedLibraryIdentifier string
type EncodedCompoundIdentifier string
func (eli EncodedLibraryIdentifier) Parts() LibraryIdentifier {
return ParseLibraryName(eli)
func (eli EncodedLibraryIdentifier) PartsReversed() []string {
parts := eli.Parts()
partsReversed := make([]string, len(parts))
for i, part := range parts {
partsReversed[len(parts)-i-1] = string(part)
return partsReversed
func (eci EncodedCompoundIdentifier) Parts() CompoundIdentifier {
return ParseCompoundIdentifier(eci)
func (eci EncodedCompoundIdentifier) LibraryName() EncodedLibraryIdentifier {
parts := strings.SplitN(string(eci), "/", 2)
raw_library := ""
if len(parts) == 2 {
raw_library = parts[0]
return EncodedLibraryIdentifier(raw_library)
func ParseLibraryName(eli EncodedLibraryIdentifier) LibraryIdentifier {
raw_parts := strings.Split(string(eli), ".")
parts := make([]Identifier, len(raw_parts))
for i, raw_part := range raw_parts {
parts[i] = Identifier(raw_part)
return LibraryIdentifier(parts)
func ParseCompoundIdentifier(eci EncodedCompoundIdentifier) CompoundIdentifier {
parts := strings.SplitN(string(eci), "/", 2)
raw_library := ""
raw_name := parts[0]
if len(parts) == 2 {
raw_library = parts[0]
raw_name = parts[1]
library := ParseLibraryName(EncodedLibraryIdentifier(raw_library))
name_parts := strings.SplitN(raw_name, ".", 2)
name := Identifier(name_parts[0])
member := Identifier("")
if len(name_parts) == 2 {
member = Identifier(name_parts[1])
return CompoundIdentifier{library, name, member}
func EnsureLibrary(l EncodedLibraryIdentifier, eci EncodedCompoundIdentifier) EncodedCompoundIdentifier {
if strings.Index(string(eci), "/") != -1 {
return eci
new_eci := strings.Join([]string{string(l), "/", string(eci)}, "")
return EncodedCompoundIdentifier(new_eci)
type PrimitiveSubtype string
const (
Bool PrimitiveSubtype = "bool"
Int8 = "int8"
Int16 = "int16"
Int32 = "int32"
Int64 = "int64"
Uint8 = "uint8"
Uint16 = "uint16"
Uint32 = "uint32"
Uint64 = "uint64"
Float32 = "float32"
Float64 = "float64"
type HandleSubtype string
const (
Handle HandleSubtype = "handle"
Bti = "bti"
Channel = "channel"
DebugLog = "debuglog"
Event = "event"
Eventpair = "eventpair"
Exception = "exception"
Fifo = "fifo"
Guest = "guest"
Interrupt = "interrupt"
Iommu = "iommu"
Job = "job"
Pager = "pager"
PciDevice = "pcidevice"
Pmt = "pmt"
Port = "port"
Process = "process"
Profile = "profile"
Resource = "resource"
Socket = "socket"
SuspendToken = "suspendtoken"
Thread = "thread"
Time = "timer"
Vcpu = "vcpu"
Vmar = "vmar"
Vmo = "vmo"
type LiteralKind string
const (
StringLiteral LiteralKind = "string"
NumericLiteral = "numeric"
TrueLiteral = "true"
FalseLiteral = "false"
DefaultLiteral = "default"
type Literal struct {
Kind LiteralKind `json:"kind"`
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
type ConstantKind string
const (
IdentifierConstant ConstantKind = "identifier"
LiteralConstant = "literal"
type Constant struct {
Kind ConstantKind `json:"kind"`
Identifier EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
Literal Literal `json:"literal,omitempty"`
type TypeKind string
const (
ArrayType TypeKind = "array"
VectorType = "vector"
StringType = "string"
HandleType = "handle"
RequestType = "request"
PrimitiveType = "primitive"
IdentifierType = "identifier"
type Type struct {
Kind TypeKind
ElementType *Type
ElementCount *int
HandleSubtype HandleSubtype
RequestSubtype EncodedCompoundIdentifier
PrimitiveSubtype PrimitiveSubtype
Identifier EncodedCompoundIdentifier
Nullable bool
// UnmarshalJSON customizes the JSON unmarshalling for Type.
func (t *Type) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var obj map[string]*json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["kind"], &t.Kind)
if err != nil {
return err
switch t.Kind {
case ArrayType:
t.ElementType = &Type{}
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["element_type"], t.ElementType)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["element_count"], &t.ElementCount)
if err != nil {
return err
case VectorType:
t.ElementType = &Type{}
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["element_type"], t.ElementType)
if err != nil {
return err
if elementCount, ok := obj["maybe_element_count"]; ok {
err = json.Unmarshal(*elementCount, &t.ElementCount)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["nullable"], &t.Nullable)
if err != nil {
return err
case StringType:
if elementCount, ok := obj["maybe_element_count"]; ok {
err = json.Unmarshal(*elementCount, &t.ElementCount)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["nullable"], &t.Nullable)
if err != nil {
return err
case HandleType:
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["subtype"], &t.HandleSubtype)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["nullable"], &t.Nullable)
if err != nil {
return err
case RequestType:
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["subtype"], &t.RequestSubtype)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["nullable"], &t.Nullable)
if err != nil {
return err
case PrimitiveType:
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["subtype"], &t.PrimitiveSubtype)
if err != nil {
return err
case IdentifierType:
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["identifier"], &t.Identifier)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(*obj["nullable"], &t.Nullable)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown type kind: %s", t.Kind)
return nil
type Attribute struct {
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// Attributes represents a list of attributes. It conveniently implements the
// `Annotated` interface, such that it can be embedded into other node structs
// which are annotated.
type Attributes struct {
Attributes []Attribute `json:"maybe_attributes,omitempty"`
func (el Attributes) LookupAttribute(name Identifier) (Attribute, bool) {
for _, a := range el.Attributes {
if a.Name == name {
return a, true
return Attribute{}, false
func (el Attributes) HasAttribute(name Identifier) bool {
_, ok := el.LookupAttribute(name)
return ok
func (el Attributes) GetAttribute(name Identifier) Attribute {
attr, _ := el.LookupAttribute(name)
return attr
func (el Attributes) DocComments() []string {
doc, ok := el.LookupAttribute("Doc")
if !ok || doc.Value == "" {
return nil
return strings.Split(doc.Value[0:len(doc.Value)-1], "\n")
func (el Attributes) Transports() map[string]bool {
transports := map[string]bool{}
raw, ok := el.LookupAttribute("Transport")
if ok && raw.Value != "" {
for _, transport := range strings.Split(raw.Value, ",") {
transports[strings.TrimSpace(transport)] = true
// No transport attribute => just Channel
if !ok {
transports["Channel"] = true
return transports
// TypeShape represents the shape of the type on the wire.
// See JSON IR schema, e.g. fidlc --json-schema
type TypeShape struct {
InlineSize int `json:"inline_size"`
Alignment int `json:"alignment"`
Depth int `json:"depth"`
MaxHandles int `json:"max_handles"`
MaxOutOfLine int `json:"max_out_of_line"`
HasPadding bool `json:"has_padding"`
HasFlexibleEnvelope bool `json:"has_flexible_envelope"`
ContainsUnion bool `json:"contains_union"`
// FieldShape represents the shape of the field on the wire.
// See JSON IR schema, e.g. fidlc --json-schema
type FieldShape struct {
Offset int `json:"offset"`
Padding int `json:"padding"`
// Union represents the declaration of a FIDL union.
type Union struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Members []UnionMember `json:"members"`
TypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"type_shape_v1"`
// UnionMember represents the declaration of a field in a FIDL union.
type UnionMember struct {
Reserved bool `json:"reserved"`
XUnionOrdinal int `json:"xunion_ordinal"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Offset int `json:"offset"`
MaxOutOfLine int `json:"max_out_of_line"`
// XUnion represents the declaration of a FIDL extensible union.
type XUnion struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Members []XUnionMember `json:"members"`
Strictness `json:"strict"`
TypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"type_shape_v1"`
// XUnionMember represents the declaration of a field in a FIDL extensible
// xunion.
type XUnionMember struct {
Reserved bool `json:"reserved"`
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"`
ExplicitOrdinal int `json:"explicit_ordinal"`
HashedOrdinal int `json:"hashed_ordinal"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Offset int `json:"offset"`
MaxOutOfLine int `json:"max_out_of_line"`
// Table represents a declaration of a FIDL table.
type Table struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Members []TableMember `json:"members"`
TypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"type_shape_v1"`
// TableMember represents the declaration of a field in a FIDL table.
type TableMember struct {
Reserved bool `json:"reserved"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"`
MaybeDefaultValue *Constant `json:"maybe_default_value,omitempty"`
MaxOutOfLine int `json:"max_out_of_line"`
// byTableOrdinal is a wrapper type for sorting a []TableMember.
type byTableOrdinal []TableMember
func (s byTableOrdinal) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s byTableOrdinal) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].Ordinal < s[j].Ordinal
func (s byTableOrdinal) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
// SortedMembersNoReserved returns the table's members sorted by ordinal,
// excluding reserved members.
func (t *Table) SortedMembersNoReserved() []TableMember {
var members []TableMember
for _, member := range t.Members {
if !member.Reserved {
members = append(members, member)
return members
// Struct represents a declaration of a FIDL struct.
type Struct struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Anonymous bool `json:"anonymous"`
Members []StructMember `json:"members"`
TypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"type_shape_v1"`
// StructMember represents the declaration of a field in a FIDL struct.
type StructMember struct {
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
MaybeDefaultValue *Constant `json:"maybe_default_value,omitempty"`
MaxHandles int `json:"max_handles"`
FieldShapeV1 FieldShape `json:"field_shape_v1"`
// EmptyStructMember returns a StructMember that's suitable as the sole member
// of an empty struct.
func EmptyStructMember(name string) StructMember {
// Empty structs have a size of 1, so the uint8 struct member returned by this
// function can be used to pad the struct to the correct size.
return StructMember{
Type: Type{
Kind: PrimitiveType,
PrimitiveSubtype: Uint8,
Name: Identifier(name),
MaybeDefaultValue: &Constant{
Kind: "literal",
Identifier: "",
Literal: Literal{
Kind: "numeric",
Value: "0",
// Interface represents the declaration of a FIDL interface.
type Interface struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Methods []Method `json:"methods"`
func (d *Interface) GetServiceName() string {
_, found := d.LookupAttribute("Discoverable")
if found {
ci := ParseCompoundIdentifier(d.Name)
var parts []string
for _, i := range ci.Library {
parts = append(parts, string(i))
parts = append(parts, string(ci.Name))
return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", strings.Join(parts, "."))
return ""
// Service represents the declaration of a FIDL service.
type Service struct {
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Members []ServiceMember `json:"members"`
func (s *Service) GetServiceName() string {
ci := ParseCompoundIdentifier(s.Name)
var parts []string
for _, i := range ci.Library {
parts = append(parts, string(i))
parts = append(parts, string(ci.Name))
return strings.Join(parts, ".")
// ServiceMember represents the declaration of a field in a FIDL service.
type ServiceMember struct {
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Type Type `json:"type"`
// Method represents the declaration of a FIDL method.
type Method struct {
Ordinal uint64 `json:"ordinal"`
GenOrdinal uint64 `json:"generated_ordinal"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
HasRequest bool `json:"has_request"`
Request []Parameter `json:"maybe_request,omitempty"`
RequestTypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"maybe_request_type_shape_v1,omitempty"`
RequestPadding bool `json:"maybe_request_has_padding,omitempty"`
RequestFlexible bool `json:"experimental_maybe_request_has_flexible_envelope,omitempty"`
HasResponse bool `json:"has_response"`
Response []Parameter `json:"maybe_response,omitempty"`
ResponseTypeShapeV1 TypeShape `json:"maybe_response_type_shape_v1,omitempty"`
ResponsePadding bool `json:"maybe_response_has_padding,omitempty"`
ResponseFlexible bool `json:"experimental_maybe_response_has_flexible_envelope,omitempty"`
// IsTransitional returns whether this method has the `Transitional` attribute.
func (m *Method) IsTransitional() bool {
_, transitional := m.LookupAttribute("Transitional")
return transitional
// Parameter represents a parameter to a FIDL method.
type Parameter struct {
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
MaxHandles int `json:"max_handles"`
MaxOutOfLine int `json:"max_out_of_line"`
FieldShapeV1 FieldShape `json:"field_shape_v1"`
// Enum represents a FIDL declaration of an enum.
type Enum struct {
Type PrimitiveSubtype `json:"type"`
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Members []EnumMember `json:"members"`
// EnumMember represents a single variant in a FIDL enum.
type EnumMember struct {
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Value Constant `json:"value"`
// Bits represents a FIDL declaration of an bits.
type Bits struct {
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Mask string `json:"mask"`
Members []BitsMember `json:"members"`
// BitsMember represents a single variant in a FIDL bits.
type BitsMember struct {
Name Identifier `json:"name"`
Value Constant `json:"value"`
// Const represents a FIDL declaration of a named constant.
type Const struct {
Type Type `json:"type"`
Name EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"name"`
Value Constant `json:"value"`
// Strictness represents whether a FIDL object is strict or flexible. See
// <> for more
// information.
type Strictness bool
const (
IsFlexible Strictness = false
IsStrict Strictness = true
func (s Strictness) IsStrict() bool {
return s == IsStrict
func (s Strictness) IsFlexible() bool {
return s == IsFlexible
type DeclType string
const (
ConstDeclType DeclType = "const"
BitsDeclType = "bits"
EnumDeclType = "enum"
InterfaceDeclType = "interface"
ServiceDeclType = "service"
StructDeclType = "struct"
TableDeclType = "table"
UnionDeclType = "union"
XUnionDeclType = "xunion"
type DeclMap map[EncodedCompoundIdentifier]DeclType
func (dt DeclType) IsPrimitive() bool {
switch dt {
case BitsDeclType, EnumDeclType:
return true
return false
// Library represents a FIDL dependency on a separate library.
type Library struct {
Name EncodedLibraryIdentifier `json:"name,omitempty"`
Decls DeclMap `json:"declarations,omitempty"`
// Root is the top-level object for a FIDL library.
// It contains lists of all declarations and dependencies within the library.
type Root struct {
Name EncodedLibraryIdentifier `json:"name,omitempty"`
Consts []Const `json:"const_declarations,omitempty"`
Bits []Bits `json:"bits_declarations,omitempty"`
Enums []Enum `json:"enum_declarations,omitempty"`
Interfaces []Interface `json:"interface_declarations,omitempty"`
Services []Service `json:"service_declarations,omitempty"`
Structs []Struct `json:"struct_declarations,omitempty"`
Tables []Table `json:"table_declarations,omitempty"`
Unions []Union `json:"union_declarations,omitempty"`
XUnions []XUnion `json:"xunion_declarations,omitempty"`
DeclOrder []EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"declaration_order,omitempty"`
Decls DeclMap `json:"declarations,omitempty"`
Libraries []Library `json:"library_dependencies,omitempty"`
// DeclsWithDependencies returns a single DeclMap containining the FIDL
// library's declarations and those of its depedencies.
func (r *Root) DeclsWithDependencies() DeclMap {
decls := DeclMap{}
for k, v := range r.Decls {
decls[k] = v
for _, l := range r.Libraries {
for k, v := range l.Decls {
decls[EnsureLibrary(l.Name, k)] = v
return decls