blob: fc952e7615618f267db809d1bd916f5282a96461 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
// Gives access to the device map of the logged in user.
[Discoverable] // Exposed in user environment.
protocol DeviceMap {
// HACK(mesch): Just exposes all Device/* entries in the ledger.
// We'll need something better, possibly with access policy.
Query() -> (vector<DeviceMapEntry> devices);
// Returns the current device from the device map.
GetCurrentDevice() -> (DeviceMapEntry device);
// Sets the profile string for the current device.
// HACK(jimbe) This is a quick-and-dirty solution for FW-316. It needs to be
// completely redesigned once the Framework has a concept of profile (such
// as landscape/portrait.)
SetCurrentDeviceProfile(string profile);
// Requests a notification for each change to the DeviceMap. The given
// watcher will receive an initial notification for each existing device.
WatchDeviceMap(DeviceMapWatcher watcher);
struct DeviceMapEntry {
// The device's name. This name is user editable and may be the same between
// any of the user's devices.
string name;
// Semi-sticky device ID usable for syncing. Guarantees a unique device id
// that no another hardware will be using while this device is syncing.
// WARNING: This ID is persisted for an arbitrary amount of time and MAY be
// revoked or changed between launches of this service on this hardware.
string? device_id;
// The device's intended usage profile (stored as JSON)
string? profile;
// The last known hostname of this device.
// HACK(zbowling): this is temporary to assist with matching devices in
// netconnector RPC discovery.
string hostname;
// The time that this DeviceMapEntry was last changed. Will never be zero.
// Measured in Unix time, seconds since the epoch. This is not a heartbeat.
// Intended to allow detection of stale device entries.
uint64 last_change_timestamp;
// Implemented by the client calling DeviceMap.Watch().
protocol DeviceMapWatcher {
// Called with the current state right after registration, and subsequently
// when the state changes.
OnDeviceMapChange(DeviceMapEntry entry);