blob: f0377b842eced4c47eabc177f6212a4403d952ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
copy("acts") {
_data_dir = "$target_gen_dir/acts"
sources = [ "//prebuilt/test_data/connectivity/acts/" ]
outputs = [ "$_data_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
metadata = {
test_runtime_deps = [ "$_data_dir/" ]
specs = [
name = "acts_bt1_test"
tags = [ "acts-connectivity-bt1" ]
testbed = "bt_rf_chamber_nuc_phone"
tests = "BleFuchsiaAndroidTest GattServerSetupTest NetstackFuchsiaTest"
timeout_minutes = 15
name = "acts_bt2_test"
tags = [ "acts-connectivity-bt2" ]
testbed = "bt_rf_chamber_nuc_nuc"
tests = "BleFuchsiaTest FuchsiaBtMacAddressTest FuchsiaBtScanTest GattConnectionStressTest Sl4fSanityTest"
timeout_minutes = 15
name = "acts_wifi_test"
tags = [ "acts-connectivity-wifi" ]
testbed = "wifi_rf_chamber_nuc"
tests = "WlanScanTest WlanPhyComplianceABGTest WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest WlanPhyCompliance11NTest VapeInteropTest BeaconLossTest"
timeout_minutes = 1070 # 18 hours less 10 minutes for output processing in Dart script
name = "acts_astro_wifi_test"
tags = [ "acts-astro-connectivity-wifi" ]
testbed = "wifi_rf_chamber_astro"
tests = "WlanScanTest WlanPhyComplianceABGTest WlanSecurityComplianceABGTest WlanPhyCompliance11NTest VapeInteropTest BeaconLossTest"
timeout_minutes = 1070 # 18 hours less 10 minutes for output processing in Dart script
name = "acts_astro_wifi_fiber_test"
tags = [ "acts-astro-connectivity-wifi-fiber" ]
testbed = "wifi_rf_chamber_fiber_astro"
tests = "Sl4fSanityTest WlanScanTest"
timeout_minutes = 15
test_labels = []
foreach(spec, specs) {
dart_test( {
sources = [ "acts_test.dart" ]
deps = [
non_dart_deps = [ ":acts" ]
environments = [
dimensions = {
testbed = spec.testbed
pool = "fuchsia.tests.connectivity"
tags = spec.tags
args = [
test_labels += [ ":${}($host_toolchain)" ]
group("acts_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = test_labels