blob: 0b27bb3280661301b473068311e587064133405a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media_player {
// CallbackJoiner is used to take action after multiple 'child' operations are
// completed. CallbackJoiner is not threadsafe and should be used with only
// one thread.
// A CallbackJoiner maintains a counter of child operations and will call a
// callback when the counter is zero. The Spawn method signals the start of a
// child operation (increments the counter), and the Complete method signals
// the end of a child operation (decrements the counter). NewCallback combines
// these methods by first calling Spawn and then returning a callback that calls
// Complete.
// A single callback may be registered using the WhenJoined method. The callback
// is called when the child operation counter reaches zero, immediately if the
// counter is zero when WhenJoined is called.
// Here's an example of how to use CallbackJoiner to wait for multiple
// callbacks:
// std::shared_ptr<CallbackJoiner> callback_joiner =
// CallbackJoiner::Create();
// doSomethingAsync(callback_joiner->NewCallback());
// doSomethingElseAsync(callback_joiner->NewCallback());
// callback_joiner->Spawn();
// doSomethingAsyncWithAResult([callback_joiner](Result result) {
// // ...
// callback_joiner->Complete();
// });
// callback_joiner->WhenJoined(join_callback);
// Note that the CallbackJoiner is kept alive as long as the three callbacks
// still exist, because each callback captures a shared pointer to the
// CallbackJoiner.
class CallbackJoiner : public std::enable_shared_from_this<CallbackJoiner> {
// Creates a CallbackJoiner and returns a shared pointer to it.
// CallbackJoiners created in this way can safely create callbacks via the
// NewCallback method.
static std::shared_ptr<CallbackJoiner> Create();
// Constructs a CallbackJoiner. NOTE: CallbackJoiner::NewCallback only works
// for CallbackJoiners that already have shared pointers to them. The static
// Create method is recommended for CallbackJoiners whose NewCallback method
// will be invoked.
// Indicates the initiation of a child operation. Every call to Spawn should
// be matched by a subsequent call to |Complete|.
void Spawn() { ++counter_; }
// Indicates the completion of a child operation.
void Complete();
// Calls Spawn and returns a new callback, which calls Complete. THIS METHOD
fit::closure NewCallback();
// Specifies a callback to be called when all child operations have completed.
// If no child operations are currently pending, the callback is called
// immediately. If child operations are pending, the callback is copied. The
// copy called later (and reset) when all child operations have completed.
// Only one callback at a time can be registered with WhenJoined.
void WhenJoined(fit::closure join_callback);
// Cancels a callback registered with WhenJoined if it hasn't run yet. The
// return value indicates whether a callback was cancelled.
bool Cancel();
size_t counter_ = 0;
fit::closure join_callback_;
} // namespace media_player