blob: 3e6f1b12d3590f3bf367d2de011330df7602c44f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/graph/payloads/fifo_allocator.h"
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media_player {
FifoAllocator::FifoAllocator(uint64_t size) : front_(nullptr), free_(nullptr) {
// front_ and free_ need to be set to nullptr before calling reset.
FifoAllocator::~FifoAllocator() {
void FifoAllocator::Reset(uint64_t size) {
FXL_DCHECK(size < kNullOffset);
size_ = size;
free_ = nullptr;
front_ = back_ = active_ = get_free(false, size, 0);
active_->prev = nullptr;
active_->next = nullptr;
uint64_t FifoAllocator::AllocateRegion(uint64_t size) {
FXL_DCHECK(size != 0);
if (active_->size < size) {
// The active region is too small. Look for one that's large enough.
if (!AdvanceActive(size)) {
// No unallocated regions are large enough. Can't do the allocation.
return kNullOffset;
if (active_->size == size) {
// The active region is exactly the right size. Use it for the allocation.
uint64_t result = active_->offset;
active_->allocated = true;
if (active_ == back_ && !front_->allocated) {
// active_ was the back region and the front region isn't allocated. Make
// the front region the new active region.
active_ = front_;
} else {
// The region after active_ is allocated, so make a zero-sized
// placeholder.
return result;
// The active region can accommodate this allocation with room left over.
// Create a new region (allocated) of the requested size at the front of the
// active region, and adjust the active region to reflect the deficit.
FXL_DCHECK(active_->size > size);
Region* allocated = get_free(true, size, active_->offset);
active_->size -= size;
active_->offset += size;
insert_before(allocated, active_);
return allocated->offset;
void FifoAllocator::ReleaseRegion(uint64_t offset) {
// Start at active_->next. That's usually the region we're looking for.
bool __UNUSED released = Release(offset, active_->next, nullptr) ||
Release(offset, front_, active_);
bool FifoAllocator::AnyCurrentAllocatedRegions() const {
return front_ != back_ || front_ != active_;
bool FifoAllocator::Release(uint64_t offset, Region* begin, Region* end) {
FXL_DCHECK(begin != nullptr || end == nullptr);
for (Region* region = begin; region != end; region = region->next) {
if (region->offset == offset) {
region->allocated = false;
Region* prev = region->prev;
if (prev != nullptr && !prev->allocated) {
// Coalesce wtih the previous region.
prev->size += region->size;
region = prev;
Region* next = region->next;
if (next != nullptr && !next->allocated) {
// Coalesce wtih the next region.
next->offset = region->offset;
next->size += region->size;
if (active_ == region) {
// This can happen if we coalesced the previous region.
active_ = next;
return true;
return false;
bool FifoAllocator::AdvanceActive(uint64_t size) {
FXL_DCHECK(size != 0);
return AdvanceActive(size, active_->next, nullptr) ||
AdvanceActive(size, front_, active_);
bool FifoAllocator::AdvanceActive(uint64_t size, Region* begin, Region* end) {
for (Region* region = begin; region != end; region = region->next) {
if (!region->allocated && region->size >= size) {
if (active_->size == 0) {
// The old active region is zero-sized. Get rid of it.
active_ = region;
return true;
return false;
void FifoAllocator::MakeActivePlaceholder() {
// If the old active region was at the back of the list, we'll be inserting
// at the front, so make the offset zero. We insert at the front, because it's
// a bit more efficient and because we don't need to implement insert_after.
Region* new_active = get_free(
false, 0, active_ == back_ ? 0 : active_->offset + active_->size);
FXL_DCHECK((active_ == back_) == (active_->next == nullptr));
insert_before(new_active, active_ == back_ ? front_ : active_->next);
active_ = new_active;
void FifoAllocator::remove(Region* region) {
if (region->prev == nullptr) {
FXL_DCHECK(front_ == region);
front_ = region->next;
} else {
FXL_DCHECK(region->prev->next == region);
region->prev->next = region->next;
if (region->next == nullptr) {
FXL_DCHECK(back_ == region);
back_ = region->prev;
} else {
FXL_DCHECK(region->next->prev == region);
region->next->prev = region->prev;
void FifoAllocator::insert_before(Region* region, Region* before_this) {
region->prev = before_this->prev;
before_this->prev = region;
region->next = before_this;
if (front_ == before_this) {
FXL_DCHECK(region->prev == nullptr);
front_ = region;
} else {
region->prev->next = region;
FifoAllocator::Region* FifoAllocator::get_free(bool allocated, uint64_t size,
uint64_t offset) {
FXL_DCHECK(size <= size_);
FXL_DCHECK(offset <= size_ - size);
Region* result = free_;
if (result == nullptr) {
result = new Region();
} else {
free_ = free_->next;
result->allocated = allocated;
result->size = size;
result->offset = offset;
return result;
void FifoAllocator::DeleteFrontToBack(Region* region) {
while (region != nullptr) {
Region* to_delete = region;
region = region->next;
delete to_delete;
} // namespace media_player