blob: f5c7d19d5799ee1463945b2a1588c472f8a7bb3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/gap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/lmp_feature_set.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/pairing_state.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gap {
class PeerCache;
// Represents a remote Bluetooth device that is known to the current system due
// to discovery and/or connection and bonding procedures. These devices can be
// LE-only, Classic-only, or dual-mode.
// Instances should not be created directly and must be obtained via a
// PeerCache.
class Peer final {
// Connection state.
enum class ConnectionState {
// No link exists between the local adapter and this device.
// Currently establishing a link, performing service discovery, or
// setting up encryption. In this state, a link may have been
// established but it is not ready to use yet.
// Link setup, service discovery, and any encryption setup has completed
// Contains Peer data that apply only to the LE transport.
class LowEnergyData final {
explicit LowEnergyData(Peer* owner);
// Current connection state.
ConnectionState connection_state() const { return conn_state_; }
bool connected() const {
return connection_state() == ConnectionState::kConnected;
bool bonded() const { return bond_data_.has_value(); }
// Advertising (and optionally scan response) data obtained during
// discovery.
const BufferView advertising_data() const {
return adv_data_buffer_.view(0, adv_data_len_);
// Most recently used LE connection parameters. Has no value if the peer
// has never been connected.
const std::optional<hci::LEConnectionParameters>& connection_parameters()
const {
return conn_params_;
// Preferred LE connection parameters as reported by the peer.
const std::optional<hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters>&
preferred_connection_parameters() const {
return preferred_conn_params_;
// This peer's LE bond data, if bonded.
const std::optional<sm::PairingData>& bond_data() const {
return bond_data_;
// Setters:
// Updates the LE advertising and scan response data.
// |rssi| corresponds to the most recent advertisement RSSI.
// |advertising_data| should include any scan response data if obtained
// during an active scan.
void SetAdvertisingData(int8_t rssi, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Updates the connection state and notifies listeners if necessary.
void SetConnectionState(ConnectionState state);
// Modify the current or preferred connection parameters.
// The device must be connectable.
void SetConnectionParameters(const hci::LEConnectionParameters& value);
void SetPreferredConnectionParameters(
const hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters& value);
// Stores LE bonding data and makes this "bonded."
// Marks as non-temporary if necessary.
void SetBondData(const sm::PairingData& bond_data);
// Removes any stored keys. Does not make the peer temporary, even if it
// is disconnected. Does not notify listeners.
void ClearBondData();
// TODO(armansito): Store most recently seen random address and identity
// address separately, once PeerCache can index peers by multiple
// addresses.
Peer* peer_; // weak
ConnectionState conn_state_;
size_t adv_data_len_;
DynamicByteBuffer adv_data_buffer_;
std::optional<hci::LEConnectionParameters> conn_params_;
std::optional<hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters> preferred_conn_params_;
std::optional<sm::PairingData> bond_data_;
// TODO(armansito): Store all keys
// TODO(armansito): Store GATT service UUIDs.
// Contains Peer data that apply only to the BR/EDR transport.
class BrEdrData final {
explicit BrEdrData(Peer* owner);
// Current connection state.
ConnectionState connection_state() const { return conn_state_; }
bool connected() const {
return connection_state() == ConnectionState::kConnected;
bool bonded() const { return link_key_.has_value(); }
// Returns the peer's BD_ADDR.
const DeviceAddress& address() const { return address_; }
// Returns the device class reported by the peer, if it is known.
const std::optional<DeviceClass>& device_class() const {
return device_class_;
// Returns the page scan repetition mode of the peer, if known.
const std::optional<hci::PageScanRepetitionMode>&
page_scan_repetition_mode() const {
return page_scan_rep_mode_;
// Returns the clock offset reported by the peer, if known and valid. The
// clock offset will have the highest-order bit set and the rest represent
// bits 16-2 of CLKNslave-CLK (see hci::kClockOffsetFlagBit in
// hci/hci_constants.h).
const std::optional<uint16_t>& clock_offset() const {
return clock_offset_;
const BufferView extended_inquiry_response() const {
return eir_buffer_.view(0, eir_len_);
const std::optional<sm::LTK>& link_key() const { return link_key_; }
// Setters:
// Updates the inquiry data and notifies listeners. These
// methods expect HCI inquiry result structures as they are obtained from
// the Bluetooth controller. Each field should be encoded in little-endian
// byte order.
void SetInquiryData(const hci::InquiryResult& value);
void SetInquiryData(const hci::InquiryResultRSSI& value);
void SetInquiryData(const hci::ExtendedInquiryResultEventParams& value);
// Updates the connection state and notifies listeners if necessary.
void SetConnectionState(ConnectionState state);
// Stores a link key resulting from Secure Simple Pairing and makes this
// peer "bonded." Marks the peer as non-temporary if necessary. All
// BR/EDR link keys are "long term" (reusable across sessions).
void SetBondData(const sm::LTK& link_key);
// Removes any stored link key. Does not make the device temporary, even if
// it is disconnected. Does not notify listeners.
void ClearBondData();
// TODO(armansito): Store BD_ADDR here, once PeerCache can index
// devices by multiple addresses.
// All multi-byte fields must be in little-endian byte order as they were
// received from the controller.
void SetInquiryData(DeviceClass device_class, uint16_t clock_offset,
hci::PageScanRepetitionMode page_scan_rep_mode,
int8_t rssi = hci::kRSSIInvalid,
const BufferView& eir_data = BufferView());
// Updates the EIR data field and returns true if any properties changed.
bool SetEirData(const ByteBuffer& data);
Peer* peer_; // weak
ConnectionState conn_state_;
DeviceAddress address_;
std::optional<DeviceClass> device_class_;
std::optional<hci::PageScanRepetitionMode> page_scan_rep_mode_;
std::optional<uint16_t> clock_offset_;
// TODO(jamuraa): Parse more of the Extended Inquiry Response fields
size_t eir_len_;
DynamicByteBuffer eir_buffer_;
std::optional<sm::LTK> link_key_;
// TODO(armansito): Store traditional service UUIDs.
// Number that uniquely identifies this device with respect to the bt-host
// that generated it.
// TODO(armansito): Come up with a scheme that guarnatees the uniqueness of
// this ID across all bt-hosts. Today this is guaranteed since we don't allow
// clients to interact with multiple controllers simultaneously though this
// could possibly lead to collisions if the active adapter gets changed
// without clearing the previous adapter's cache.
PeerId identifier() const { return identifier_; }
// The Bluetooth technologies that are supported by this device.
TechnologyType technology() const { return technology_; }
// The known device address of this device. Depending on the technologies
// supported by this device this has the following meaning:
// * For BR/EDR devices this is the BD_ADDR.
// * For LE devices this is identity address IF identity_known() returns
// true. This is always the case if the address type is LE Public.
// For LE devices that use privacy, identity_known() will be set to false
// upon discovery. The address will be updated only once the identity
// address has been obtained during the pairing procedure.
// * For BR/EDR/LE devices this is the BD_ADDR and the LE identity address.
// If a BR/EDR/LE device uses an identity address that is different from
// its BD_ADDR, then there will be two separate Peer entries for
// it.
const DeviceAddress& address() const { return address_; }
bool identity_known() const { return identity_known_; }
// The LMP version of this device obtained doing discovery.
const std::optional<hci::HCIVersion>& version() const { return lmp_version_; }
// Returns true if this is a connectable device.
bool connectable() const { return connectable_; }
// Returns true if this device is connected over BR/EDR or LE transports.
bool connected() const {
return (le() && le()->connected()) || (bredr() && bredr()->connected());
// Returns true if this device has been bonded over BR/EDR or LE transports.
bool bonded() const {
return (le() && le()->bonded()) || (bredr() && bredr()->bonded());
// Returns the most recently observed RSSI for this peer. Returns
// hci::kRSSIInvalid if the value is unknown.
int8_t rssi() const { return rssi_; }
// Gets the user-friendly name of the device, if it's known. This can be
// assigned based on LE advertising data, BR/EDR inquiry data, or by directly
// calling the SetName() method.
const std::optional<std::string>& name() const { return name_; }
// Returns the set of features of this device.
const hci::LMPFeatureSet& features() const { return lmp_features_; }
// A temporary device gets removed from the PeerCache after a period
// of inactivity (see the |update_expiry_callback| argument to the
// constructor). The following rules determine the temporary state of a
// device:
// a. A device is temporary by default.
// b. A device becomes non-temporary when it gets connected.
// c. A device becomes temporary again when disconnected only if its
// identity is not known (i.e. identity_known() returns false). This only
// applies to LE devices that use the privacy feature.
// Temporary devices are never bonded.
bool temporary() const { return temporary_; }
// Returns the LE transport specific data of this device, if any. This will be
// present if information about this device is obtained using the LE discovery
// and connection procedures.
const std::optional<LowEnergyData>& le() const { return le_data_; }
// Returns the BR/EDR transport specific data of this device, if any. This
// will be present if information about this device is obtained using the
// BR/EDR discovery and connection procedures.
const std::optional<BrEdrData>& bredr() const { return bredr_data_; }
// Returns a mutable reference to each transport-specific data structure,
// initializing the structure if it is unitialized. Use these to mutate
// members of the transport-specific structs. The caller must make sure to
// invoke these only if the device is known to support said technology.
LowEnergyData& MutLe();
BrEdrData& MutBrEdr();
// Returns a string representation of this device.
std::string ToString() const;
// The following methods mutate Peer properties:
// Updates the name of this device. This will override the existing name (if
// present) and notify listeners of the change.
void SetName(const std::string& name);
// Sets the value of the LMP |features| for the given |page| number.
void SetFeaturePage(size_t page, uint64_t features) {
lmp_features_.SetPage(page, features);
// Sets the last available LMP feature |page| number for this device.
void set_last_page_number(uint8_t page) {
void set_version(hci::HCIVersion version, uint16_t manufacturer,
uint16_t subversion) {
lmp_version_ = version;
lmp_manufacturer_ = manufacturer;
lmp_subversion_ = subversion;
friend class PeerCache;
using DeviceCallback = fit::function<void(const Peer&)>;
// Caller must ensure that callbacks are non-empty.
// Note that the ctor is only intended for use by PeerCache.
// Expanding access would a) violate the constraint that all Peers
// are created through a PeerCache, and b) introduce lifetime issues
// (do the callbacks outlive |this|?).
Peer(DeviceCallback notify_listeners_callback,
DeviceCallback update_expiry_callback, DeviceCallback dual_mode_callback,
PeerId identifier, const DeviceAddress& address, bool connectable);
// Marks this device's identity as known. Called by PeerCache when
// initializing a bonded device and by LowEnergyData when setting bond data
// with an identity address.
void set_identity_known(bool value) { identity_known_ = value; }
// Assigns a new value for the address of this device. Called by LowEnergyData
// when a new identity address is assigned.
void set_address(const DeviceAddress& address) { address_ = address; }
// Updates the RSSI and returns true if it changed.
bool SetRssiInternal(int8_t rssi);
// Updates the name and returns true if there was a change without notifying
// listeners.
// TODO(armansito): Add similarly styled internal setters so that we can batch
// more updates.
bool SetNameInternal(const std::string& name);
// Marks this device as non-temporary. This operation may fail due to one of
// the conditions described above the |temporary()| method.
// TODO(armansito): Replace this with something more sophisticated when we
// implement bonding procedures. This method is here to remind us that these
// conditions are subtle and not fully supported yet.
bool TryMakeNonTemporary();
// Tells the owning PeerCache to update the expiry state of this
// device.
void UpdateExpiry();
// Signal to the cache to notify listeners.
void NotifyListeners();
// Mark this device as dual mode and signal the cache.
void MakeDualMode();
// Callbacks used to notify state changes.
DeviceCallback notify_listeners_callback_;
DeviceCallback update_expiry_callback_;
DeviceCallback dual_mode_callback_;
PeerId identifier_;
TechnologyType technology_;
DeviceAddress address_;
bool identity_known_;
std::optional<std::string> name_;
std::optional<hci::HCIVersion> lmp_version_;
std::optional<uint16_t> lmp_manufacturer_;
std::optional<uint16_t> lmp_subversion_;
hci::LMPFeatureSet lmp_features_;
bool connectable_;
bool temporary_;
int8_t rssi_;
// Data that only applies to the LE transport. This is present if this device
// is known to support LE.
std::optional<LowEnergyData> le_data_;
// Data that only applies to the BR/EDR transport. This is present if this
// device is known to support BR/EDR.
std::optional<BrEdrData> bredr_data_;
} // namespace gap
} // namespace bt