blob: 9cf41683266f1f51b93a849f839534d6b224f79f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "database.h"
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/permissions.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
namespace bt {
namespace att {
namespace {
bool StartLessThan(const AttributeGrouping& grp, const Handle handle) {
return grp.start_handle() < handle;
bool EndLessThan(const AttributeGrouping& grp, const Handle handle) {
return grp.end_handle() < handle;
} // namespace
QueuedWrite::QueuedWrite(Handle handle, uint16_t offset,
const ByteBuffer& value)
: handle_(handle), offset_(offset), value_(value) {}
Database::Iterator::Iterator(GroupingList* list, Handle start, Handle end,
const UUID* type, bool groups_only)
: start_(start), end_(end), grp_only_(groups_only), attr_offset_(0u) {
grp_end_ = list->end();
if (type)
type_filter_ = *type;
// Initialize the iterator by performing a binary search over the attributes.
// If we were asked to iterate over groupings only, then look strictly within
// the range. Otherwise we allow the first grouping to partially overlap the
// range.
grp_iter_ = std::lower_bound(list->begin(), grp_end_, start_,
grp_only_ ? StartLessThan : EndLessThan);
if (AtEnd())
// If the first grouping is out of range then the iterator is done.
if (grp_iter_->start_handle() > end) {
if (start_ > grp_iter_->start_handle()) {
attr_offset_ = start_ - grp_iter_->start_handle();
// If the first is inactive or if it doesn't match the current filter then
// skip ahead.
if (!grp_iter_->active() ||
(type_filter_ &&
grp_iter_->attributes()[attr_offset_].type() != *type_filter_)) {
const Attribute* Database::Iterator::get() const {
if (AtEnd() || !grp_iter_->active())
return nullptr;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(attr_offset_ < grp_iter_->attributes().size());
return &grp_iter_->attributes()[attr_offset_];
void Database::Iterator::Advance() {
if (AtEnd())
do {
if (!grp_only_ && grp_iter_->active()) {
// If this grouping has more attributes to look at.
if (attr_offset_ < grp_iter_->attributes().size() - 1) {
size_t end_offset = grp_iter_->end_handle() - grp_iter_->start_handle();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(end_offset < grp_iter_->attributes().size());
// Advance.
for (; attr_offset_ <= end_offset; ++attr_offset_) {
const auto& attr = grp_iter_->attributes()[attr_offset_];
// If |end_| is within this grouping and we go past it, the iterator
// is done.
if (attr.handle() > end_) {
// If there is no filter then we're done. Otherwise, loop until an
// attribute is found that matches the filter.
if (!type_filter_ || attr.type() == *type_filter_)
// We are done with the current grouping. Fall through and move to the
// next group below.
attr_offset_ = 0u;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(attr_offset_ == 0u);
// Advance the group.
if (AtEnd())
if (grp_iter_->start_handle() > end_) {
if (!grp_iter_->active() || !grp_iter_->complete())
// If there is no filter then we're done. Otherwise, loop until an
// attribute is found that matches the filter. (NOTE: the group type is the
// type of the first attribute).
if (!type_filter_ || (*type_filter_ == grp_iter_->group_type()))
} while (true);
Database::Database(Handle range_start, Handle range_end)
: range_start_(range_start), range_end_(range_end) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(range_start_ < range_end_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(range_start_ >= kHandleMin);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(range_end_ <= kHandleMax);
Database::Iterator Database::GetIterator(Handle start, Handle end,
const UUID* type, bool groups_only) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start >= range_start_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(end <= range_end_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start <= end);
return Iterator(&groupings_, start, end, type, groups_only);
AttributeGrouping* Database::NewGrouping(const UUID& group_type,
size_t attr_count,
const ByteBuffer& decl_value) {
// This method looks for a |pos| before which to insert the new grouping.
Handle start_handle;
decltype(groupings_)::iterator pos;
if (groupings_.empty()) {
if (range_end_ - range_start_ < attr_count)
return nullptr;
start_handle = range_start_;
pos = groupings_.end();
} else if (groupings_.front().start_handle() - range_start_ > attr_count) {
// There is room at the head of the list.
start_handle = range_start_;
pos = groupings_.begin();
} else if (range_end_ - groupings_.back().end_handle() > attr_count) {
// There is room at the tail end of the list.
start_handle = groupings_.back().end_handle() + 1;
pos = groupings_.end();
} else {
// Linearly search for a gap that fits the new grouping.
// TODO(armansito): This is suboptimal for long running cases where the
// database is fragmented. Think about using a better algorithm.
auto prev = groupings_.begin();
pos = prev;
for (; pos != groupings_.end(); ++pos, ++prev) {
size_t next_avail = pos->start_handle() - prev->end_handle() - 1;
if (attr_count < next_avail)
if (pos == groupings_.end()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "att", "attribute database is out of space!");
return nullptr;
start_handle = prev->end_handle() + 1;
auto iter =
groupings_.emplace(pos, group_type, start_handle, attr_count, decl_value);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter != groupings_.end());
return &*iter;
bool Database::RemoveGrouping(Handle start_handle) {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(groupings_.begin(), groupings_.end(),
start_handle, StartLessThan);
if (iter == groupings_.end() || iter->start_handle() != start_handle)
return false;
return true;
const Attribute* Database::FindAttribute(Handle handle) {
if (handle == kInvalidHandle)
return nullptr;
// Do a binary search to find the grouping that this handle is in.
auto iter = std::lower_bound(groupings_.begin(), groupings_.end(), handle,
if (iter == groupings_.end() || iter->start_handle() > handle)
return nullptr;
if (!iter->active() || !iter->complete())
return nullptr;
size_t index = handle - iter->start_handle();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(index < iter->attributes().size());
return &iter->attributes()[index];
void Database::ExecuteWriteQueue(PeerId peer_id, PrepareWriteQueue write_queue,
const sm::SecurityProperties& security,
WriteCallback callback) {
// Send a response without writing to any attributes if the queue is empty
// (see Vol 3, Part F,
if (write_queue.empty()) {
callback(kInvalidHandle, ErrorCode::kNoError);
// Continuation that keeps track of all outstanding write requests. |callback|
// is called once |count| reaches 0 or an error is received.
WriteCallback f = [cb = std::move(callback), count = write_queue.size()](
Handle handle, ErrorCode ecode) mutable {
bt_log(TRACE, "att", "execute write result - handle: %#.4x, error: %#.2hhx",
handle, ecode);
if (!cb) {
bt_log(SPEW, "att", "ignore execute write result - already responded");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(count > 0);
if (count == 0 || ecode != ErrorCode::kNoError) {
auto f = std::move(cb);
f(handle, ecode);
while (!write_queue.empty()) {
auto next = std::move(write_queue.front());
const auto* attr = FindAttribute(next.handle());
if (!attr) {
// The attribute is no longer valid, so we can respond with an error and
// abort the rest of the queue.
f(next.handle(), ErrorCode::kInvalidHandle);
if (next.value().size() > kMaxAttributeValueLength) {
f(next.handle(), ErrorCode::kInvalidAttributeValueLength);
ErrorCode ecode = CheckWritePermissions(attr->write_reqs(), security);
if (ecode != ErrorCode::kNoError) {
f(next.handle(), ecode);
// TODO(armansito): Consider removing the boolean return value in favor of
// always reporting errors using the callback. That would simplify the
// pattern here.
if (!attr->WriteAsync(peer_id, next.offset(), next.value(),
[handle = next.handle(), f = f.share()](
ErrorCode ecode) { f(handle, ecode); })) {
f(next.handle(), ErrorCode::kWriteNotPermitted);
} // namespace att
} // namespace bt